Chopper's Seven-Level Transformation, When the Kingdom's Rule is Over! Rebel Warrior Koza! He leads the Marines directly to his crew mates that were purchasing provisions and water in the town. However, the fish is defeated by the Kung-Fu Dugongs they met before. In joined efforts, Sanji, Zoro and Luffy kill the lizard and cook it. WebHighly aggressive pack hunters, lapahn will not hesitate to attack humans, and are regarded as the most dangerous animals on Drum Island. Residence: Robin tells him that Pluton was not mentioned and that it was only about history, but Crocodile figures out that she was lying and stabs her in response. Royal Head Chef, Igaram's Wife. Dalton told Vivi and Usopp about the island's history. Anime post Right then, Vivi thought about the only place that would be useful for launching such an attack: the clock tower, which used to be a hideout for Koza and her other friends. Mr. 3 introduces Zoro, Nami, Vivi, and Brogy to the slow torture of becoming living statues of wax. A running gag throughout much of the Arabasta Arc was that Vivi constantly forgot to warn the Straw Hats about various dangers of the desert, such as giant scorpions and lizards, until after they appeared. Also if you can find gains like that anywhere else let me know, because Id like to see it. It was then that Crocodile was finally defeated by Luffy, and as a result, Crocodile's effect on the land was broken, causing it to rain. Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji quickly dispatched any threatening creatures but berated her for her inability to remember such things beforehand. Afterward, out of Wapol's sight, she cried about how much it had hurt.[33]. Occupations: During the Little Garden Arc, she wears a light green long-sleeve shirt with blue lines, white shorts, and white boots. This was more noticeable in the anime than the manga, as the animators drew her in such a different way that she could almost be mistaken for another character. However, since both her attempts failed, her actual ability in these skills is currently unknown. The Wandering Swordsman, Zoro! They would later meet again and get reacquainted two years later when they both attended the current Levely to which she greets both him and Dr. Kureha. Manga ini telah Unfortunately, Crocodile appears grabbing Luffy by the neck. When Neptune expressed his disgust at the World Noble's actions and went on to attack him, saying he would never bring his kind to the surface again, Vivi was brought to tears, saying that not all humans are like the World Nobles. Anime pre Affiliations: [18], However, during execution Mr. 2 is spotted changing back by a local kid named Kappa, but the child is taken care of by Mr. 1 and Miss Doublefinger. A Hero Descends! Meanwhile, the Rebel Army had started their rush toward Alubarna. However, Sanji forces him to make a copy of the key using his powers, and releases everyone. Just then, the other two kidnappers arrived and were about to fight Koza when Igaram and Cobra knocked them out. As an act of gratitude, the giants cut a path through the giant goldfish, allowing the pirates to sail away safely. Arriving in Arabasta: The Port Town of Nanohana, Arriving in Rainbase: Crocodile's Plan Unveiled, chapter 165's title page and Volume 23's cover, Miss Goldenweek's "Operation: Meet Baroque Works", From the Decks of the World: The 500,000,000 Man Arc, The Stories of the Self-Proclaimed Straw Hat Grand Fleet, Germa 66's Ahh An Emotionless Excursion, Chopper's Kingdom on the Island of Strange Animals, The Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle, Episode of Arabasta: The Desert Princess and the Pirates, Episode of Chopper Plus: Bloom in Winter, Miracle Sakura. Vivi reveals to her father and royal guards that she knows Nico Robin is with Luffy, without giving it importance. Soon, Usopp heard a sound and realized an avalanche was careening towards them. A Serious Fight! After escaping from Marines, Nico Robin (Ms. All Sunday) appears from inside of Straw Hats ship. [73], They continued their journey through the desert. Vivi grew up knowing that she was responsible for the well-being of her country. [35], Luffy revealed to Nami a Log Pose he found after they dumped the Mr. 9 pair, but Sanji broke it almost immediately when he kicked Luffy for eating his entire elephant tuna. Vivi and Luffy plead for the help of a doctor. Vivi brought up several royal references which instigated Dalton to become suspicious of her background. Giving correct answers and clearing each tier will reward you with important in-game items and Bellies, which serve as the primary currency. Reunited, Luffy and Vivi recounted what had just happened and were likewise filled in by Usopp. WebMarch 21. [16][17], In Alubarna, Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas have kidnapped King Nefertari Cobra while Mr. 2 Bon Kurei acts as him in Nanohana alongside a fake group of soldiers. Fierce Fight of Captain Karoo! Koza also arrived at the scene, intending to demand Cobra's surrender, only to find out the truth of the situation. Pell is especially fond of her, even taking her for a ride despite the king having forbidden it. He reveals the truth of Baroque Works' ploy to everyone. The First Patient! Meanwhile, Wapol reaches the castle where the crew is residing. Battle at Molehill 4th Avenue. Anime Episodes: 155-217, 63 chapters [10] He gives the Straw Hats a place to sleep and also digs up a gallon of water in the night. When the rest of the crew was depressed because of her absence, he commented that they should have taken her by force if they wanted her to stay that badly.[13]. Vivi reads about Luffy's reappearance at Marineford. [54], However, despite the bomb's explosion knocking the soldiers over, they simply get up and continue the battle. Tears of Regret and Tears of Anger. The Straw Hat crew gives Vivi a choice of coming with them if she wants to, and to make her decision by noon. 101-217, 117 chapters Bushido". The newest member, Matsuge, also helped in the fight against Baroque Works and has been very close with the princess ever since, even sometimes seen shopping with her and Karoo. Nami and Usopp meet a giant named Brogy, while Luffy and Vivi encounter Brogy's rival, Dorry. Death Match: Round 2. The "Arabasta Saga"[1] (, Arabasuta-hen? Like many who knew him, she believes that Luffy will be the King of the Pirates. In Baroque Works, Mr. 9 and Miss Monday had become close friends with Vivi (as Miss Wednesday) and Igaram (as Mr. 8). After being nearly eaten alive by one Bananawani, she witnessed Luffy and Zoro defeated a group of them easily, causing Vivi to wail to Usopp about not being able to handle even one. [54] Eventually Luffy battled Dorry to a standstill and she scanned the area and noticed Karoo had gone missing. Arc Chronology [51], Vivi and the crew eventually arrived in Little Garden. She bit him and ran towards the ruins. [69], The Straw Hats finally reached the desert kingdom of Arabasta, making landfall at the port town of Nanohana. [86], Vivi went missing during the Levely around the same time as her father, Cobra, was seemingly assassinated by Sabo. Vivi met Rasa when they were children, during a royal tour around the country along with her father. After Miss All-Sunday left, Vivi apologized because she felt that she would only cause the crew trouble, but Nami told her that she should not have followed them in the first place, and the crew set sail for Little Garden. The Straw Hats respond back by showing her their friendship marks on their arms before sailing off.[62]. She has a natural skill in diplomacy. [71] Vivi sent Karoo with a message to Alubarna to warn the King. Meanwhile, before Vivi could give the word to blow up the palace, Crocodile appears. The news of this development reaches King Cobra, and his Royal Guards implore him to get ready to fight the Rebel Army. However, Mr. 2 has figured out Sanji's weakness. Sanji made Crocodile believe he got caught in front of Rain Dinners, prompting the Warlord of the Sea to check out the situation in front of the casino. While shopping for clothes, Sanji bought dancing girl outfits for Nami and Vivi. Manga Chapters: Luffy defeats Crocodile by punching him through solid bedrock. At age fourteen, she was able to infiltrate Baroque Works and, over the course of two years, quickly rose to frontier agent status without anybody realizing her true identity. In order to maintain their cover and devise a plan to stop Crocodile, Vivi and Igaram continued to climb the ranks of the organization, eventually becoming Frontier agents. There, they were treated to some dinosaur meat and got acquainted with Dorry. Vivi was happy enough to hug the cook, to his shameless delight. But Luffy dodges it and kicks Crocodile into the air to which Crocodile counters with an attack that further decreases the stability of the catacombs. She was able to hold her own against a group of Billions, although she was eventually overwhelmed by their sheer numbers and had to be saved by Pell. After joining the clan, Vivi became close to Koza's family.[30]. There, he "admits" that he used Dance Powder to make it so that it rains only in Alubarna, and orders his soldiers to destroy the town, because they were the ones who saw the powder being carried in. The doctor is discovered to be on the other side of the island, and Usopp, Vivi and Dalton rush to find her. After hearing the story of Laboon the whale, Luffy comes up with a clever solution to his problems. The Straw Hats finally reach the desert kingdom of Arabasta and begin their race across the land to reach Alubarna before a massive war can break out between the kingdom's royal guards and the rebels. F[7] At a young age, Vivi crossed paths with the then king of Drum Kingdom during a Levely, and due to the latter's confrontation with Cobra, the meeting ended with Wapol shoving her, and wounding her. When a group of kidnappers threatened Vivi, she was rescued by her friends. However, because of the bond that they made throughout the journey, Nami decided to give up on the demands for the sake of her friendship with Vivi. Manga post After she infiltrated the organization, her true identity was discovered, and she was attacked by Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine at Whiskey Peak. Prehistoric Island! Likewise, Igaram was fond of the Princess and often acted with such deep concern for her well-being that it bordered on paranoia. When they reached Drum Island, she was able to persuade Luffy to not attack the villagers and even put on a brave face after being shot in the arm. One Piece Odyssey was released on January 13, 2023, across PC and next-gen consoles, following a brand new adventure from series creator Eiichiro Oda. Soon, Vivi appeared before her father and told him that she got into a fight but lost. The Doctor Who is Called a Witch! Luffy reunites with his brother, and together take down agents of Baroque Works. To keep the nearby Marines from recognizing Vivi as their ally, they said only a silent goodbye to her, showing the marks on their wrists as a sign of their friendship. [12] She and Karoo are now regarded as honorary members of the Straw Hat Pirates, at least by Luffy and the others. Vivi reunites with the royal guardian Pell, but is captured by Miss All-Sunday. Next Anime Two years later, Sanji showed great delight in seeing Vivi's picture in the newspaper. Natasha Malinsky Vivi Tells of Her Adventures! Vivi meets up with the group introducing her father to the crew. Against Wapol's Army Corps! Vivi's color scheme in the manga before the timeskip. The jungle island fascinated Luffy, not only because of the adventure it could provide, but also because it contained all sorts of prehistoric animals, ranging from saber-toothed cats to dinosaurs. Vice Admiral Garp mentors Koby and Helmeppo to become marines. Someone on the other ship greeted the man as Mr. 2 Bon Kurei, informing the shocked Straw Hats that they had just partied with an enemy. Usopp frees Luffy from Miss Goldenweek's control. Her courage convinced the villagers to allow them into the village peacefully. With that, they bade Crocus and Laboon farewell and set off. Nami is Sick? Vivi finds the bomb inside of the clock tower, but the Mr. 7 pair of Baroque Works are there to protect it. Her confidence in her own fighting abilities were so great that she even openly tried to attack Roronoa Zoro, till she realized the clear difference in strength between the two of them. Subsequently, she wears a dark blue desert outfit. Misa WatanabeSara Nakayama (Grand Battle! [26], As the news of Luffy's exploits at Totto Land spread across the world, Vivi read about it in the newspaper.[83]. 1999-2002 (Manga), 2001-2002 (Anime) One Piece ( bahasa Jepang: Hepburn: Wan Psu) adalah sebuah seri manga Jepang yang ditulis dan diilustrasikan oleh Eiichiro Oda. When she arrived at Levely, she took off her cape. WebWatch One Piece: Alabasta (62-135) The Battlefront of Alabasta! She most often wears her hair pulled back into a ponytail, and brown eyes. He was embarrassed when it was found, and when Vivi learned about it, she was sad to cause one of her subjects pain unintentionally.[25]. Her instinct seems to be to tackle her opponent and hold them down, as seen during her confrontations with Luffy and Koza. After finally been convinced to join the team, Chopper announces his intentions to Dr. Kureha, who does not take it too well; but after escaping from the castle, she has decided to give the whole Straw Hat crew a farewell gift. At Arabasta, Luffy forced her to admit she needed help in taking down Crocodile and asked her to let him and the crew carry some of her burden. While Crocodile reveals to Vivi about the ancient weapon Pluton, Nami attempts to defeat Miss Doublefinger with her most powerful attack: The Tornado Tempo. She has a slender body but tends to wear less-revealing clothing than Nami and Robin do. [50] On his way out however, he is confronted by Luffy again. When Luffy recovers from the last round of fighting, he chases after Crocodile into the tomb. During her childhood, Vivi was part of the Suna Suna Clan, being the vice-leader of the group led by her friend Koza. [61], Luffy and Sanji set out to bring Nami to the island's only doctor, a "witch" living at the top of a mountain. Vivi's selfless nature could be seen especially when she asked the Straw Hats to make a detour to get medical help for Nami instead of continuing straight to Arabasta, even though she knew her country was in a state of emergency. Luffy lost half their stuff to Warusagi Birds, who, as Vivi explained after the fact, trick travelers and steal their luggage. Miss Wednesday's top is circled in the manga. Inherited Recipe! [44] Vivi meets the rest of the Straw Hats on the foot of the wall and goes to search for the bomb with them and Pell. Chopper and Usopp battle Mr. 4, his devil fruit gun/dog Lassoo, and Miss Merry Christmas, despite Usopp taking serious injures the duo manage to turn their enemies' attacks against them and defeat the trio. [2] She is the daughter of Nefertari Cobra and Titi. Despite this, she knows she can count on him and entrusts him with very important tasks. The crew splits into groups: Nami and Usopp; Zoro and Vivi; Sanji; Luffy, chased by Smoker; and Chopper, who was left behind. As Luffy messed around with a Brontosaurus, they met a giant named Dorry.[52]. Her father and the others alerted her to an article in the newspaper about the Enies Lobby attack and how one of her biggest former enemies was working with the Straw Hats now. She reached the tower, defeated Mr. 7 and Miss Father's Day, and defused the cannon, only to discover that it was a time bomb that would go off even without being launched. While playing the role of Miss Wednesday, she looked older, and her facial features were much more angular. In fact, she usually puts the needs of others far above her own and is hesitant to rely on others or ask for help with her own problems. When Igaram showed up dressed like her, a startled Vivi asked what he was doing, and Igaram revealed that he would act as a decoy for the Baroque Works agents to chase after while Vivi and the Straw Hats took the normal route to Arabasta. Vivi was then displeased to see Wapol again as the latter approached and insulted her. Caitlin Glass. He also revealed his true intentions: to find the location of the secret ancient weapon Pluton, which was said to be buried in Arabasta. Karoo shielded her with his body as thousands of soldiers stampeded past them. During her time on the Going Merry, Vivi grew close to the Straw Hat Pirates, admiring their indomitable spirit in the face of adversity as well as their kind-hearted nature. Vivi's surname, Nefertari, is an ancient Egyptian name meaning "the most beautiful" or "most wonderful". Vivi, Rebecca, and Shirahoshi become friends. Saga Chronology Vivi has been seen wearing several different high heeled shoes, including white high heel boots, white high heel sandals, and blue wedges. Luffy and friends land on Little Garden, a prehistoric island inhabited by dinosaurs and giants. Crocodile puts Luffy down for a never-ending dirt nap, and the Straw Hats get a lift from a crabby ally in their race to stop the looming rebellion. After their adventures in Arabasta, the crew come upon another deserted island and split up tasks amongst themselves. Outside of Alubarna, the officer agents are waiting for Vivi to arrive[23][26] and catch her but are thrown into confusion as six hooded people arrive on Super Spot-Billed Ducks. The feeling was mutual, in fact: Luffy begged her to keep traveling with them, but though Vivi very nearly did, she ultimately (and tearfully) declined the offer, saying that her country needed her.[12]. Mane Mane Montage! When the Straw Hat Pirates enter the Grand Line, they're encountering the whale Laboon. Story Sagas Vivi's mother, Queen Titi, died many years before the current storyline. Chopper joins the Straw Hat crew as they continue their journey to Vivi's homeland. They are told the goal of the Baroque Works, their final mission and their respective parts in overthrowing Arabasta. With the citizens evacuated, the royal army, led by Chaka, was preparing the city for the rebel attack. [36], As the Straw Hats were quickly introduced to the Grand Line's ever-changing weather, they forced Vivi and Mr. 9 to help as well. When Dorry drank the alcohol, it exploded in his stomach. The volcano erupted again, signaling the next match, and neither Vivi nor Luffy could stop Dorry from going to battle. Vivi, Usopp and Zoro deal with the king's army in order to save Dalton. Luffy accepts her offer to join the crew, but the rest (excluding Sanji) are suspicious of her. [43] After Mr. 9 managed to bind Zoro with the iron wire stored in his bat, Vivi held a sleeping Luffy hostage with a knife and told Zoro not to move as Igaram prepared to attack. [42] After Mr. 9 fell off a building while trying to kill Zoro, Vivi confronted the swordsman herself and danced to make him dizzy before attempting to cut him down with her Kujakki. Whenever she saw Luffy doing something that might compromise the crew's safety, even when he meant to help, she reminded him of a leader's responsibilities. [8], In the meantime, the Officer Agents have gathered in the Spiders Cafe and are led to Rainbase for the briefing of their final mission as Baroque Works.[6]. Luffy and friends arrive at Whisky Peak, a town of pirate-lovers who hold them a feast. The Marines fail again to catch the Straw Hats. That confrontation cemented their relationship of strong mutual trust. Princess of Arabasta; Pirate (former); Bounty Hunter (former); Frontier Agent[1] (former);[2] Suna Suna Clan Vice-Leader (former)[3] This Previous Saga The King of Alabasta is simply a minor character and the lack of appearances after the Alabasta Arc is due to that, not because he is dead, like many people thought. ), also referred to as the "Baroque Works Saga", is the second saga of the manga and anime One Piece. Bon Kurei is then picked up by his own ship and crew and leaves, swearing on friendship. That night, Vivi and Mr. 9 met up with Igaram (as Mr. 8), who informed them that the Straw Hats had fallen to hell. Vivi is currently being held in the World Economy News Paper's headquarters unbeknownst from the public.[10]. MatKrenz 40; kieronrob Vivi, Luffy, and Karoo eat with the giant Dorry. Learning about character exploration abilities is a must for One Piece Odyssey players. Free shipping for many products! During the timeskip, Smoker would express his frustration over the ordeal to. The match is between the Straw Hat Pirates and the All-Star Villains. Seeing this, the group assumed he was dead. Her high opinion of Luffy did not change when she learned that his father was the world's worst criminal. After Smoker reports to the government of what happened, they ignore his report and give him and Tashigi all the credit and a promotion. Igaram, Vivi's bodyguard who was thought dead since Whisky Peak, shows up in Alubarna with Kappa, the beaten-up child from Nanohana, in his arms. After the timeskip, she wears her hair down but held back by a clip, and it seems a bit shorter than before. The recovering Nami meets a strange creature. After telling the crew to turn the ship upstream, Vivi informed Luffy that there were about 2,000 people working for Baroque Works. No god fruit, no haki master to hold his hand and train him, No Monkey D Bloodline, just a regular man who was born to conquer traveling around and gaining However, the only citizen left in town told them that the rebels had relocated to an oasis near Nanohana, for Yuba had become almost a daily target of sandstorms. [31] Upon his departure, Koza told Vivi to become a great princess. At last, Cobra himself informs both sides that whoever they rose their swords at and whoever they pointed their guns at no longer matters. Crocodile revealed that he was going to blow up the palace plaza, soon to be center point of battle, with a massive and powerful bomb. Soon Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine appeared before Vivi and her companions, bringing a beaten-up Karoo. Miss All Sunday is confronted by Marines led by Tashigi. Chopper joined the Straw Hats, the crew rocketed down the ropeway on a sled, and cherry blossoms bloomed in winter. After hearing the story of Laboon the whale, Luffy comes up with a clever solution to his problems. [20] With Smoker's suggestion, Sanji kicks the right Bananawani with the key,[21] making it cough up both the key and a large wax ball. Pell and Chaka defeated the rest of the kidnapping crew shortly thereafter. Secret Base of the Suna Suna Clan, Magnificent Wings! They try anyway, but they almost drown and are attacked by a Sandora Rare Catfish. The Blue-Nosed Reindeer! Vivi defeats them, but she realizes the bomb cannot be stopped so easily. Totaling 38 episodes in all, the Alabasta arc is responsible for introducing new elements and characters into One Piece 's overall story that would become fan-favorites: Though she ultimately declined their offer in favor of working to restore her country, she remains closer to the Straw Hats than anyone else outside of their crew. The Key to Turning the Tide and a Great Escape! Miss Wednesday and Frontier Agents of Whisky Peak gathered to capture the Straw Hat Pirates. The real Vivi however hid behind a rock and waited for the Straw Hats to distract the officer agents to buy her time. From the Decks of the World: The 500,000,000 Man Arc, Episode of Arabasta: The Desert Princess and the Pirates, One Piece Desert Kingdom Mascot Keychain/Cellphone Strap, One Piece: Great Hidden Treasure of the Nanatsu Islands, One Piece Romance Dawn: The Dawn of the Adventure, The Stories of the Self-Proclaimed Straw Hat Grand Fleet, Miss Goldenweek's "Operation: Meet Baroque Works", Despite her long absence from the series and her separation from ties to the Straw Hat crew, Vivi and. The Hero of Arabasta and the Ballerina on Deck, Coming to the Desert Kingdom! Vivi explains that Crocodile is seen as a hero in Arabasta and that no one suspects that he plans to take over the kingdom. When Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine arrived, Vivi asked them to take care of Zoro, but Mr. 5 revealed that they were there to take care of a spy who had been investigating the identity of their boss, Mr. 0. The crew split into groups: Nami and Usopp; Zoro and Vivi; Sanji; Luffy, chased by Smoker; and Chopper, who was left behind. [45] Crocodile however can still dry him up and stop his attempts at getting him wet by trying to blow away the soaked Luffy and his barrel. Manga Chapters: He also reveals his true intentions: to find the location of the secret ancient weapon Pluton, which is said to be buried in Arabasta.[39][42][43]. During Nami's fight with Miss Double Finger, Nami said that being stabbed in the foot could not compare to the pain Vivi felt for her country. Television Special that was aired between episodes. Dorry, critically injured by exploding ale, blames the Straw Hats. When he awakens, a magnificent banquet is thrown for the pirates, then, the Straw Hats are invited to enjoy the hot spring steam room inside the palace. Soon afterward, Koza left to help his father build a town at the oasis of Yuba. Year(s) Released: Arabasta the Animal Land. During arguments, Vivi has a hard time coming up with insults and usually ends up saying something of little offense. The Going Merry runs into several Marine ships in some fog, and the Straw Hats meet a trainee Marine chef named Tajiyo. Blood Type: Meanwhile Smoker manages to intercept the conversation between Mr. 0 and Sanji and plans to go to Arabasta. Desperately, Vivi repeatedly yells for them to stop fighting, but her voice is not heard. Luffy attacks Crocodile but discovers that he cannot hit Crocodile as he just turns into sand thanks to the ability of his devil fruit, the Suna Suna no Mi. The two officer agents abducted Vivi and left Luffy, Usopp, and Karoo for dead. The Alabasta saga has plenty of cool characters, many of whom were introduced in that story arc as memorable, confident people with neat outfits and hard-hitting dialogue. Vivi is surrounded by Billions, but is saved by Pell, a guard of the king who flew to Rainbase after Karoo's arrival in order to scout. Romanized Name: My Name is Pell, Guardian Spirit of the Kingdom. Upon entering the Grand Line, the ship is swallowed by a giant whale, inside of which they discover a strange place. He asks Crocodile for forgiveness, but is fed to his pet Bananawani (huge crocodiles with banana-shaped growths on their heads) instead. Though Vivi chose not to disclose her true identity to him during their time on Drum Island even after she reacted upon remembering Wapol, Dalton was capable of figuring out her identity on his own and was glad she was traveling with the Straw Hats when they were departing from Drum Island. Farewell, Drum Island! It has a timer, and right before it blows up, Pell shows up and takes it into the atmosphere, where he sacrifices himself to save Arabasta. Thinking Zoro was still trying to get in her way, Vivi attacked him, but he revealed that he had come to save her. Crocodile appears to stop rampaging pirates. She was not upset when she learned that Luffy took Nico Robin, the former Miss All Sunday and their one-time enemy, into his crew.
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