Consider: A. Even those who look like they are keeping the law definitely have private struggles in their lives. THEY HAD A GREATER APPRECIAION OF THE BLOOD OF JESUS. For all the promises of God you read in the Old or New Testament, you claim them by faith by saying, Amen!, In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches (perez) thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old. Amos 9:11 KJV, breaches (perez) The word perez in Hebrew means breach.. Are you a family woman? What difference are you making this year? We glean another lesson from Obed-Edom's blessing for accepting the ark in his house. <> 16:4-6, 37-38). When you realize how much Jesus loves you and are freshly filled with His love, your spouse will be the beneficiary. He allowed them to take it. From what I recalled from the sermon, there was little mention of a critical factor. . In either cases, this implies that Obed Edom mentioned in 1 Chronicles 15 onward is definitely not the same person. No longer then are we worshipping out of a sense of duty or the wrong kind of the fear of God. However, Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life (John 11:25), and raised Lazarus from the dead. Same thing, so they set him back up again. The Beauty and Character of Queen Vashti. Pastor Prince shares a testimony from a lady, who after hearing about the theme of the year being Rest and Acceleration, trusted God for her newly-renovated apartment to be rented out to a good tenant. This time, there was also singing, but notice there is no mention of All their might. No self-righteousness. What God has committed to you, entrusted to you, how are you nurturing it? If Obed Edom was a Levite living in Gath-rimmon, then it makes a lot of sense for David to deposit the ark at his house in the 2 Sam 6:10-12 episode. We find that David refused to go any further with the ark at this time. God cursed the Philistines and they were struck with disease and ultimately, before they got the Ark back into the hands of Israel, 50,070 men died as recorded in I Samuel 6:19. It is supposed to be carried on the shoulders of the priests, much like one would carry a champion. Thank you for the great article. Obed-Edom named each of his sons in honor of God's blessing on his household. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Huanyangelina: Getting into a Relationship, Skillsfuture 3 Real Significances to Christians Today, Misinterpreted Bible Verses: 4 Common Mistakes That You Absolutely Need to Note. 22:18). Many of the same kinds of things that transpired 3 months priorlike lots of praise and worshipwere again present. 1. But David did something new. Why was he bringing it back and why was is not there where it belonged? Because we have Jesus blood, we will receive even greater blessings than those of Obed-Edom and David! This entire story is also a depiction of when the temple soldiers came to arrest Jesus in the garden. We began this post by listing a concern from a sermon I heard years ago. Read The Fine Print: The Story Of David Part 9. This demonstrates that David this time around had a greater revelation and appreciation of the blood of Jesus. As Jesus died on the cross of Calvary, the veil of the Temple was rent in two. . The name first appeared in 2 Sam 6:10-12. However, back then, the people had to offer sacrifices to renew their sanctification yearly. Uzzah reached out his hand to steady the ark, because the oxen stumbled. 1 Chronicles 13:9 NIV. 1 Chron. Thank You, Father God, that You raised Jesus from the dead. 25. In Exodus 25:12-15, special rings and staves (poles) were built to carry the Ark. The Holy Spirit is drawing pictures for us in this story. Blood was shed EVERY SIX PACES!..and this time, God helped the priests transport His Ark because they were now doing it His way! Jesus gets ALL the glory! Psalm 16:11. Why did you say 70 years? % I believe you will have a heart to study. Required fields are marked *. 4,5. emmausroadministries, No One Is Forgiven Little emmausroadministries, ; I Chron. Church, youd better know with absolute certainty thatRighteousness is a gift you receive,not an action you perform. Well David, upon hearing all this, came back to the house of Obed Edom for the Ark, this time with a whole new attitude! (See Rev. This depicts many Churches today who, though they and their people are believers, dont have Jesus at the center. Ark of covenant can be understood as the place where God's presence dwells, from where God speaks to HIS people. You can plainly see that they played music. Revival is only stopped when mans effort comes in, when man tries to control the move of God with their own ways, bringing in their own laws. Obed-Edom: 1. The two sons of Eli died and when the news was brought to Eli, he was so distressed that in a state of panic he fell over backwards and died. God had ordained that the ark was to be moved in a very specific manner. Thus all Israel brought up the ark of the covenant of the Lord with shouting and with thesound of the horn (Shofar),with trumpets and with cymbals, making music with stringed instruments and harps.. He could not just go shop for an ark, he had to build it. From ME to You There are so many things we can lean from the choices we made in life. He is contrasting law and grace. God saw Obed-Edom in the righteousness of His Son. went to bring up the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of the house of Obed-edom with joy." 1 Chron. B.C. Pastor Prince shares a word of wisdom for those concerned about growing older. This is a promise for every household. What? Lets pause for a moment to know more about the Ark and understand how it was designated to be carried. We must come before the Lord with a pure heart, and an attitude of fear and reverence. "And the ark of God remained with the household of Obed-edom in his house three months. You would think theyd have known better than to look inside the Ark, right? It is about relationship with a Person: Our Lord Jesus Christ. This coming week, may the blessings of God begin to manifest in an accelerated way, in the name of Jesus. As long as ever you can. What a worship! He made the link that this was due to him experienced the presence of God through the ark when the Ark of Covenant was placed in his home. And the Lord blessed the house of Obed-Edom and all that he had. Abinadab was both a Jew AND a priest. There is great benefit in following the Lord, and as we do, we have the potential to make an impact on the lives of others. You dont need a pastor or a deacon present to have communion. All those things were placed inside so that they would be UNDER THE BLOOD But they were probably curious and wanted to get a glimpse of the tablets of stone, which were made of sapphire. This is a picture of having communion, in remembrance of the Lords death, every Sunday. Learning Lessons from Jairus. King David wholeheartedly desired to bring the Ark of God back to where it belonged, a desire that pleased God very much. When you keep being conscious that by Gods unmerited, unearned, and undeserved favor, Jesus Christ took your place and died for your sins on the cross, and you have taken His place as the righteousness of God in Christ, you will start to see bad habits drop off. Open your hearts. So how do these two observations answer our question in the beginning of this section? Thisyoung manfrom the tribe ofBenjaminis a depiction of the last, and therefore youngest, generation. Let us follow after Gods ways, and we will see His blessings and favor follow after us. News flash: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BALANCE. This is what David did after he took the ark from Obed-Edoms house: And so it was, when those bearing the ark of the LORD had gone six paces, that he sacrificed oxen and fatted sheep. 2 Samuel 6:13 NKJV. 1 Sam. . He who loves not man does not know God, for God is love. Your email address will not be published. However, when Gabriel appeared to Mary and prophesied that she would carry Jesus in her womb, she believed the Word of God (Luke 1:38). The Bible did not offer us enough data points for such conclusion. He was probably a Levite who lived nearby. When you consider the very steep and rocky terrain the oxen had to negotiate, you can see why they had a huge problem. But Gods people should have known betterthey should have known to honor the Lord by carrying the ark on their shoulders instead of moving it on the oxen cart. What do they know of the proper way tocarry the Ark? All the people were with him, and there was lots of praise and worship. Lol this story wrecked me when I found out all the details because it spoke to my situation. The Shofar is the horn made from a male sheep. 3:20). I Chronicles 15:2626 And so it was, whenGOD HELPED THE LEVITESwho bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord , that they offered seven bulls and seven rams.. When you activate your strength, the result is sin. The Bible tells us that sin shall not have dominion over us because we are not under the law but under grace (Rom. That brings it to a whole new level! God will never be used as a superstitious good luck charm to overcompensate for the evil lives of those who attempt such a folly. You saw how they fell before Him when He said, I Am He. Well, notice the word,He,is initalicsbecause it isnt in the original text but was added by translators to make the text flow better. No, Noah was responsible to BUILD the ark. 2. (*For more on thesapphire tablets,you may follow the link below: Remember when Jesus said, My yoke is easy and My burden is light?This story perfectly illustrates that verse. It had been inAbinadabs house for some20 years,and before that, it had been in the hands of their enemies, the Philistines. And wives are called by God to submit themselves to their husbands as unto the Lord (Eph. He (David) prepared a place for the ark of God, and pitched a tent for it. Worship with us at No 15 Grey street, polokor market warri. As you supply them with grace-filled, Jesus-centered words, believe that God will transform your children and cause them to want to do the right thing. DAVID . Amen. It was, after all, given for our health and well being. They are, so to speak, lost in the woods of their own doctrines. 6:19). See Jesus in all the scriptures concerning Himself. Firstly, there is no apparent evidence that Obed Edom was appointed the gatekeeper because of his experience with the Ark. As little girls we are taught to be nice and polite. His story begins with his grandparents. The next morning, where was Dagon..again? PASTORS: Want your churches to really grow? Do you have God in your dealings? The impetus for this word study comes from a sermon I heard some years back. Nevertheless, due to the lack of data point, it may be different persons as well. When it came to how to transport or treat the ark, the Philistines didnt know better. Jesus defined the fear of the Lord in Deuteronomy 6:13 as worship (Matt. Aleph is also be the word for Thousand. But it can also mean, Leader. It could mean that God struck 70 men and 50 oxen, but that wouldnt make any sense, would it?
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