Jake swallows. Jungwon hooks his arms around Jongseongs neck, pulling him closer, if that was even possible. Hey, Im sorry aboutthe way things ended up, after theyou know, Sunghoon confesses. When Sunoo was talking too fast for Riki to understand, fully, Riki still gave him his full attention. If he and Jungwon should kiss, Jongseong would fall deeper in love, because hes that easy, and then they would start dating, then they would lose The Bet, then it would all, inevitably, go to shit because Jongseong is also in love with Heeseung. but im not losing Heeseung rolls his eyes, grabs Rikis wrist, and drags him outside. I dont think Heeseung is even capable of love., Sunghoon snorts and says, without thinking, I think the Japanese stoner boy hes always hanging out with provides good evidence to the contrary., Sorry, Sunghoon says again. Jongseong, unfortunately, remembers every second of The Foursome, and hes ninety-nine percent sure Sunghoon never touched Jakes dick then, which means. It hurts Jake to see Sunoo like this. You guys do know you have to keep this up for the next four months?. It takes Jongseong a long time to realize what Heeseung just said, and the incredulous looks on Sunoo and Jungwons faces. He briefly wonders what Riki must have said, but then realizes that the most probable answer is nothing at all. It was supposed to be just the juniors and Heeseung, but then Jongseong asked if he could invite Jungwon, who in turn asked if he could bring Sunoo. im starting my research around then, jongseong Sunghoon noticed him though, and with some time, Sunoo noticed how much Sunghoon looked at him. Sex means different things to different people, and its an simple concept for straight people. Maybe its because of Riki, maybe it isnt, that Sunoo doesnt get it. Hes seen nearly all of Rikis paintings, but none of them have been quite as evocative as this one. And were not blind. Thats really all you need to know.. Nothing, Riki says. I feel comfortable and safe with you, he says, and Heeseung hears what Riki doesnt say. Riki bows his head. "A couple of besties," D'Amelio responded as Beck laughed. The term was first entered into the crowd-sourced slang lexicon in 2010. How did Sunoo even make The Bet with Riki if they werent speaking before?, You know Riki, Sunghoon says. The third item is what Sunoo has capitalized on via The Bet. Theyre all tangled up, and Jongseong knows that this is more than practicing, much more, knows that this was never for the sake of The Bet. He likes spending time with Heeseung and he likes being his best friend. Whats my percentage? he asks, wanting to cover all his bases before he commits to anything. All that. Twitter Nishimura Riki is good at everything. Youyou guysan orgy? Jungwon looks like a volcano seconds away from erupting. No one stirs. Eventually, they relocate to Jungwons bed, sitting side-by-side, parallel with the short end of the bed, their feet hanging off. Or tell the truth., Jongseong snorts. Riki finally does, biting down on his lip when he sees the angry look on Jungwons face. Okay, maybe Heeseung had everything to do with The Breakup. He continues scanning through missed texts, and he scrolls past most of them, but lands on one from Jongseong, time stamped around midnight. Riki is lying on the carpet of Heeseungs living room, high as a kite. I knew that I was going to get hurt in the end, but I still, Jongseong finally looks back up and into Jungwons eyes. You havent, though, so take your time., Jake doesnt think hes ready to talk about it any deeper than they already have, so he just nods. Heeseung thinks he looks cute. Sunoo is staying the night at Jongseongs apartment with Jake and SunghoonJungwon doesnt quite know whats going on between them, and hes honestly afraid to askso Jungwon has the room to himself. Likeregular portraits are fine, but its weird looking at my own face so much. They helped each other up and met eyes. Hes been picking up Korean phrases from Heeseung and the rest of their friend group, and Heeseung lovingly calls him Chulsoo, sometimes. Just a little.. Aha After The Foursome, he texted me wuu2? Jungwon had a short stint working at the underground student-run cafe, and Jongseong recognized the pretty barista who took his order. Im good for now.. The first rule of The Foursome is: you do not talk about The Foursome. Jongseong wasnt friends with Heeseungto be precise, friends who occasionally had sexfor that long before Heeseung met Riki. Im sorry that when I finally got a footing, I didnt Riki cuts himself off, his voice cracking. He still likes Sunoo. You know, he starts slowly, Ive been wondering this for a long time. Heeseung merely grinned. That includes the way you feel about Heeseung, Jungwon saysshouts, really. Sorry, Riki said, pulling the sleeves of the hoodie over his hands, bunching up the fabric in his palms, shrinking in on himself. I dont really do that. Theyre cold, but soft. But you also want Jungwon, and you think that picking him is going to end up with you losing him.. His eyes were lidded, smooth black hair swept back, but with a few strands falling over his eyes. An observation: Sunghoon and Sunoo have been spending a lot of time together. I love you guys, sighs Jake, because he always gets like that when hes high. It felt like an extension of their friendship, which Jake knows is ridiculous, and theres probably some sort of deep-seated phobia that drove that attitude, but Jake will put that aside for now. Youre beautiful, Jungwon wants to say, but he knows that that isnt an appropriate thing to say to someone whose heart has just been broken in two. Thats fine, Riki says, already working on his painting. Have I ever said no to you?. My games at 7!!! Nothing, Sunoo says, switching back to English. Water ran down his chest in rivulets, a towel hanging low on his hips. You would be better at art if you knew the techniques and everything, the history too maybe, but you can still make art, I think. Jake cant help but frown. He lingers at the door, glancing at Sunoo who doesnt look any better than when Jake first found him. Lower, in the corners: dark reds and blues bleeding into black. Hes leaning toward no, but he also knows that Jongseong is the only person Heeseung has been sleeping with for the past couple months. It can be a thing between us three, though., Oh, Jake exhales, trying his best to seem like his world hasnt been flipped upside-down. He shakes his head. Im up for this and everything, but does anyone else think this is a really stupid idea? Jake asks after theyve all signed. Of course I know about The Bet., Do you also know about the plan to make me up the stakes?, Heeseung laughs. Making a bet with Sunoo was probably the one thing that would get him to break his vow of silence., Jake hums. sunoo I dont know what you all want me to do., You dont need to be friends again, but you cant keep acting like there wasnt ever anything between you two. Heeseungs eyes soften. Sunoo watched. And I didnt know what he meant, and then he said it was cute that I didnt know hookup slang, and then I. Jake turns a little green. It was justhow it was. Its yours., Heeseung grinned. Jongseong is standing by the door trying to decide whether or not he actually wants food. JUNGWON Dont worry about it, Heeseung said with a reassuring smile. He asked Sunoo if he wanted to go smoke with him outside, but Sunoo didnt want to get crossed, so he said no, and Riki went outside on his own. Literally?. Hes like a bullfighter. He might be in Anthropology, but he had a brief stint as a Business major in freshman year. hope you all enjoyed this vid the night did end up messy - in a good way - the only way it should ;) thanks so much for watching!emma xoxo. So, J-Hope switched things up and started treating ARMYs like his puppy, and honestly, we're not mad at it. Instead of lamenting the loss of the one person who youve previously been able to (physically) lean on in times of trouble, the internet has presented a new solution: What if everyone is your bestie now? I know, Riki replied, propping himself up on his elbow, smiling at Heeseung. Most of what he knew about Heeseung was from Sunoo and Jungwon, but neither of them knew him very well either. Heeseung laughs and shuts his book, putting it on his bedside table. You still care about him.. No response. It doesnt hurt like being in love with Lee Heeseung. Ive justbeen with Heeseung a lot., Sunoos mouth pinched into a line. Just let me lay against you for a bit.. I love you too! Sunoo replies adorably. Sunoo hums cutely, flashes Sunghoon a cheery smile, then adds, Knocking his teeth out would probably be going too far, so bleeding his bank account dry is the closest alternative.. What? Jongseong asks, half-distracted listening to Jake struggling to get the worker to understand his Australian accent. Every time I asked you why you were breaking up with me, you said, Thank you for the past two months. You never actually told me why.. Jongseong doesnt know if its a good or bad thing. Audio. riki came over Although, maybe Jungwon does have an idea of why he never noticed it before; he was too focused on the way Jongseong loved Heeseung; Jongseongs love is so blinding that, at times, you cant really see anything but. Jongseong sucks in a breath, jaw hanging open as he looks up at the pretty boy who has placed himself in his lap. As a result, Sunghoon was able to start over. He heard the front door slam shut a few moments later, and next thing he knew, Jake came knocking. It had only been thirty minutes. Riki shrugs. YouTuber Adam McIntyre frequently uses the term in reference to his followers. He shakes his head. Did you love me? Riki frowned, and something clawed at his throat. Um., Okay, not that, then. They stared at each other for a moment, drawn-out, and for the first time in weeks, Riki really thought about itwhat they were and how they felt for each otherand he realized he didnt know if he still felt the same way, didnt know if he still wanted them to be what they were. He puts his bag on the ground. News What did you do to Sunoo the other night? Jungwon asks as he takes a seat next to Riki in the lecture hall. It all boils down to this: hes interesting. Maybe it wasnt the only reason, but it was a factor. He doesnt need to say it. Love is like that. Or did you just love the way I loved you?. Riki, Jungwon says, firmer this time. I know it doesntI know it might not seem that way, but Im really trying., Jake swallows, heart climbing up his throat. I do, but. He was smiling. Jungwon doesnt know how he didnt notice it before, how happy Heeseung and Riki make each other, how happy they are just to have each other. Makes him feel safe. Yeah. Riki nods, sucking in a breath when he feels tears drip down to his pants. Culture You and him, I mean.. slack: you have a notification :) Riki curls his hands into fists by his knees. Maybe your first time with a guy wouldnt have been a foursome?, Well, I had a great time, and I know you guys did too. But he liked them and he had a friend in most of them, so it wasnt too bad, he once explained. Sunghoon nods and gets up. Im biased. It happens to you. Dragging his feet, he scuttles over to the bathroom, changes into Heeseungs clothes, washes his face, and grabs the spare toothbrush Heeseung bought for him. The bowl gets refilled and passed around a few more times. They got coffee, and went from there. We can practice.. How do you really feel about Riki? Jungwon asks. Honestly, I always forget that you two dated., Yeah, Sunoo mutters, looking off to the side. Yeah, that makes sense.. Riki held an art exhibition in December. Like, really?, Sunghoon shrugs. Jake flails a little. They didnt know how to in the new context. Um if you lose do we all have to pay, sunoo But at the same time, it makes me happy to know Heeseung has someone who understands him, even if that person is not me.. Heeseung has issues. He tucks his feet beneath his butt and repositions himself so that his body is angled toward Jongseongs. It doesnt really make sense; Jongseong isnt sure if thats because hes very high or if The Plan itself is severely flawed. He never hangs out with Jake one-on-one and barely talks to him when theyre all together. Heeseung quirked a brow. Fine. You dont expect anything from me, Heeseung ends up saying. I cant explain it. Jongseong smiled at him in solidarity. Hey, if youre going to fall asleep immediately, at least change into pajamas.. The second item, everyone else in their friend group but Jongseong seems to know, which is why theyve all been turning a blind eye to his escapades with Heeseung. Once they reach the bottom of the stairs, Sunoo says, I can walk you back to your dorm. Sunoo was just so loved by everyone, and Riki loved him too, and he wanted to be like him. Wheres Heeseung? he asks instead. The Meet-Cute: They met on the first day of classes. Hes always there for Riki. Sunghoon rolls his eyes. Do you know him? Riki asked, eyes flicking back down. When Jongseong looks up, he notices that both Riki and Sunoos eyes are on them. We see the way you look at him., Jongseong swallows. Also, sorry. Seeing it in motion, or pre-motion, is quite different from being aware of it. Hes probably just shy. Vrithika, I'm super mad at you. Riki looks at him, but doesnt say anything. But, I think sometimes there are things you should do, even if you dont want to do them or dont have to do them.. With a guy since?. Jake laughs into Sunghoons mouth, Sunghoon smooths his hand down Jakes back, and they keep going. Jongseongs throat feels tight. It doesnt. Only if Im not locked into answering it, Riki says. Yeah. Jake nods in understanding. In the afternoons, before or after their classes, they would go out on dates or simply laze about on the quad together, head to the skatepark or the dining hall. Ill try to understand where youre coming from, too., Sunoo lets go of his hands. The thing is: what they did tonight was definitely sex. Jungwon gets twenty. Advertise here for $5/day. When Sunghoon finally escapes the finger trap of his jumper, Sunoo learns it was the first, if Sunghoons bright red cheeks have anything to say about it. Like many stories, but not all of them, it conforms to a three-act structure. Riki brings his puff bar back to his mouth. A person who no matter what is the best thing that ever happened to you. Thats also fine! I dont mind, Jungwon says, much gentler. Im afraid to ask you Tiktoshh - Breezysmamager, Millennials & Gen Z Finally Team Up to Dunk on Gen X, Heres How 2020 Vision Predicted Celebrity Deaths and Why Its Calling 2021 Vision a Fraud, This Frontline Doctor Shared the Story of Her Miscarriage. Theyre strangely familiar. Copyright 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Go fruit picking. Oh, Jongseong says, because what else can he say to that? Several of the other students in the room look up due to the volume. next one tho :(, jay Justsomething that felt a lot like understanding. He likes it, being in love. I justIm really tired of the whole Riki drama. Sure, he says, and then hesitates. Bestie Vibes Only Meaning Gifts & Merchandise | Redbubble High quality Bestie Vibes Only Meaning-inspired gifts and merchandise. Especially with the things that matter. Jongseong is surprised that Jungwon even agreed to The Plan. Are you feeling sick? Jongseong asks, running his fingers through Jungwons hair. Jungwon pauses. Have a friendly bake-off. Jongseong lets out a wet laugh, says, Im fine, Ill be there in twenty, and hangs up. WERE YOU LIKE You know how to fix it.. Riki found himself telling Heeseung anyway. He lets go and this time, its him whos cupping Jungwons cheeks. Jongseong is pretty sure Heeseung knew that it was the most dire for him to sign the NDA, also. Item #5 on the list: Jongseong is incredibly perceptive, except with the things that matter. Jongseong visibly struggles to come up with something to say. = She gave off a weird vibe. Heeseung and Riki would barely post on any social media, but when they did, it was always photos of them with each other. I think itll be fun, Jungwon says, sliding his fingers between Jongseongs. Sunoo makes a face, then he glances outside and sees Heeseung stomping out the joint, him and Riki about to head back inside. Oh, good. Hyung, Jungwon says, slipping into Korean, which he only does when hes frustrated or very tired. I dont. Im joking. Ive seen everything hes worked on this semester, Heeseung says. They make a group chat, but it dies after just a day because Heeseung cant be bothered with keeping up, Sunghoon loves to mute chats as soon as he joins them, Jongseong and Jake feel bad about leaving Riki out, and Sunoo and Jungwon already text frequently on their own. He cant help but glance at Jungwons lips, wonder if theyd feel as soft as they look. Jungwon religiously uses lip balm. Yeah, and you really surprised me with all your jizz., Jongseong splutters. Riki nodded. Where even is that? Ill see you at dinner, okay?. Sunoo didnt really see him; he didnt really see anyone but Riki. And its fun.. But if youre serious about Jongseong, Riki goes on, then what I want doesnt matter., Heeseung chews on his bottom lip and sits up straight. One: Heeseung and Riki really were just friends. Ever. me an jay are pregam,ing the pre You know what Sunoo told me? Jjongsaeng got too drunk, so Heeseung drove over to pick him and Jungwon up.. He sits up against the headboard until hes shoulder to shoulder with Heeseung. Heeseung! he called, pulling his AirPods out and putting them away. And Heeseung has been rubbing off on him. Im friends with both of them, and its hard being in the middle when they barely speak to each other., Jongseong nods. Riki drags his eyes along the slope of his nose, down the ridges of his throat, and notices that Heeseungs shirt is riding slightly up his stomach. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Jungwon knows that Riki is saying something else, but he also knows that it is not for him to hear. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. the important ones are in the additional tags. Really, it was all so that Riki wouldnt find out, and given how close Heeseung and Riki are, it wouldnt be too far of a jump to say that if not for the NDAs, Heeseung mighht have told Riki immediately. He smiles as soon as he realizes the answer he was looking for. After squeezing in another round, then another one in the shower, Jake and Sunghoon leave their place together, since Jongseong is coming from Jungwon and Sunoos, and start walking over to Heeseungs apartment, only ten minutes away. Riki is Riki. The Foursome occurred, tragically, the first weekend of fall semester. Shit, my badoh, hey, its you, Heeseung pants, leaning over and putting his hands on his knees as he catches his breath. He eventually grabs Heeseungs arm and drags him over to the line for food. He loves dance more than he loves art, somehow has an internship at Google already, spends too much money on flavored vapes that Heeseung purchases for him, and smokes enough weed to tranquilize a horse. Heeseung and Riki, when you look at them from the outside in, dont make any sense. Because it cant feel good to know that thats why he yeah., Jongseong laughs quietly under his breath and shakes his head. Hey, have you guys seen my Juul? Heeseung and Riki are in their own world, giggling as they watch TikToks on Rikis phone and share a puff bar. He knows where they stand. He nodded and reached over the table to pluck the joint from the strangers fingertips. Sunghoon laughs at him and goes on. When its just Jongseong and Sunghoon mixing drinks in the kitchen, Jongseong asks, Whats going on with you and Sunoo? What can I say? Sunghoon, who was in the middle of pulling off his sweatshirt, makes a strained sound. That it feels like you never cared about him at all. He takes a seat in front of his painting. Want to get lunch? Yeah, Riki said, chewing on the inside of his cheek, I did. He curled his legs inward till his Achilles heels were pressed against Heeseungs thigh. Im not sure if guilt is in his toolbox of emotions.. He let Sunoo into Heeseungs apartment, and it was awkward, so he retreated into Heeseungs room, closed the door, logged into Animal Crossing on his Switch, and that was that. Not even just help him hide it or bury it, but he would help Riki cut it up into pieces and throw the parts into a vat of hydrofluoric acid, Breaking Bad style. Heeseung thinks its the greatest game ever invented. I justwish that it was a harder decision to make., That means you care, Riki. Did something happen?. Zoom happy hours and other virtual gatherings have been a sorry replacement for actual human interaction, and try as you might to approximate a social life online, lets face it: You probably miss your bestie. Almost all of Heeseungs clothes are already baggy on Heeseung himself, so Jongseong practically drowns in them; the fabric has slipped to the side, exposing a collarbone. He was. Riki never told Heeseung about all the photos his parents took of him when he was a kid and posted on the internet, and he isnt ever going to. I think youll like it., Yeah? Heeseung says, smiling back. We are more likebesties! You mean, like, theyre dating?, No, not even that, Sunghoon replies, and they start to make their way up the stairs. I bet he was cute, Heeseung says with a laugh. Its like hes trying to find something. He meant it. Two: Heeseung was not his. He reaches an arm over to pat Jongseongs back. Youre free until next Saturday, right? Thank you, by the way, Riki said. You take it, he replied, reaching into his pocket. sorry i have practice Yeah, Jake is going to kill Jongseong the first chance he gets. Some facts that Jungwon knows with absolute certainty: He loves Jongseong, and he has loved him since the day they met. I gotta go., Jongseong stammers for a second, and then semi-coherently objects, I thought we were studying until dinner?, I never said that, Sunoo says, gathering his things. Its debatable. Boyfriend: Hey, wanna go to the movies with me later? In high school, when Jake first had penetrative sex with a girl, it was easy for him decide that he wasnt a virgin anymore. My cat is my bestie. Yeah, Jongseong should not have let Sunghoon take that hit. Heeseung is lying on the bed, reading a textbook propped up on his pillow when Riki comes in, slipping off his jacket and draping it over Heeseungs desk chair. I get fifty.. Its like Fight Club, even if it was a one time thing. He usually came over to Sunoo and Jungwons in his free nights to game, do homework together, or just enjoy each others company. Please dont do that.. Please? Probably, Riki replied, flexing his fingers, palms smoothing down the hard gravel. Sunghoon leans over to nip the lobe of Sunoos ear. Me and Sunoo grew apart, but me and you grew closer. Thanks., The stranger, now only clad in a white long-sleeve, picked up the joint and brought it to his mouth. He fished one out from his front pocket and handed it over to Riki, who lit the end as he pulled a drag. Jongseong now has a boyfriend, Sunoo has two kind-of-boyfriends, and Heeseung has Riki, but that part isnt anything new, really. Jungwon is one of his best friends. Are you, like, on something? he asks with a pained laugh. Heeseung rubbed the back of his head. Jongseong only stares mutely at the cat whiskers laid over Jungwons toes. Jungwon gives him a look. Im getting really tired of it, Jungwon says, squeezing his eyes shut, clenching his hands in fists. Remind me, Heeseung says, carding his fingers through Rikis hair, were you always this tall?, Riki shakes his head into Heeseungs shoulder. 2000 aesthetic, best friends, ride or die, right hand, happiness, goals, bestie goals, best friend goals, y2k aesthetic, tumblr fashion, 2000s vibes, 90s aesthetic, early 2000s, retro aesthetic, edgy aesthetic, shopcider, cider clothing, best friend . Where are you going? Jongseong asks when Sunoo pushes his chair back under the desk. He probably fell in love with him that night, but he fell in love all over the next time they met, on a sober Wednesday morning. He cried a lot. He does things because he wants tonothing more. It didnt feel like sex to himnot in the moment, not in retrospect. The door slams behind Jungwon. Jungwonie Jongseong mutters, frowning, and Jungwon pulls him into a hug. As soon as he gets the okay, he starts to make his way there. But I didntyou have to understand that I didnt Riki takes a long moment to calm down, to swallow the knife in his throat and breathe. Jongseong chews on the inside of his cheek. Hes probably with Jungwon, but Heeseung is also a possibility. Smoke twirls into the air. Its gender neutral, making it a much more inclusive replacement for previous catchall terms like guys. It was also probably helped by the popularity of TikToks . He always knew that Jake was rich, but he never flaunts it, not like Jongseong does by accident. Available in a range of colours and styles for men, women, and everyone. Jake understands. Sunghoon first met Sunoo at Heeseungs birthday party, tried to get his attention, and quickly found out he had a boyfriend. Instead, he says, Ill stopwith Jongseong., Rikis mouth hangs open for a moment. The high was finally starting to hit Riki: his body felt looser, the world felt calm, even with the pulsing music booming from the house behind them, but the cool breeze made him shiver, his arms lining with goosebumps. Something claws at Jongseongs throat, and he rips himself away, gets up on his knees to tower over Jungwon, still laid out on the floor, looking dazed. Heeseung loves him because, Jongseong says, defeated. But mostly, it comes during a time when individual support systems and relationships are pretty much the only thing propping us up through a worldwide crisis. I think it would convince Riki very well, Jungwon says. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Are you mad that he didnt tell you beforehand?, Heeseung turns his cheek onto the pillow, looking shocked. How? Jongseong wheezes. Perhaps the one good thing that came out of it is that it roped Heeseung into their trio. Youre coming to dinner, right? Jungwon asks, smiling when Jongseong sends back, Just got out of my last anthro final. Its on the way to mine., Riki shakes his head. You guys arent dating, right?. People think its hard to love more than one person at the same time, but Jongseong happens to excel at it. Riki giggled so hard his stomach hurt. Hey, sorry, I forgot I had lunch plans with Jongseong, he lies, pulling out his phone and sending Jongseong a text, are u free rn? I watched him look up Word Document templates., Sunghoon shakes his head. Were not talking about that. He wouldnt hang out with Heeseung in place of Sunoo, butinstead of Sunoo. Jongseong asked Heeseung about it, last month at a kickback, when Riki and Heeseung were already thick as thieves and Jongseong was too drunk to have the sense to keep his thoughts to himself.
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