Cressida Golden Retrievers 9. If youre feeding a fresh, balanced food, you shouldnt need to add extra Omega-3 supplements to achieve a shiny, healthy coat. He always avoids conflicts. If youre thinking about bringing a golden retriever into your life, stop into your local animal shelter or look for a breed-specific rescue near you. It is always hard to say goodbye, and for the longest time I sat with him. Put cotton balls in their ears during bath time to prevent water from getting injust remember to take them out after! For many years, the golden ranked second only to the Labrador retriever but over the past decade or so it has dropped to third place following the German shepherd dog. Terrier, Akita, Beagle and Pit Bull by parkjisun, Lunita - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Sugarcreek, OH, Cody Genetic Clear - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Sugarcreek, OH, Debbie GeneticTest - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Sugarcreek, OH, Crystal - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Sugarcreek, OH, Mason - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Beach City, OH, Rocco - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Berlin, OH, Romeo - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Berlin, OH, Rusty - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Berlin, OH, Asher - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Wooster, OH, Archie - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Wooster, OH, Andy - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Wooster, OH, Adam - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Wooster, OH, Daisy - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Millersburg, OH, Gage - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Millersburg, OH, Diesel - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Millersburg, OH, Cole - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in baltic, OH, Chrystal - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in baltic, OH, Maddie - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in baltic, OH, Izzy - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in baltic, OH, Candy - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in baltic, OH, Lora - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in baltic, OH, Goldie - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in baltic, OH, Luke NEW PICS - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Wilmot, OH, Axle - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Fredericksburg, OH, Nova - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Fredericksburg, OH, Rambo - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Fredericksburg, OH, Macy - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Dalton, OH, Lyla - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Dalton, OH, Willard - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Dalton, OH, Asher - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Dalton, OH, Jackson - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Dalton, OH, Phoenix - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Dalton, OH, Sophie - Trained - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Warsaw, OH, Franklin - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Loudonville, OH, Finn - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Loudonville, OH, Fetch - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Loudonville, OH, Fisher - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Loudonville, OH, Rambo - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Fredericksburg, OH, Rex - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Fredericksburg, OH, Remi - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Fredericksburg, OH, Korie - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Fredericksburg, OH, Kasey - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Fredericksburg, OH, Kooper - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Fredericksburg, OH, Katie - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Fredericksburg, OH, Leah - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Sugarcreek, OH, May - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Sugarcreek, OH, Eli - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Sugarcreek, OH, Mac - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Sugarcreek, OH, Skye - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Sugar creek, OH, Allie SOLD - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Wooster, OH, Sammy SOLD - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Millersburg, OH, Sophie SOLD - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Millersburg, OH, Callie SOLD - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Millersburg, OH, Jack SOLD - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Millersburg, OH, Serena sold - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Fredericksburg, OH, Shane SOLD - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Fredericksburg, OH, Lexi SOLD - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Wilmot, OH, Dusty SOLD - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Dundee, OH, Teddy SOLD - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Dundee, OH, Rex SOLD - Golden Retriever Puppy for Sale in Dundee, OH. Check out the puppy power! But, like any breed, they demand ample mental stimulation, exercise, and training. This usually begins between one and three years old and may worsen each year until the dog eventually needs treatment. Golden Retriever Golden Retriever Puppies. I tried raw and she couldnt tolerate it. Am. 11-01-2016, Our Caty Coo when she first came to live with us at 8 weeks old, Breeding Happy and Healthy Golden Retrievers. You need to keep their brains busy whether its through multiple walks a day, puzzle feeders, or obedience training (and ideally all of the above). Golden Retrievers are among America's most popular breeds. The American Kennel Club (AKC) standard is what we use to guide our vision to the ultimate Golden Retriever in appearance, conformation and temperament. FERNOVA 1931 Dr. Charles Large, NY We began breeding and showing Golden Retrievers as a hobby. Show revelers were excited about the beauty and personality of the dog breed. Thompson, MN SQUAWKIE HILL 1942 Jeanne O. Find out whether a Golden Retriever is the right choice in a canine family member for you! They make excellent candidates for dog sports and therapy dog training. When you purchase a dog from High Society Farm you are buying a dog with quality bloodlines and giving your family the longest possible time with your pet. They represent breeders who had significant impact on the breed in either conformation or performance areas and who are no longer actively breeding or exhibiting. High-quality, balanced food is especially important for your growing puppy . The sixth Earl of Ilchester, the great-nephew of Lord Tweedmouth, released these records to the public in County Life in 1952. All of our dogs are members of our family. Our girls who can have pups are allowed to breed once a year. Omega-3s help to reduce inflammation, while Omega-6s increase inflammation, which plays a role in immunity, and cell growth. TWIN HILL 1937 W.J. Updated date . All Rights Reserved. He was not alone, as Paddy, his thirteen year old son. is_confirmation;var mt = parseInt(jQuery('html').css('margin-top'), 10) + parseInt(jQuery('body').css('margin-top'), 10) + 100;if(is_form){jQuery('#gform_wrapper_4').html(form_content.html());if(form_content.hasClass('gform_validation_error')){jQuery('#gform_wrapper_4').addClass('gform_validation_error');} else {jQuery('#gform_wrapper_4').removeClass('gform_validation_error');}setTimeout( function() { /* delay the scroll by 50 milliseconds to fix a bug in chrome */ jQuery(document).scrollTop(jQuery('#gform_wrapper_4').offset().top - mt); }, 50 );if(window['gformInitDatepicker']) {gformInitDatepicker();}if(window['gformInitPriceFields']) {gformInitPriceFields();}var current_page = jQuery('#gform_source_page_number_4').val();gformInitSpinner( 4, '' );jQuery(document).trigger('gform_page_loaded', [4, current_page]);window['gf_submitting_4'] = false;}else if(!is_redirect){var confirmation_content = jQuery(this).contents().find('.GF_AJAX_POSTBACK').html();if(!confirmation_content){confirmation_content = contents;}setTimeout(function(){jQuery('#gform_wrapper_4').replaceWith(confirmation_content);jQuery(document).scrollTop(jQuery('#gf_4').offset().top - mt);jQuery(document).trigger('gform_confirmation_loaded', [4]);window['gf_submitting_4'] = false;wp.a11y.speak(jQuery('#gform_confirmation_message_4').text());}, 50);}else{jQuery('#gform_4').append(contents);if(window['gformRedirect']) {gformRedirect();}}jQuery(document).trigger('gform_post_render', [4, current_page]);} );} ); Copyright 2023 Golden Meadows Retrievers. Lifespan: 12-13 years Whether youre bringing home a new puppy or adopting an adult dog, start training right away and make a concerted effort with socialization during the first few weeks and months you have with your dog. Goldens are super food driven and smart. Regular daily activity should satisfy their need for movement. Golden retriever owners often note that their dogs follow them from room to room no matter what theyre doing. Author: Sally Branche. HIGHLAND 1944 Leslie C. Brooks, MN As we grew, we discovered the wonderful attributes of the English Cream variety and have added this popular dog breed to our breeding program. GOLDEN ANNO NUEVO 1957 Mr. & Mrs. James Humphrey, CA Please call Famn Damily Farm to learn more about prices and availability. Heartstone Goldens Retrievers 6. Discuss appropriate flea, tick, and heartworm prevention with your veterinarian. They should also be bathed about every other month, with their ears cleaned regularly to avoid infections. Its a health hazard as its linked to a raft of diseases including cancer. All rights reserved. CHATEAU DOR 1935 Dr. Kenneth Bulkley, MN The best thing you can do to keep shedding under control is brush your dog regularlyat least once a week, or even daily if you can swing it. (Sweden). Avoid sharing food from the table with your pup. YORKHILL 1952 Mary Beth Gehan, MN, Our responsibility is to promote the temperament, appearance, soundness, natural retrieving and hunting abilities of the Golden Retriever. Senior golden retrievers are a particularly good option for individuals, couples, or families looking for a calm at-home companion. We provide advertising for dog breeders, puppy sellers, and other pet lovers offering dogs and puppies for sale. Barbara Boyd of GRREAT notes that adopting an adult dog gives you an opportunity to get to know the dogs personality and behavior before you bring them home. Dogs of this breed often exhibit a thick ruff around the neck along with feathering on the legs, stomach, and tail. OTTERSHAW 1939 Nelson Lee, VT Lancaster Puppies is a federally registered trademark owned by Online Advertising, LLC. Hip dysplasia is fairly common and can be caused by genetic and environmental factors. LORELEI 1946 Reinhard M. Bischoff, CT In terms of size, golden retrievers walk the line between being a medium-sized and large breed. They know all the tricks to get treats out of you, but they can be managed with a consistent walk and play schedule, he says. Treble loves everyone, so he wants to greet anyone he sees and he may try to jump on them too. Golden Retriever. We watched as the families choose their pups. Overvold, ND Owner & Founder of Famn Damily Farm. Dogs with allergies can have itchy skin and may experience other symptoms, such as sneezing and swelling of the face. TUCKIM 1954 Mr. & Mrs. R.A. Bower, MI The typical golden is SO friendly, SO easygoing, and SO adorable that they can give the impression that theyre a low-maintenance dog. Carmen's granddaughter & Caty
Looking for a Golden Retriever puppy? Date of Birth: 4/30/16. I wish I knew how much she would shed, golden retriever owner Scott Howard says of Emma, his white-coated English cream golden. Atopy is one type of allergic condition seen in some Golden Retrievers, making them more sensitive to common allergic triggers. You can do this by breaking your dogs daily feeding into smaller meals rather than one large meal. '"Golden Retriever Club of America" is a registered trademark of the Golden Retriever Club of America, Inc.' . They are great company on bike rides and long walks. They are also bred for traditional hunting-type roles, including detection and search-and-rescue jobs. Golden Gal of High Farms CDX OD (1/3/1952-1963) . Bred for hunting, the Golden Retriever is powerful and active. But, like any breed, they demand ample mental stimulation, exercise, and training. Be sure to have your goldens eyes checked regularly and report any cloudiness in their eyes. Starhill Golden Retrievers 8. want to be with their people. They represent breeders who had significant impact on the breed in either conformation or performance areas and who are no longer actively breeding or exhibiting. With a healthy diet, adequate exercise, and proper care, golden retrievers can live 12 to 14 years or more. to many of our pups & Caty Coo's daughter-
Hip dysplasia is a heritable condition characterized by anatomic abnormalities which prevent the thighbone from fitting snugly into the hip joint. Golden retriever owners often note that their dogs follow them from room to room no matter what theyre doing. Treatment is based on the severity of symptoms and usually includes long-term medications. Allergic reactions and intolerances to food are all too common in dogs and some dog owners notice symptoms clear up when they switch to fresh food. By clicking Subscribe, I agree to the WebMD, Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Bird Flu Deaths Prompt U.S. to Test Vaccine in Poultry, COVID Treatment in Development Appears Promising, Marriage May Help Keep Your Blood Sugar in Check, Getting Outdoors Might Help You Take Fewer Meds, New Book: Take Control of Your Heart Disease Risk, MINOCA: The Heart Attack You Didnt See Coming, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox, Health Problems to Watch for With Golden Retrievers, Special Considerations for Golden Retrievers, Can be rowdy and noisy, especially as puppies, Need a lot of attention and mental stimulation, When confused or overstimulated, may howl or bark, Genetically predisposed to health problems.. GOLDENROD 1957 Miss Harriet Hunt, CT The golden retriever earned its name in part due to its golden coat, but also for its skill in retrieving waterfowl. And be sure to broaden your search to include golden mixes, who will provide every bit of the sweetness youre looking for in a canine companion. "width": 60, The resulting breed quickly drew attention for its excellent hunting skills, and became officially known as the Golden Retriever in 1920. If left untreated, outer ear infections can spread into the middle or inner ear which could affect your dogs hearing. Brookshire Goldens 14. Your Golden may bark to alert you to an intruder, but the moment that intruder steps inside theres a strong chance theyll become your dogs new best friend. Over the 35 plus years that I have been active with the Golden Retriever Breed; health and temperament have become a major concern. : Hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia are fairly common in golden retrievers and both can lead to changes in gait and even lameness. CASA AUDLON 1947 Mahlon B. Wallace, MO SANDYWOOD 1944 Sanford C. John, IN DIANE ATKINSON SADDLECREEK FARMS GOLDEN RETRIEVERS. In sum, if youre looking for a healthy and nutritious option for your golden, consider fresh food. Evans, MN llustrated Study Guide Understanding the Breed Standard, Year-End Statistics Conformation, Field, Obedience, and Agility, Legislative Matters and GRCA Position Statements, GRCA Puppy Referral Manual For Member Clubs, Applications: For Certain Trophies & Awards, DFW Metro GRC Specialty, Obedience & Rally Trials, Golden Retriever Club of Central NY CCA, The Origins of the Golden Retriever Revisited, Advances in Golden Retriever Health Research, Introduction to Canine Health Foundation Peer-Reviewed Papers, Masticatory Muscle Myositis (MMM) Research, Health Screenings for the Parents of a Litter, Improving the Odds for Obtaining a Healthy Golden Retriever Puppy, Understanding Cancer in Golden Retrievers, Effects of Early Spay or Neuter in Golden Retrievers, Golden Retriever Lifetime Study Info for Puppy Buyers. GUNNERMAN 1944 Ben L. Boalt, WI We have been breeding and showing top quality, purebred Golden Retrievers for over 25 years. Our dogs and pups are in the house with us and are raised with children and other pets. high potential for weight gain. CARNATION 1935 R.E. Farm Animals as Pets; Pet Ownership; Wildlife; Things You Should Know About Owning a Golden Retriever. There's no cost or obligation to be added to our waiting list. We looked at the common problems and sought to prevent them. Keeping your dog at a lean, healthy weight, and feeding fresh, complete and balanced food that provides the right amount and proportion of Omega-3 fatty acids can help guard against inflammation and protect your dogs joints. They are good pets and function well in both suburban and country homes. Since then, the breed has established itself as a wonderful companion and working dog alike, making it one of the most popular breeds of all time. Cataracts can develop at any age but are most common in older golden retrievers. I had seen these dogs and their love for all. They have a broad head, short ears, a straight muzzle, and friendly eyes. They also do not drool a lot. "@type": "Organization", We keep a clean and healthy kennel where our pups get to play and grow. Its a health hazard as its linked to a raft of diseases including cancer. SHEWATUCK 1953 Irene Mulvey, RI It cant be emphasized enough: being overweight isnt simply a cosmetic issue for dogs. SmithMA And though it might be tempting when temperatures soar, The golden retriever is an active and intelligent dog that requires a significant amount of daily exercise and mental stimulationyou should aim for at least an hour a day of walks and/or play. "name": "The 2013 Barkley Dog Family Subaru Commercial Compilation", This breed is prized by hunters and families alike for its trainability, social nature, and powerful retrieving skills. Sire: K&L's Mickey Rooney SR77613409. Heart Disease: Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis (SAS), How to Participate in Pigmentary Uveitis Research, Participating in Research: General Tips and Information, Protecting Your Golden from Flea and Tick Diseases, Electronic Health Survey Results at 1 year, The Golden Retriever: An Illustrated Study Guide, Letter to Judges regarding correct coat and grooming practices, Size Disqualification in Golden Retrievers, Suggestions for Judging the Golden Retriever, Dog Training Articles by Connie Cleveland, Raising A New Puppy: Part III Kindergarten (3-5 Months), What Exactly is an English Golden Retriever, Touched by the Peacemaker By Sister Pauline Quinn, OP. Do you like going out most nights? Coat: Long, thick, and silky The golden retriever is the definition of a family dog. Do you have someone, whether friend or professional dog walker, who can come in and provide exercise and company when youre out? The majority of dogs in the U.S. are overweight or obese, but it's a problem that gets overlooked. MACOPIN 1951 Edith Murname, NY Cataracts are most commonly inherited, but other causes and risk factors include diabetes mellitus, abnormally low levels of calcium, exposure to radiation or toxic substances, and age. This has become such an important issue to me, that I have begun . He is the sweetest and will never leave my side when Im home, affirms Nicole Oanes, owner of Golden-pit mix Diablo. Welcome to Montre Farms Golden Retrievers! Simply put, they require a lot of attention. Read on to learn the basics about golden retrievers and golden retriever mixes, and insight from owners and experts to help you live the happiest possible life with this sunny companion. Our dogs excel in obedience, conformation, hunt, and a variety of other AKC sports. GILNOCKIE 1937 Col. S.S. Magoffin, CO The average male golden stands between 23 and 24 inches tall and weighs 65 to 75 pounds. They were bred to be bird dogs for hunting waterfowl. SUNGOLD 1965 Ken & Valerie Walker Fisher, WA Rule of 7 Puppy Socialization Technique, helps develop strong bodies, immune systems and minds. We are thrilled to share these wonderful dogs with our clients. As Dr. Carol Osborne, an integrative veterinarian at Chagrin Falls Pet Clinic in Ohio. The majority of our clientele comes from referrals. Melodie Hammond. In fact, mom and dad will insist on meeting you. ATTAWAN 1957 Austin B. Mason, Jr., MA Symptoms include lethargy, weight gain, and changes in the coat and skin. The average male golden stands between 23 and 24 inches tall and weighs 65 to 75 pounds. The golden retriever wants nothing more than to make you happy and to spend their days by your side. They belonged to the gamekeepers at Guisachan Estate owned by Dudley Marjoribanks, the first Lord Tweedmouth at Inverness-Shire, Scotland. Cloey-Cindy Lynn's daughter &
They are also very playful, eager to please, and trainable. 1-845-878-7610. grandma & great-grandma
If you spend a lot of time away from home, whether for work or travel, a golden retriever might not be the best choice of companion. Fiber can be a powerful force in a dogs dietbut its not always easy How often do you wash your dogs bowls? Nickerson, MN In fact, the breeds propensity for cancer has inspired a massive longitudinal study in the U.S.. Potential adopters in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York should check out adoptable Goldens available at GRIN Rescue in Cleveland, OH, or Sunshine Golden Rescue, based in New York state. Some of the most common cancers seen in golden retrievers include hemangiosarcoma (cancer of the blood vessels often found in the heart and spleen), osteosarcoma (bone cancer), lymphoma (cancer of specific immune cells), and mast cell tumors. Its important to start training your dog from a young age to spend time happily on their own. VICKERSBY 1950 Eleanor H. Burr, MN Golden Retriever Puppies For Sale Hide Breed Information Breed Traits National Breed Club Description History & Job Rescue Health Personality: Friendly, intelligent, devoted Energy Level: Needs. Studies have shown that English goldens can be healthier than the American golden with less . I had seen their patience and tolerance with people young and old. Keeping your dog at a lean, healthy weight, and feeding fresh, complete and balanced food that provides the right amount and proportion of Omega-3 fatty acids can help guard against inflammation and protect your dogs joints. At the time, they were simply classified as retrievers Yellow or Golden but the name was officially changed to golden retriever in 1920. Take them for veterinary checkups annually. SIDRAM 1947 James R. Mardis, IN Since I worked out of our home, I was able to supervise, train and play with our expanding group slowly over the next few years. Your vet may recommend a series of X-rays to look for signs of these conditions. good for first-time pet owners. Without enough, they may become hyperactive or boisterous. As he slept in his favorite spot over the air vent by the door, he left us and made his way quietly, as he slipped into the night. Find your new puppy here! The best thing you can do to keep shedding under control is brush your dog regularlyat least once a week, or even daily if you can swing it. Their height can range from 21-24 inches tall. Camarillo, CA 93012. Your Golden may bark to alert you to an intruder, but the moment that intruder steps inside theres a strong chance theyll become your dogs new best friend. Its critically important to avoid overfeeding your golden because this breed is. MARIANHILL 1945 Sid N. Marchildon, MN : Characterized by an underactive thyroid gland, hypothyroidism is a common endocrine disorder in dogs like the golden retriever. . Born 08-20-2003--picture taken on As long as they're well-trained and given enough exercise, Golden Retrievers make calm, obedient, and delightful companions for all. Golden Retrievers have an average energy level and a low tendency to dig, but they need a lot of attention. HIGHTELLE 1939 Pat Lavery, WY Online Advertising LLC only provides advertising - we do not raise or sell puppies. She is excellent with children and animals. NERRISSIDA 1951 Dr. Irene Kraft, NY Running with your dog can have countless benefits-if done mindfully. Soon it became more than a hobby. Some research involving Scottish terriers has linked increased vegetable consumption to a lower risk of an insidious form of cancer in that breed. Historical Golden Retriever kennel names, no longer active The kennel names that appear on this list have been designated as Historical by GRCA. . Goldens are all about food, so its important to maintain some dietary guard rails. Cataracts: A cataract is a cloudy spot that develops on the lens of the eye. You can email us at, but the easiest and quickest way to hear back from us is by phone (607) 387-5012. Cataracts are a common eye problem but are manageable in most cases if detected early enough. daughter and Citty
We have Dr. Richard Orzeck and his wife Theresa to thank for their advice and emergency assistance involving labor issues. And because they love to eat, their interest in food can often lead to obesity. How big will a Golden Retriever get? 2018 Montre Farms. The Field Golden Retriever has a high drive to work, and they can be higher energy than the other kinds of Golden Retrievers. Golden retrievers may not be the biggest of breeds, but their energy level means they require space to move around. The folds of the skin, ears, feet, and belly are most often affected. Why A fresh way to feed your pet. Our opportunity to be mothers to sweet Golden Retriever babies is no exception. Even though many human foods are fine for dogs to eat, some arent, and they can be the source of digestive distress that can be unpleasant for both of you. HIGH FARMS 1952 Ralph & Ruth Worrest and Robert & Ginny Worrest, CT We listened to their questions and concerns. MASTLAND 1941 Mrs. Walter E. Schulke, FL contain preservatives and possibly other carcinogens. Hypothyroidism: Characterized by an underactive thyroid gland, hypothyroidism is a common endocrine disorder in dogs like the golden retriever. Golden retrievers typically develop outer ear infections which may result in redness, itching, and odorous discharge. BIG ROCK 1938 A.G. Siems, WI . All information is believed to be accurate but is not guaranteed by Lancaster Puppies . The typical golden is SO friendly, SO easygoing, and SO adorable that they can give the impression that theyre a low-maintenance dog. "duration": "PT2M7S", Copyright 2013-2018 Online Advertising, LLC, Narvon PA 17555. Genes are most frequently cited as a likely contributor, but there are many environmental factors that might contribute to this sad predisposition. Speak to your vet if you see these behaviors. This condition can cause changes in weight or appetite, low energy, and changes in skin and coat. To achieve this, he bred flat- and wavy-coated retrievers with Tweed Water Spaniels. American Kennel Club: "Cancer in Senior Dogs Signs and Symptoms to Watch For," "Dog Allergies," Golden Retriever, "Golden Retriever History: Behind the Breeds Unfashionable Past, Official Standard for the Golden Retriever, Thyroid Disease in Dogs. The other health issues some goldens may be prone to include: Ear Infections: Dogs with floppy ears can be more prone to ear infections because moisture can become trapped in the ear and become a breeding ground for bacteria. NIMRODORUM 1947 Henry DeRoulet, CA GLITTERING GOLD 1937 Dr. A.C. Gifford, WI These dogs will be 21-23 inches tall if they are male or 21-22 inches tall as females. If youre looking to keep busy with a friendly, active, family-oriented companion, however, the golden might be a great fit. I love the breed but one must be prepared for a very challenging first two years of puppy rearing, says Nancy McCarty, mother of Bailey the golden. All of the dogs in our program come from excellent pedigrees with champion lines.
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