Create New. Forge: Ive got this rubber band. Why did you do that, Elysium??? As an infiltrator, she spends the first season struggling with whether shes a Cylon or not, and trying to overcome her fears. If youre going to regurgitate, at least have the common decency to be consistent with your regurgitation. In the X-Men canon, mutants are highly feared by many members of society, or are treated with distaste. Colonial Plumbers. A) I have no qualms about using the Not! Re-imagined Series definition: Battlestar Group (TRS: "Water"). However the explosion leaves the Viper damaged and left floating in space, but its pilot still alive. Maybe they wont come after us Logan says, so far they hadnt been targeted by the Cylons. Towards the back of the crowd, Robert Kelly Not!Baltar is looking around nervously. Battlestar Gemicon is a hybrid work of fan fiction and live play by post and chat role playing game. # 3. Sacrilege! Anyone reading me, my systems are down, repeat, all systems are down. Support Vessel. These ranged from machines that simply imitated organic beings, No, that is NOT what happens here. Theyre honestly not that important to demand a name change. Jubilee Not!Boomer draws her pistol and fires it into the air, which gets them to back off quickly, quieting them down. Central questions of the show include: Dradis.Net - A quality website for Re-imagined Galactica Fanfiction, focusing on Challenge fics. Squadron of bogeys, Wait, clearing up interference, Sam says. Her nukes had been removed; her ammunition magazines had presumably been emptied of the majority of their contents; her small arms lockers still had stuff in them, but were probably being stripped while she was on her way to her final destination; she only had six Mark VII Vipers that were presumably going to be a exhibit. Welcome to Battlestar Prometheus! Flying the Raptor is Lieutenant Jubilation Lee, better known as Jubilee, and her ECO Sam Cannonball Gunthrie. Shes then killed off in the second season. Sorry about that. Please R&R. Synopsis: As the Cylons ravage the Colonies and exterminate the human race, they will find themselves at odds with an ancient menace, whose destiny is intertwined with that of the Galactica and her fleet of survivors. It was a different time, Xavier says with a sigh. I was thinking, we cant be the only ship out here, so we should start searching for more survivors, find some place to hide., Yes Mr. Secretary, Alicia says, and smirks at James as Xavier heads back to the cockpit. It was literally an aside between Gaeta and Dualla where Dualla gave a report on the status of the fleet for Gaeta to give to Adama for the purpose of tactical planning. (LogOut/ My Destiny fanfic, Outbound Hopes, is mostly an adaptation of the Destiny plot. Also, every, single. As the New Year arrives, its time for Laura to make some good resolutions. No, that is NOT what happens here. Insert for the season 4 mid-series finale Revelations. Really? . Its actually probably unfair to use Hotpoint here, since me and Minh both agree that XSGCOM turned out to be a decent story that the grammar dragged down, along with the regurgitation without change. I mean, just look at our current world, and how bigotry still exists regardless of any of the various civil rights movements of the 20th century! Still working on it, Forge says. Colonel Howlette, start searching for a munitians depot, something that we can use to arm ourselves, Marie continues. The Daedalus is the first BC-304 produced by the Tau'ri and the second generation of interstellar capital ship developed by the United States military (SGA "The Siege, Part 2"). That original content isnt even necessary or remotely important, just vaguely related dialogue or exposition. The two most egregious things about regurgitation in general are that it makes a story filled with it boring to people who know the canon youre regurgitating, and its extremely lazy. She doesnt show it that often, Xavier says. They get killed off-screen, and are never seen in person. Wait a minute, who put you in charge? James Maddrox asks, getting a glare from Xavier. Its like Alicia is secretly one of those hive-mind aliens from Half Life 2 that have the weird electrical powers, or the old man from the ending for Mass Effect 3. Library of the Damned The Most Horrible Fanfiction Ever Penned. Hello Patrons, and I hope youve had a happy 2020 so far! In the show, Baltar hallucinates what is known as Head Six, a guardian angel of sorts who provides him with little tidbits of information, and tries her damm hardest to convert the guy to the Cylon Religion. How dare you tell him that she spoke words at one point! This is. What, were they repainting them and polishing the hulls? I, Charles Francis Xavier, Xavier repeats. He gets left behind on Caprica at the end of the miniseries, and spends the first season running from the Cylons with a clone of Boomer that eventually rebels, and becomes a member of the Galactica crew. Annastasia Dualla. But in that case, Im actually making an effort to adapt the plot, not just writing a find/replace fic. No. In summary, please dont do this. Thanks for the invite! The Civilians stop in front of the Raptor, Jubilee Not!Boomer puts a hand on her pistol. As the Vipers come up on the two ships, they resemble an elongated cockpit with two wings jutting out in front of it. Adama isnt emotionless, hes one of the most caring and emotional people there is. Broshure- Gears for Ship Building. Please consider turning it on! These ranged from machines that simply imitated organic beings, to hybrids between living tissue and machines. vv380. Battlestar Prometheus. If theyd actually given these replacements their personalities and backstories from the comics, and not just done a search-and-replace on the games of BSG characters, then theyd have actually written a story that wasnt shit! It can be about thinking up a whole new story in the same universe, with only a smattering of canonical characters. Galactica was being converted into a museum ship. Roslin centric.Roslin/Adama pairing. Battlestar Galactica:Storm Break A work of Battlestar Galactica 2003 Fanfiction By Alexander Raines (Grey Wolf Knight) . Takes place during the mini-series during this scene: Decommissioning Ceremony. Gods, protect your children on this day, she thinks to herself, sending a prayer out to the Gods in the hope that they listen. Id say, three adults, Jubilee Not!Boomer says, Sam Not!Helo nods and grabs a flight manual and a marker. There was no getting stuck, it was a faulty part. Even now, waiting on the hangar deck for Bill to finish organizing the recon mission, she wants to dance, to sing, and do very unpresidential things to the man standing a few feet away from her. Is she some kind of dimension hopper? Topic: Battlestar Galactica/X-Men This was written some time in the mid-2000s when the show was still on. A while back I read a fantastic fanfiction by Ryan A Keeton called Battletar Prometheus. The battle over the planet had already been lost, they could see the wreckage of the Battlestars in defense of Caprica strewn over the system as they pushed their way to the planet to land. Homeworld 2 influences. Then he sees the two Raiders streaking towards them, he frantically works to try and restart the systems as the two Raiders open fire, their bullets tearing through his Viper as it explodes. Lieutenant, theyre heading our way, we need to get out of here, Sam says, Jubilee is still in shock. Hes also human, and hes flawed, just like everyone else. Actually, thats not entirely fair. Groups - Battlestar Galactica Fanclub Mind Screw Space Opera with Cyberpunk and Speculative Fiction elements. Can Bill save her? Meanwhile en-route to Caprica, the Viper MK-VII fighters are moving on schedule. . Battlestar Wiki articles contain only official information, which include aired episode content, comments from official sources such as the writers, directors, and production companies of the show, and speculation and information deduced and supported by aired content or official sources. The writers of the Gemicon series left and started a new series at Battlestar Central. These ships are the ships of the line for the Terran Alliance. Whats the nearest planet?. Essentially the central basis and or structure of the Multiverse or endless parallel Alternate Universes connected in someway to the Battlestar Galactica universe (both of its original and "reimagined" series) consists of varing near endless storylines created by the editors and writers here on Battlestar Galactica Fanon Wiki. Or do you just not know what actually happens in BSG? Its regurgitation that forms the problem in so many crossovers that come through this library. You could have at least given them a name. Check out Ryan Keeton's Prometheous series! This is the Commander, prepare for combat, scramble Vipers, she says as the Cylons get closer and closer. "ONE OF THE OLDEST IF NOT ALREADY THE OLDEST ORGANIZATION FOR BATTLESTAR GALACTICA", "There are those who believe that life here began out there, far across the universe, with tribes of humans who may have been the forefathers of the Egyptians, or the Toltecs, or the Mayans. Who required mobility and other stuff that their human creators could do. Author: It will remain a mystery until I decide its not a mystery anymore. Gaeta is responsible for the DRADIS, not communications; and thus Forge is also not responsible for communications. Thankfully the Elysium comes to her rescue quickly, and soon she finds herself and her ship in the cargo bay. The priestess from the miniseries isnt blind. Part of her whole character arc in both the comics and the movies is that she cannot get intimate with anyone, for the fear that she will kill them. Did you mean the DRADIS readout begins to flash? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Prometheus Fanfiction by NonchalantLilac Fandoms: Alien Series, Prometheus (2012) Explicit; No Archive Warnings Apply . Im sorry, thirty ships are a quarter of the total Battlestars in service? Inserting these tags just made things way more confusing since the author uses only the X-men names and never the BSG names, which I have no frame of reference for anyway. Battlestar Galactica RPG D20 - Fan Made. So, with that in mind, this is essentially RQoO giving up, and just altering things for some nebulous plot purpose that is even less defined than the Cylon Plan. Yes sir, the Captain says, transmitting the code again as Xavier wheels back into the main cabin, he stops next to Alicia who is looking out the window. Sometimes, she has a hard time showing her true feelings.. Fucking hell. She unrolls a scroll, and places it in front of her where Xavier can reach. We cant just leave these people behind, Sam Not!Helo says, pulling Jubilee Not!Boomer off to the side to talk. Battlestar Galactica (2003) (6) The Hobbit - All Media Types (5) The A-Team (TV) (5) Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV) (4) Stargate Atlantis (3) In the living room, the daybook sat upon the mantle. . As such, each Hybrid is confined to a pool similar to that in which the Cylons resurrect after death. battlestar prometheus fanfictionkos list vrchat. Or, rather, his replacement. Nisroch. First off, they werent rebuilt; they just had ammo loaded, fuel tanks filled, and engines unplugged. Please tell me youre kidding.. I dunno. He isn't really talking about the missing one-third of the fleet. The real Caprica Six conversely hallucinates Head Baltar, who is a crueler and more cynical version of the real Baltar. URL: Battlestar Prometheus Recommended Battlestar Galactica "Earth-contact" fics by Stephan Sokolow is licensed under a Creative . Attention, all colonial forces, Cylon attack under way, keep a look out for Cylon forces, the wireless says, Jubilee glances back at Sam. Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net; Series Finale; Final Battle; Summary. Various brief essays about Colonial culture, battle tactics and aliens. Right. The President's life is in jeopardy and it's only a matter of time until it's too late. All right, let me know if. (LogOut/ Author: Ruin Queen Of Oblivion Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. She has never been to the heart of a star before. All those people She says as the DRADIS flashes that the Cylon Raiders are heading towards the Raptor. With that, we come to the end of. Thats not what a Cylon Raider looks like? Theyre fully functional, and theres nothing wrong with them. if Not!Adama is meant to be Adama, shes doing a shit job at it. Part of her whole character arc in both the comics and the movies is that she cannot get intimate with anyone, for the fear that she will kill them. In fact, she hasnt exhibited, After this comes more regurgitation, but to be frank, none of it is very notable. If theyd actually given these replacements their personalities and backstories from the comics, and not just done a search-and-replace on the games of BSG characters, then theyd have actually written a story that wasnt shit! Oh, so not even a name this time? Mr. time. That is one thing that will remain a mystery until the time that I decide to reveal their identity. The Battlestar Prometheus was the first of the new Nova Class Battlestars (the most advanced warships ever created by Humanity) to be commissioned into the Colonial Fleet.The Prometheus was a historic ship, undertaking a number of historical accomplishments in her service including: the location of habitable worlds right for colonisation, the re-discovery of Kobol, first contact with another . War Crimes. They began moving towards more organic designs, and created a large number of cybernetic hybrids. The worst part about this story is that it takes the idea of the X-men and mutants being part of the BSG universe, then does nothing with it. If anyone tries to rush the Raptor, they will be shot.. But in that case, Im actually making an effort to adapt the plot, not just writing a find/replace fic. List of Secondary and Escort Warship's Classes. I dug out a folder of old ficlets and decided to post (or re-post) some of them. Battlestar Galactica (2003) (1) Predators (2010) (1) Another ship that was on a list of names given to the costume department during production of the series. the plot with additional lore details and with a lot of details changed or entirely replaced. Now we must endure this mopey Not!Apollo OC for longer than wed otherwise require! Gods save us all if the Cylons are that powerful, Marie says. This is an alternate universe of the cannon BSG 2003, so there will be changes/differences. Lots of interesting flashbacks (I think they're interesting anyway but what do I know?) The battle of Caprica part II. While it is a Multi-universe crossover, only some elements are taken from many of the other dimensions. And for 25 years, there has been no resurgence of violence between humans and mutants, Xavier says. Dude, if youre going to have mutants in BSG, at least be consistent with the canon from which they originated. I have a passing familiarity with X-Men, but the only thing I know about BSG is Cylons = bad. As such, thisreplacementcannot possibly exist. And things only got stranger from there. I mean, why would you not come up with your own plot? Rumor has it that Prometheus would be found by Galactica during the second season. They were last used to launch Galacticas last squadron of Viper Mark VIIs. Well, thats one thing that hasnt changed over the years, Xavier laughs. When did Elysium get inserted into the fic! The launch tubes on Galactica are used to launch fighters in the same way as modern day aircraft carriers. Semi-based on the 2003 Battlestar Galactica Series with characters from X-Men. A look at the time between the settlement on New Caprica and Founders Day. Comments: Dead Fic, unfortunately, and pretty short. For those unversed in BSG lore, Lt. Sharon Boomer Valeri is a Raptor pilot played by Grace Parks. Yeah, and it took a war with the Cylons to actually make it work, Alicia says. The mother was in the toilet. While they were fully organic, they were unable to survive on their own without the help of immobile machinery. Anyway, last time on Battlestar Prometheuswe basically got the plot of the miniseries regurgitated incorrectly to us; with the events of the canon three-hour backdoor pilot being twisted out of order, mixed with random plot points from the 2004 TV show, and every major character being given the Ctrl-C+V treatment with characters from X-Men. A proposta desta pesquisa estudar o atual Hawk. It doesnt flash, it makes a beeping sound! An older blind woman with short brown hair, wearing the trappings of a member of the clergy. Its only slightly longer, but its a lot bulkier and roomier. All hail the Moon Spiders! Cylon War, the mechanical Cylons were constantly evolving and improving themselves. Any ammunition for her fighters was probably whatever the ship had left in supply. Forge, this guy pops in my head. Science Fiction (or Speculative Fiction. This is presumably the oddly-named Irene Adler, AKA Destiny, who I call oddly named because she is apparently not related to the character of the same name from the Sherlock Holmes novels. The epic conclusion to the 30 Worlds saga has arrived: five worlds, five adventures.and a final battle which will change everything! Which was revealed to be less of a plan, and more desperate improvisation to the escape of the Galactica and the civilian fleet. Who has, like, one line that even mentions them in the show. Or anything thats actually worth reading. Flying the Raptor is Lieutenant Jubilation Lee, better known as Jubilee, and her ECO Sam Cannonball Gunthrie. So, what do you think the odds are that youre next in the line of succession?, Honestly, very slim, Xavier says. (This story stars all of the current members of the Prometheus Chapter of the C.D.F.). Thanks! Battlestar Prometheus is a series of short stories (30-35 pages in length) written in episodic form and laid out in ten episode arcs that we have called "Seasons". Back on board the Prometheus, the deck crew has put the finishing touches on the old Mark II Vipers. Okay, I have a couple problems with this. Her armaments, size and engines are comparable to one of the twelve original Battlestars. Jubilation, snap out of it! Sam says, putting an arm on Jubilees shoulder, she snaps out of it just as the raiders launch missiles. Indiana Jones Character Sheet-Genesys. Lucky Miracle Ships and Support Units (D30) M. Manticore Class Light Battlestar. Who is the Hybrid that the blonde Cylon was referring to? Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. COMBAT INFORMATION CENTER. No pain, warm, safe.It was immedietly clear something is wrong. So, like all good authors, . ", Website: But the attack was really fucking sudden! If there is a need and relevant consensus for additional fan fiction-related articles, contributors are asked to create these as subarticles of this page. So the intercom in this version is controlledby nodding??? Im sorry Lieutenant, this is still old tech, the technician says with a shrug, Scott slams his fist down on the console. felony friendly jobs near me; when do lansing schools start 2021 2022; kotobukiya bishoujo beetlejuice Told you the fourth season was asinine. No two soldiers were the same, and every war was different. Immediately it can be ascertained that I wrote most of this three or so months ago. Posts about Battlestar Prometheus written by TacoMagic and BatJamags. UPDATE 2017-11-14: There is now also a sequel in progress which is better-proofread and mixes in Harry Turtledove's Worldwar with a satisfying amount of focus on an apparently OC world that humanity chooses to help liberate from The Race. Gaius has his own, personal secrets; a year and a half into their relationship, he considers sharing one with Caprica. Instead of ninety vessels (which I might add are not all Battlestars, some being support vessels, and others lightweight combat ships like cruisers) being the approximate size of the fleet,r RQoO has now made the fleet 120 ships strong. The Prometheus's Viper pilot helmet ornament and ship insignia would have featured a hand holding a burning torch. Do you have any way of taking it out?. The remaining five models are the Final Five, but that arsine subplot isnt relevant to the Miniseries, or even worth mentioning; fourth season being what it fucking is. Will they give in to what they really mean to each other as everything descends into chaos? What RQoO doesnt seem to get is that the Hybrids arent really a major plot point, and telling Not!Baltar to find The Hybrid is akin to standing a person in front of a pile of needles, and saying Find The Needle. Thats Jubilee, who as far as I know was mostly only important due to being the resident kid sidekick in the animated show from the 90s, and Cannonball, who uh exists? Lt. That might work, if not for the fact that they are literally just the BSG characters, with a different name, and the author saying Look! More reports coming in, 30 Battlestars have been confirmed lost in the Cylon attack Rogues mutation is that she can absorb the powers of any other mutant, with the caveat that her touch is lethal to non-regenerating mutants and normal humans. Its really annoying how Ruin Queen of Oblivion loves to regurgitate the plot of the BSG miniseries in an incoherent fashion, and then interject her own original content between the lines. Shes floating. A single war against another foe will not just magically banish bigotry or racism. Maybe you replace a handful of characters with mutants, and see how the plot changes and evolves from the original. Trying to stay within the story of BSG 2003, but I have not watched Caprica or Blood and Chrome so may deviate from those two. Commander Minerva, latest report in from Fleet Command, Jean says, handing a sheet of paper to Marie. Larry Nance Sr Wife Picture; Ncaa Diversity Officer; Ap Research Presentation Rubric 2021 . Addendum to the scene in "Guess What's Coming to Dinner" in which Starbuck and Roslin discuss the Opera House vision. What do you mean the DRADIS begins flashing (urgh, tense shift!)??? Everyone is going to get a piece of paper with a number on it, we are going to draw three numbers and whoever has the numbers drawn will get a spot on the Raptor. battlestar galactica fanfic fanfiction jedi sith star wars startrek starwars Replies: 0; Forum: Fanfiction Discussion; The Thin Blue Line: A Battlestar Galactica Colonial-Cylon War Game . Enterprise, Babylon 5, Yamato, Normandy and Galactica just want to know where they are and how to get home. The Battlestar Galactica universes (Original Series and Re-imagined Series) have many fan fiction authors, games, and other media. That if they actually owned the properties, theyd be filthy rich, and would probably not write this fanfiction when they can order the writers to make them episodes/issues to order? Now, what follows is some pretty substandard regurgitation, but theres nothing especially bad in whats said. Battlestar Galactica (2003) Ensemble. There is no response, only static, he looks over at his wingman and realizes that his Viper is in the same condition. 25 years after the end of the first Cylon war, the crew Battlestar Prometheus and other survivors of a Nuclear Holocaust of their home worlds must fight to survive as they search for a new home called Earth. Terms of Service. Battlestar Prometheus begins 18 months before the fall of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol. From Battlestar Wiki, the free, open content Battlestar Galactica encyclopedia and episode guide. is a Battlestar Galactica (2003) fic where, after their deaths at the end of the series, William Adama and Laura Roslin find themselves back in the Colonies almost two decades prior to the Fall of the Twelve Colonies, just after Adama's divorce and the death of Roslin's family. Captain, is everything all right?. Its a threat detection system, not a long-range scanner. By the Gods Marie says. It first episode is post now and the story will spanned six seasons. tag as part of the riff, but the story is not written this way. For this reason, contributors to Battlestar Wiki are reminded that any information found in these fan-fiction sites should not be added to canonical articles on the wiki. On Caprica, Sam and Jubilee Not!Helo and Not!Boomer are getting the Raptor repaired in a field that seems safe, as they start to work a group of civilians are making their way towards the downed Raptor, causing the two to pause in their work. The, line of dialogue here states that they lost a. of the fleet. In addition, they use communications to determine the location of the fleet, not bloody DRADIS. While Hotpoint did write a reasonable story in XSGCOM, there were many opportunities for creating a much better Stargate/XCOM crossover that he didnt take. Transmit my authorization code again on the same channel, it will let them know that I am still alive.. Hes also one of my favourite characters, and I heavily object to him being replaced like this. scene which the author is regurgitating here, it was a fault in Starbucks Viper that meant that the Landing Signals Operator aborted the launch. Possibly Sean Cassidy, Banshee, an Irish mutant who yells loud. She didnt survive two wars to die this easily., I know, and I pray to the Gods that youre right, Alicia says. That sounds like what youd call moon spiders in Kerbal Space Program. Every Basestar has a room somewhere at its core containing a Hybrid. Location: 29 Palms/San Bernardino To be honest, even the ninety ships of the canonical fleet is a bit large in my opinion, especially since the Colonies had been going through a period of near total peace in the years since the end of the First Cylon War. With every fiber of my being, Irene finishes. battlestar prometheus fanfiction Action stations, action stations, set condition one throughout the ship, Logan says speaking into the phone, people are rushing around across the ship, most of them hadnt even been in combat before, as he sets the phone down he looks at Marie. There are no guns involved, only their missile launchers! Although we have seen fics that were so full of vague that even after a big reveal the audience still had no idea what was going on. elizabeth baptist church pastor oliver. Reply . Ive been Crazy Minh, hes Major Wade, and thank you for reading! As such, this. Well, here comes chapter 2 of Battlestar Prometheus, there are still many a mystery left to be revealed, not the least of which is the identity of the 12 Cylons like in the show, but one greater mystery remains. Now, Im taking a break from Trapped for a while longer- since I really need to work up the energy to slog through that piece of literary scum- so next time we look at a BioShock stufic with one of the most limp-wristed Gary Stus to ever come through this library. It does have wings that stretch out in front of the cockpit, but this description fails to mention the curved design, or the fact that it appears like a double-headed axe blade. An experiment that has seen humanity create robotic servants that then rebel and push mankind to the brink of extinction dozens or even hundreds of times before.
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