Lets work together to make it known more for journalism work such as vital scoops on the feds coming here and investigations like The Quiet Rooms than for incendiary viewpoints. He ended his published rant with this: But really, I dont give two figs.. Does the Republican Party really existanymore? In June 2021, Kass took the buyout offer at the Chicago Tribune, after 38 years at the paper. For reasons unknown, Trumps personal assurance that he would oversee the money distribution just didnt cut it for that old meanie, Pelosi. His indignation is preposterous. Social scientists call it "confirmation bias." . He thinks climate change provisions are ridiculous. He thinks gender-equality regulations are ridiculous., He even thinks investing in wind and solar energy is ridiculous., But what he really, really hates is Pelosis stalling of the Trump money-grab that would have given Mnuchin $500 billion to distribute secretly, as he saw fit, with no one the wiser. Behold your great prize. Ethnographic approaches to the study of sport and physical culture have developed primarily within physical education and kinesiology programs and are typically framed in dialogue with sociological. It. The Strong Leader of the RepublicanParty, The only way to teach children right fromwrong. MBA Northwestern, business turnaround expert, economist I contend only that anti-Semitic people have so frequently invoked his name to advance anti-Semitism that using his name over and over in a column gives rise to the appearanceof advancing anti-Semitic tropes. And seeing what happened to Kass, why would any Tribune reporter risk his reputation and livelihood by breaking a story contrary to the progressive dictates of, to borrow from Kass, the Jacobins in charge at the Tribune? cumbia wepa dance origin. What Joe Manchin and his Big Lie(s) have cost you. John Kass, the Chicago Tribune's most prominent columnist, is under fire from his co-workers for invoking what they called an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory involving billionaire George Soros in a column last week. (Last updated August 15,2022). She stalled a Senate bipartisan coronavirus relief package. So one fig equals 750 indignant words. So that being the case, why not just let an experienced liar, stealer, and insulter take charge of the money rather than those Democrat amateurs?. Free education (including post-grad) for everyone. An examination ofmyths. Instead, he conducts his mischief by writing for the formerly right-wing, but now having adopted a bit of morality, middle-wing, Chicago Tribune. Volume Set - John Anthony McGuckin 2010-12-15 With a combination of essay-length and short entries written by a team of leading religious experts, the two-volume Encyclopedia of Eastern Orthodoxy offers the most comprehensive guide to the cultural and intellectual world of Eastern Orthodox Christianity available in English today. It never happened. Will you believe me or believe your owneyes? Do you understand how The Big Lie affects you and everyone else? February 18, 2023 . The union does not run the newsroom. Editors and supervisors are not members of the union. Huh? Resorting to Orwellian language contortions, progressives demonize dissent by calling it disinformation or misinformation. A simple Im sorry, I didnt know would have gone a long way to smoothing all the ruffled plumage. Its racist and anti-Semitic, and it should never have been published in the Tribune.. PHOTO of John Kass is available from the Columnist Mugs Topics: t000047685,t000002953,t000047684,t000047683,g000065560,g000362661,g000066164,g000216305 AP-WF-09-14-17 1852GMT This may strike you as a fine distinction, but its key. Sometimes that criticism is over the top or unfair; sometimes it comes from colleagues. The Chicago Way: Can a city survive with first responders under constant political attack by the powers that be? Today 5/16 hes sniping at Liz Cheney, trying to bring her down with a 1000 cuts. Knocking Down Barriers: My Fight for Black America. Well, I guess it didnt rise to the level of the Jussie Smollett phony hate crime (which, by the way, Foxx wouldnt prosecute). You will catch omicron. The economically harmful student loanprogram. Pelosi, true to Emanuels Rule of power politics, didnt waste the coronavirus crisis. Given the history of discrimination against and persecution of Jews, culminating in the horrors of the Holocaust, and given a recent surge in Jew-hating incidents in our society, a charge of anti-Semitism is a grave accusation, one of the worst that can be leveled against someone. Casting a well-known Jewish individual as a puppet master who manipulates high-profile events for malign purposes has the effect of mainstreaming anti-Semitic tropes and giving support, however unwitting, to bona fide anti-Semites and extremists who disseminate these ideas knowingly and with malice, Goldenberg wrote. There were other stories more important to the Tribunes readers than vengeance on me. Republican hate-filled cruelty is not a bug. 1996;115(3):283-297. . Let me know if you have advice on local sights, bars, and pork tenderloin sandwiches. How partisan! It's not the first time this year Kass has run afoul of his colleagues for regurgitating conservative talking points. A defamatory public letter was leaked and media gossips feasted. Mauer E, Kass PH. A cursory read of conservative and far-right media would have you believe that Soros and his funding is behind Antifa, Black Lives Matter, violent protests, illegal immigration, fraudulent voting schemes and a myriad of other radical conspiracy theories. The Woke controversy as the GOP camouflage forbigotry. Our own reporters were frank about the columns offensiveness in exchanges with newsroom management. (Kass never expected) to be betrayed by a Tribune publisher and editorial executives who would not stand up for basic journalistic and constitutional standards of free thought and free speech. The five lies that have destroyed the Americandream. Likewise, in an interview with the Chicago Tribune's John Kass in September, he compared mail-in voting to "the business of selling and buying votes" and said it could mean ballot . Does the town have anything to do with Chicago? 1956) is an American newspaper columnist who is an Orthodox Christian of Greek heritage. Ive covered a number of stories of misinterpretations and misunderstandings that result in explosions of umbrage. It was not, however, Kass right to decline to join the union once the company recognized it. Right on. And Kass dissent from the prevailing far left culture of the Tribune could not be tolerated. 1 BACKGROUND. A letter to Tribune management from the newsroom unions executive committeequoted these and other criticisms, adding: The odious, anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that billionaire George Soros is a puppet master controlling Americas big cities does not deserve a mainstream voice, especially at a time when hate crimes are rising. His Chicago example was the far-left Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx, who reportedly received at least $2 million from a Soros-backed political action committee. The Chicago Way w/John Kass (02/14/2022): During the COVID-19 pandemic, John Kass & Jeff Carlin continue to podcast socially distanced from secure locations. Here is the text of the Chicago Tribune Guild letter: The week began with national press recognizing the Chicago Tribune for its scoop in uncovering Trump administration plans to send federal law-enforcement personnel here. Thank you. Die Auswertung war eine langwierige Sache. Chicago Way w/John Kass: Ald. Fact is, readerswere interested in Kass decision to leave Illinois, whether or not he or anyone else considered it an important story. It undermines the efforts of our newsroom to provide fair and diligent reporting to readers who, we all know, dont always grasp the distinction between opinion and news.. Tribune Guild? Theres not a hint, not a suggestion, not any insinuation of a Jewish conspiracy to control Americas big cities, as the Tribune guild falsely claimed in trying to malign Kass. Remember that ticking time bomb? Exactly the wrong way to cure inflation, but the best way to cause arecession. CQ Library American political resources opens in new tab; The Big Lie InEconomics. Ald. We want to increase everyone's awareness and show them how to weather the storm. The China Situation. Ive got drugs to take. For stating this self-evident truth and calling out Soros for his role in it, the Tribune guild accused Kass, a distinguished newspaperman who enhanced Tribune journalism for four decades, of anti-Semitism. What do you call what the Tribune guild did? There are some redundancies in this narrative because it is an amalgamation of several posts. The secret to perfect gums; white teeth; noflossing, Encouraging the public to commit financial suicide. What made this story all the more intriguing was how Kass was clearly trying to keep his status as a new Hoosier a secret, making the home purchase through an opaque Indiana land trust, as Goldsborough reported, and declining to answer queries about the move, including one in an email from me. What you should know about our economy that others dontknow. What is the best way to prevent crime inAmerica? In April he apologized for a column in which he wrote: "Americas cultural elites, in politics, government and media, are doing just fine during the coronavirus shutdown.. Steve Johnson Good news, if true. Founding Father Benjamin Franklin wrote that warning to the Revolutionary government official charged with the thankless task of getting recalcitrant states to adequately fund the war. He is also the target of conspiracy theories, rooted in anti-Semitism, about his puppet master like control of governments and people. Or they could have fully explored the abysmal news that many cheerleading press agents ignore amid all their forced happy talk: Downtown commercial office vacancy rateshave hit record highs. So Jack decried the hideous partisan rhetoric that said, in essence, Dont put that proven crooked Fox in charge of the henhouse.. But even if Kass had offered at the time a contrite expression of regret for having inadvertently upset so many people, it wouldnt have stopped the editors from moving his column off Page 2 and onto the then-new Tribune Voices pages just in front of the editorials and op-eds. He was not disciplined. John Kass, JohnKassNews.com February 27, 2022 By John Kass I'm picturing the Oval Office in President Joe Biden's White House, just before our real presidents-chief of staff Ron Klain or perhaps Susan Rice-put him to bed for his afternoon nap. And theres nothing wrong with a journalist reporting that a rich man is bankrolling political candidates and commenting on it. Federal debt, myths and facts: What youve been told vs. thefacts. @chicagotribune has a responsibility to not give these conspiracies a platform., Dan Froomkin of the Washington, D.C.-based Press Watch was less restrained, also pointing out that our social media account (accurately) echoed Kasss vulgar invocations of Soros: Chicago Tribune opinion page prints bullshit anti-Semitic dog-whistle pro-Trump incitement by paid columnist, then @chicagotribune Twitter account disgustingly promotes it on social media., And heres 47th Ward Ald. The Chicago Way w/John Kass (06/21/2022): This week, veteran pollster and political operative Rod McCulloch discuss what has played out so far in Republican primary for Illinois governor and pulls back the curtain on political polling. I hope the anesthesia (for an upcoming shoulder surgery) is strong enough to block dreams of my former employerthe paper and the Chicago Tribune Guild slandering me for daring to write about lefty billionaire George Soros and the woke non-prosecutor prosecutors hes installed in Chicago and other crime-ridden towns. I applauded Kass decision to move in the Picayune Sentinel, writing, Ive got to respect that, unlike most of those who complain endlessly about Illinois, he suited his actions to his words and summoned the movers.. No serious person has disputed that, and Soros explanation of his motives in the Wall Street Journal in the summer of 2022 heralded by some on the right as some big reveal was no secret to anyone whod been paying attention. Federally funded Medicare parts A, B & D, plus long-term care for everyone, Provide a monthly economic bonus to every man, woman and child in America, Free education (including post-grad) for everyone, ncrease federal spending on the myriad initiatives that benefit Americas 99.9%, View all posts by Rodger Malcolm Mitchell. In blue states generally, the masks during COVID-19 shutdowns became a totem of that fear, and of political fealty in the Democratic campaign to topple former President Donald Trump. To Kass, cynical leveraging of human misery and fear,means helping the poor by providing them with some food, clothing, housing, and medical care. January 31, 2023 Chicago Way w/John Kass: How faith, family, & friendship help heal the heart. Hi, this @greenfieldjohn: Tomorrow Ill do a train+bike trip to St. John and live-tweet my findings. Ive written columns about this, and others have written about this. The weird angry troll on social media was John Greenfield, co-editor of Streetsblog Chicago and a columnist for the Chicago Reader. The odious, anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that billionaire George Soros is a puppet master controlling America's big cities does not deserve a mainstream voice, especially at a time when hate crimes are rising. Kass hadnt attended a single board meeting in recent memory. EMERGENCY! Next stop:Stagflation, The surprising connections among, taxes, religion, and Medicare forAll. The essential point? Some Jacobin trolls want me to forget about it, others of the left are quite sensitive about Soros these days, since he himself bragged about funding his progressive prosecutor project and said he has no intention of stopping. I know this in part because I reported to the head of the Editorial Board, had a desk in the Editorial Board pod and participated in nearly all board meetings (with the exception of endorsement sessions) for the last dozen years of my career at the Tribune, though, I was not a voting member of the board and did not write editorials.
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