Man arrested after alleged assault in Edinburgh city centre as street sealed off. small business organizational chart for sole proprietorship. When its said They fought and died for your right to vote, theres no asterisk clarifying But only based on what football team you support. Police say arrests were made and fines issued after crowds of fans gathered to celebrate Rangers winning the Scottish Premiership. Emergency services raced to Leith Walk around 9.30am after a 50-year-old man was attacked outside a former Cash Converters. The response has offered a reminder of how toxic any debates can be in modern Scotland. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. To see all content on The Sun, please use the Site Map. For some reason, the bigots must have been in unusually boisterous mood that day, because dad decided he didnt want them polluting my ears and headed off. But I got a shock. Youll find them too. This service is provided on News Group Newspapers' Limited's Standard Terms and Conditions in accordance with our Privacy & Cookie Policy. Im writing to hopefully discuss the disgusting scenes witnessed at Hampden yesterday. Songbook Over the years Rangers F.C. Shameful Comment. The message to the supporters favouring independence is, Ditch the Union Jack, wrap yourselves in the blue of Scotland and claim your freedom from a system that has sent the grim reaper on many occasions to claim the lives of many hundreds of thousands of your countrymen and women in the name of patriotism and visited, oppression, mayhem, theft and suffering on many millions of Scots.. But the rise of social media, opposing views over the Scottish independence referendum and Rangers' 2012 liquidation have led to heightened tensions in recent years. Do you support Scottish Independence? Now, here's the thing about Rangers supporters. The immigrants who then began to drift in from Ireland first in a trickle then, after the Famine, in a torrent were sharply differentiated from the society they were joining or at least intending to live alongside. Devine said there had been a Catholic conversion to independence. Just you carry on supporting your team son. Continue with Recommended Cookies. The company, based in Drumchapel, has reportedly ceased all trading with its annual results currently overdue by more than two months. who gives two craps if the Queen is Hun. Look at all the attention you got, what you were after obviously. The Rangers boss hasn't been shy to take a leaf out of his counterpart's book but there's one more thing he should take note of across the city. Glasgow Rangers manager Michael Beale is already beginning to make the tough calls that predecessor Giovanni van Bronckhorst failed to do so during his reign. Questioning the heavy handed use of Manchester riot police against Glasgow Rangers fans, he also voiced concern about the approach of the Manchester city authorities in coping with the invasion of so many Rangers fans. Do you have a story or video for The Scottish Sun? Who knew bears could also be sheep? The Sun website is regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). Protestants in general are somewhat more likely to be in favour of staying in the union than are Catholics, said John Curtice, polling expert and politics professor at Strathclyde University. With very best wishes: Adam Tomkins MSP: Conservative MSP for Glasgow : For other inquiries Contact Us. Healthcare, education, Brexit, taxes, crime, attitudes to minority groups and countless other issues have to be considered before casting a vote in one of the most crucial elections in recent history. proves you bring football and religion into politics Scotlands shame. Scots medic braves aftershocks to help pregnant mums plucked from earthquake rubble in Turkey. And a Tory. Anti-SFA chants at Ibrox became the norm. Traditionally, Rangers is as British as afternoon tea or Downton Abbey. The clubs symbol is the Union Jack. There is, however, more than soccer to talk about at the moment. The establishment of a Harland and Wolff shipyard brought a fresh influx of Belfast Protestant shipyard workers, hardening attitudes and helping give Glasgow sectarianism its razors edge. Yet the yes campaign has taken root among the Celtic fan base. * To refer to the queens 11 after the tax dodging schemes does take a brass neck. A RANGERS fan has claimed half of the Ibrox support are in favour of Scotland being an independent country. SNP leadership candidate Ash Regan's independence plan was met with grumbles from the crowd at the party's latest hustings. He spoke to the guy beside him, explained why he was nervous and why we were there, and the guy laughed, clapped me on the shoulder and said never you mind. A spokesman for the Scottish Tories said: The allegations against Mr Taylor have been fully investigated and he has been issued with a formal warning. It was now, 10 years on, that the no Catholics need apply signs were erected around Ibrox. Michael Beale's side are now six points behind Celtic at the top of the league. Photograph:. Man lured to death by 'honeytrap' pair who robbed him of fake Rolex after Instagram plot. Rangers are Scotland's quintessential club, no one can take that away from us, we run this country, always will and always have done. * Is this really the sort of acceptable comportment from an MSP who represents all, regardless of how/who they vote/support? This video explores the resilience of the independence movement, how Brexits boosted its case, and why some say its is bad thing. Celtic was founded in 1888 with a conscious perspective of giving expression to the sense of identity of the Catholic-Irish community. They should be wooed, encouraged gently into the fold, told that they belong and that Scotland is theirs as much as anybodys. Flags dont pay the bills.. View our online Press Pack. Bigotry is not one,not in my name, shame on you! We are so close to getting this done and restoring Scotlands rightful constitutional status. Scots on alert for snow and ice as country prepares for coldest day of the year. The company, based in Drumchapel, has reportedly ceased all trading with its annual results currently overdue by more than two months. Id have thought keeping football well apart from the politics of the constitution might be advisable. Bellshill combat gym owner thanks local community as it celebrates 11 year anniversary. The social function of football was to give unrestrained raucous expression to the underlying tensions of workaday life, the champions of each tradition going out uniformed to do battle on their supporters behalf. 20 September 2014: Vanguard Bears Rangers Supporters Organise Clash with Independence Supporters in George Square. Matches like Saturdays have been targeted by the Radical Independence Campaign, which casts the independence vote as a grassroots struggle by the working classes to wrest power back from elites, and from a Labour Party that has betrayed its roots. She also had a stint working for Scottish Opera and even met Queen Elizabeth II. She attended GUCAs annual dinner Friday 11th. Paper Subscription to the Daily Record and Sunday Mail, Paper Subscription to the Paisley Daily Express, 2023 Scottish Daily Record and Sunday Mail Ltd, Haunting images show mysterious Scots caravan park abandoned by locals. This isnt a column in favour of or opposed to voting SNP. They began competing against each other in the early 1950s, when all-Protestant clubs were excluded from the Scottish Football League due to concerns over discrimination. Giu 11, 2022 | how to calculate calories per serving in a recipe. Small wonder that many in Scotland who associated themselves with the kirk, the Queen and the Tartan establishment felt a jolt of angry disbelief at what seemed the overthrow of the natural order of things. ", And a fourth posted: "That guy has never been to Ibrox in his life.". * Im a Rangers fan & Im delighted by the result but associating anything beyond football with this fixture is irresponsible. * Scotlands shame back on the agenda.Could you explain what you mean to my wee granddaughters. Now, what should the movements response be to an identifiable group of people who are working class Scots being shat upon by Westminster but who dont yet support independence? * It may be a good idea to keep the political and religious nonsense out of football, a lot of young folk are atheist/agnostic Humza Yousaf would scrap alcohol advertising ban consultation if he becomes First Minister. The former Manchester United midfielder was looking to get back into the game in 2021 after leaving the Premier League club where he was working as a coach under Ole Gunnar Solskjaer. Richard's favorite part of his job is meeting the players in person and getting to know them on a personal level, which allows him to write about them with accuracy and compassion. Emergency services raced to Leith Walk around 9.30am after a 50-year-old man was attacked outside a former Cash Converters. Man arrested after alleged assault in Edinburgh city centre as street sealed off. The debate has generated the kind of tension and engagement usually reserved for soccer rivalries in Scotland, and in fact the countrys stadiums have become key battlegrounds for the yes and no campaigns. Murdo Fraser, like other Tories really believes that by defending sectarian bigots and by identifying the Tories with a club like Glasgow Rangers will endear them to the Scottish working class. Also, there is only one Scottish team so most supporters will support one team. Rangers and Celtic fans find common ground in being split on Scotland independence In Glasgow, it seems, football allegiance hasn't had a big impact on whether one is for or against Scottish independence. Soon, the whole club is in need of divine intervention. Trending 'TORTURE,' DONS LEGEND RAGES AFTER 5-GOAL HAMMERING; The Arsenal legend has revealed it's because he thinks the 15m striker can do more after dropping to the bench. Rangers supporters who marched on Glasgow's George Square to celebrate their club's Scottish Premiership win, as the city faces a surge in Covid infections and an extension of lockdown, have. Rangers fans display No Thanks posters during their match against Inverness Caledonian Thistle in the Scottish Premier League on Tuesday. * Best political response so far..sadly maybe the only one. Glastonbury organisers defend ticket price hikes for 2023 music festival. Kathy Friend, from Glasgow, was involved in a number of nature-related ventures, and formerly worked as a camerawoman. A controversial SNP MSP has demanded that the Scottish Government step in to stop illegal pyrotechnic displays at football matches, following the displays at the Viaplay League Cup final between Celtic and Rangers.. Looking for that one person who values Adrian Durhams opinions on Scott Brown? The hard work of the footballing authorities, the police, football teams and their supporters has meant that significant progress has been made in the past two decades in making attending football matches in Scotland safer and more enjoyable, sadly the scenes on Saturday represent a significant setback for that progress. This is not the end of this matter, but I hope you can see from the above that we have made a start in getting to the bottom of this, with a view to ensuring that all relevant lessons are learned. Despite the best efforts of police and paramedics, the man was pronounced dead at the scene. If You Know their History You Wouldnt Have to Ask True Teddy Bears Are Wrap Themselves in theSaltire, Westminsters Capital Investment Policy and Scotland Slash Their Budgets and When They Scream Throw Them a Bone and let them Fight Overit, Signs of a Westminster Civil Service Rebellion Against the Rule of Sir Jeremy (Machiavelli) Heywood A DeservingCause,, In the past and to some extent now, Ranger fans and Celtic fans have been completely opposites. It was May, 1969, and Colin Stein, who had recently joined Rangers for a record-breaking fee of 100,000, had bagged four. Rangers draws much of its support from working-class fans in Glasgow and the west of Scotland, many of whom identify themselves as Protestant unionists. Scots cop who snared World's End serial killer demands justice for other victims. I cant stand Labour but the Tories are so stupid and so outdated they deserve to be heading for complete extinction. I was being open and vociferous about my leanings, because it was important to let curious Rangers supporting lurkers see that it was perfectly normal to support independence AND Rangers. theres been a difference between the lowland scots and the highland gaelic peoples for centuries. Most of the people who come in here would consider themselves Republican. Regardless of who you vote for on December 12th, ignore the worst take in Scottish Football Twitter history and leave your football team outside the polling station. Something went wrong, please try again later. There. Ill-judged tweet though. Rangers fans like me are a distinct minority among the activists, but theres a fair few of us and the rest of the support is fair game for conversion to Yes. Back in the day, when I was a regular at Scotland games, as far as I can remember there was little club tribalism on show. This is seriously one of your candidates? The headline stuck out like a sore thumb; those big black letters grabbing my attention. Glad to see that we have someone our side. To sign up, simply enter your email address into the link here. What follows, in case of interest, are the lines the Scottish Conservatives have put out today: The events after the final whistle at Hampden on Saturday ruined what should have been a day of celebration for the whole of Scottish football; not only the culmination of a long cup competition but the first time that two teams outside the top tier have competed in the final. * And now garnering support from UKIP. As competition between the clubs grew more intense, differences of opinion between their owners led to a split in 1969. * An irresponsible and harebrained comment. But soccers innate capacity for political demonstration has already had an effect. * Disgusting behaviour for a politician to write something like this. For whatever reason, though, its the Rangers/SNP issue that consistently rears its head. Required fields are marked *. * Just gained a vote for Tory next elections. Will Fraser, the deputy leader of the Scottish Conservatives ever learn? But supporters of Scottish Cup winners St Johnstone are the most ardent Unionists, with 94 per cent set to vote No. Get all the latest Rangers news sent straight to your Inbox every day by signing up to our newsletter. (1) It is noteworthy that in a number of important legal actions associated with its financial mismanagement the Club was represented by Richard Keen QC, (now Baron Keen of Elie) a Conservative Party politician who was appointed Advocate-General for Scotland on 29 May 2015. I leave the being judgemental to others. This conception of Rangers supporters being comprised of unionists is out of date and is now erroneous. The cases of McFarlane and Taylor have highlighted Davidsons ties to Glasgow University Conservative Association (GUCA) according to their website Ms Davidson is the groups honorary president. Glasgow bakery Mortons Rolls 'ceases all trading' in huge blow to city. Chatbot creates university essay 'that would pass' in two minutes as cheating epidemic exposed, The Daily Record has told of huge rises in cheating at Scottish universities, with essay mills and Artificial Intelligence making it easy for cheats. * Why are you trying to stir up tension? Far from a wasted vote. About | . During the Celtic-Aberdeen game at Celtic Park, a group of fans held up placards reading YES in the 18th minute to mark the date of the referendum. Scottish independence: Head of Quebec . Bellshill combat gym owner thanks local community as it celebrates 11 year anniversary. That was the beginning of the religious schism in Glasgow, which had been Protestant for at least 300 years prior. I support a football team for football not political reasons. They were Catholic, many of them Gaelic-speaking, as big a proportion semi-literate at best. The rivalry between supporters of Glasgow's two prominent football teams, Celtic and Rangers, known collectively as the Old Firm, exemplifies sectarianism in Glasgow. And if you aren't already, make sure you join the conversation over on our Rangers Facebook group and Record Sport Instagram. Rangers fans display No Thanks posters during their match against Inverness Caledonian Thistle in the Scottish Premier League on Tuesday. If this guy was in charge, they would get more votes. For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click here. The First Minister sympathised with protesters battling the brutally weather and wished them all 'good luck'. Attempted humiliation? We wanted to send out a message from Celtic Park, and nothing influences opinion like a football club, said Tony Kenny, who helped coordinate the R.I.C. And a unionist. The club had been founded in 1872. A section of the travelling support displayed a message which read 'Two trophies in 11 years - uphold the standards that matter' during the first half of the Premiership fixture. Is there sectarianism between Celtic and Rangers fans? Situated near Persley Bridge in the Granite City, the now abandoned site is near the centre of a busy commuter route in Europe's oil capital. If you're religiously bigotted or racist, DON'T visit this page, chances are you won't get a warm welcome. Only being allowed to vote one way is the behaviour of a cult, not a football teams fanbase. Your email address will not be published. * As much common-sense as your political capability, zero Yes, the majority of Glasgow Rangers supporters are unionists, and the majority are also royalists. So how did we get to this point? Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Saul Murray, 33, died during a robbery-gone-wrong after he met two women at his flat who gave him the sedative GHB after engaging in sexual activity with him. Scottish Fire Service crews rushed to Restalrig Park after receiving reports of a massive blaze at 1.30pm. The Met Office said next week will start with the coldest day of the year so far with temperatures dropping to near freezing in northern parts of the UK. And it appeared to work to the Clubs advantage, the money helped lure top-flight players to Ibrox and Rangers re-established themselves as the number one Club in Scotland. He was the constant who stood up to those who wanted to beat our club with a stick and, believe me, there were many. The former Manchester United midfielder was looking to get back into the game in 2021 after leaving the Premier League club where he was working as a coach under Ole Gunnar Solskjaer. The aim of this forum is to debate Scottish independence but offensive material will not be tolerated and this forum reserves the right to remove it. * What is the connection with rangers and the queen. ", And a fourth said: "Support for a football team shouldnt define your politics nor should your politics define your support for any particular football team.". The thought of a Rangers player in dark blue being booed, or the majority of Gers supporters turning their back on the national team wouldve been unthinkable back then; sacrilege, almost. Oh, wait Ill have all the powers, and your brothers can die fighting my wars., 19 September 2014: Vice news report on the outcome of the referendum. Chatbot creates university essay 'that would pass' in two minutes as cheating epidemic exposed, The Daily Record has told of huge rises in cheating at Scottish universities, with essay mills and Artificial Intelligence making it easy for cheats. Huge blaze in Edinburgh as flames engulf children's play park. A portrait of Queen Elizabeth II even hangs in the dressing room at Ibrox Stadium. Scotland is wound tight, waiting to uncoil next week, when the country will vote on whether it should be independent from Britain. Independence supporters had gathered earlier in the day in George Square with the purpose of peacefully discussing the shock outcome of the referendum, less than 36 hours before. You need to answer this. * Impressed with that response. SNP leadership candidate Humza Yousaf has said Scotland should "demand" access to the European Union's single market after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's new deal over Northern Ireland.Mr Yousaf . Theyve used football fans for the vocal power they need., Soccer Fans Supply Strong Voice in Scottish Independence Debate, * Cant believe I just read this, with this causing such a divide across our nation, did you really think this was a good idea? If anything, the rest of us should go the extra mile, because these are people whove spent their lives being told theyre British, that their team is the Queens 11, and more recently that true Rangers supporters hate that Sturgeon and her bloody anti-English SNP. One of them is even a prominent SNP campaigner. * Sectarianism is alive and well. Humza Yousaf would scrap alcohol advertising ban consultation if he becomes First Minister. * Dont mind the fitba stuff its the whole Im a Tory thing that gives me the boak There are Labour, Conservative and SNP voters among the Rangers fans I know. do rangers fans support scottish independence. Kathy Friend, from Glasgow, was involved in a number of nature-related ventures, and formerly worked as a camerawoman. And all this was achieved without anyone (apart from Murray and a tight-knit coterie around him as well as, presumably, account managers at the Bank of Scotland) knowing that the club was meantime sinking ever deeper into what Americans might call the doo-doo. RANGERS continued their unbeaten Premiership run to reduce the deficit to Celtic to six points in the title race with victory over Kilmarnock. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. In 1994, the SFA had done something similar to Rangers striker Duncan Ferguson when they whacked him with an unprecedented 12-game ban for a phantom headbutt on Raith Rovers player John McStay.
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