We hope their support inspires you to donate so that we can continue telling stories that inform, educate, and inspire you and your neighbors. However, as Krishna highlights, while many of the European foods eventually migrated out of the [international] section, most of the foods from other parts remained.. Teenagers tackle these issues and more in these 18 runners-up essays. Guidelines. Mollica, Richard. As a prime example of this, The New York Times ran a piece about a Florida high school that digitally altered yearbook photos of more than 80 female students to cover their chests because they were deemed inappropriate and immodest by school dress code standards. It's estimated at least 100 people enter this country at Roxham every day . Stand up for civility. Choose a topic you care about, then gather evidence from sources both within and outside The New York Times and write a concise editorial (450 words or fewer) to convince readers of your view. Accessed 18 Mar. CHICAGO Mayor Lori Lightfoot of Chicago lost her bid for a second term on Tuesday, a resounding defeat that reflected widespread dissatisfaction from . A staff entry (by multiple editors in the same organization) consists of eight to 10 headlines. You might also think about what topics you are an authority on, no matter how small. How to Enter Headlines published from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2022, are eligible. A Growing Number of Voices Say Yes. NPR, 3 Aug. 2019. Not Every Student is Christian. Holzer figures the Fed will hike rates two or three more times in 2023, possibly including . Instead, try carving out a smaller claim, the way Erin Tan did in 2020 when she focused on how changes wrought by the pandemic could impact college admissions forever. State Song Made Compulsory in Andhra Schools. The Indian Express, 31 October 2009. Traditional Masculinity Can Hurt Boys, Say New A.P.A. Should I Major in the Humanities? The Atlantic. Hallisey, Karen. Students possess the capacity to make a great difference. You can also win up to 5000 LeetCoins per contest, as well as bonus prizes from sponsored companies. I was overcome with a strong urge to vomit and I wondered, in such a technology-driven world, why were there unborn pigs on our tables when we could have easily learned the same amount of material on our computers lying only a few feet away from us? This news story is funded in large part by Connecticut Public's Members listeners, viewers, and readers like you who value fact-based journalism and trustworthy information. This leaves many students with an impossible decision between attending school or observing their faith. responding to requests for admission federal court; barnet council tax moving home; shanti devi cause of death; bts preference masterlist; upper echelon theory argues that quizlet Should Rivers Have Same Legal Rights as Humans? Suppose China wants to tackle the root of the problem. American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. According to the New York Times food reporter Priya Krishna, the ethnic aisle was popularized during postwar America in the 1940s when soldiers stationed in countries like Italy, Germany, and Japan wanted access to the same goods they had tasted overseas. This teaches girls that their bodies are inherently provocative and therefore need to be hidden. All member newspapers of the New York News Publishers Association are eligible to enter. Have a look. America has always stood for much more than that. Embracing progress doesnt prove the Armys leaders have lost their way. It proves they understand you cant find the way forward by looking back. In alphabetical order, by the writers last name. Krishna, Priya. The Dan River Coal Ash Spill, One Year Later. Southern Environmental Law Center, 3 Feb. 2015. We invited teenagers to write miniature memoirs about meaningful moments in their lives. At a time when breaking out of ones filter bubble is more important than ever, we hope this contest encourages you to deepen your opinions by using multiple sources, ideally ones that offer a range of perspectives on your chosen issue. lacks the personnel to thoroughly investigate all incidents of environmental impropriety, allowing most crimes to continue unchecked. Dates: Oct. 12 to Nov. 16. Is Your School Dress Code Biased against Girls? Accessed 18 Mar. Leander ISD reaches 451! Posting a Black Square, but Not Black Faces. The New York Times. Thomas Feyer, the New York Times letters editor, provides tips for getting your letter published in his. When youre done, you can find more winning essays from students in this column. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/10/learning/our-2022-23-student-contest-calendar-fall-semester.html, Clockwise from top left: Charlie Ballenger, Zubin Carvalho, Amina Bilalova, Osayamen Okungbowa, Jenny Zou and Courtney Duffy, Coming of Age in 2022: An Image Contest for Teenagers, Youll find all the details and resources you need here, collection of free links to over 75 pieces. There is no limit on the number of sources you can use, but we ask that you cite at least one Times article and at least one article from outside The Times. To my fellow guys, dont be afraid to let those healthy tears flow. The New York Times's editorial page editor Andrew Rosenthal provides seven tips for writing an effective editorial. Understanding why and what to do may help, Ignoring Your Emotions Is Bad for Your Health. American culture is always changing, just as it did when women belatedly gained the right to vote, or when public schools were finally integrated. The stigma behind mental health ends with us. 9h "Fox News became a juggernaut not simply by being 'Republican,' or 'conservative,' but by offering its audience something it craved even more deeply: representation," writes @DavidAFrench . July 25, 2022 | 12:26pm. For students in the United States, we consider middle school to begin in sixth grade; students outside of the United States must be at least 11 years old to enter. Our planet has been endangered by the people who wont live to see its demise. Lowering the Voting Age for Local Elections. Vote16 USA. For Murdoch, He'll Make an Exception. and onetime GOP vice. At its core, performative activism is self-serving, prioritizing the demonstration of ones own good will over the actual cause. Defenders of such activism contest that while it may not produce direct change, it can still spread awareness on a major scale and put pressure on politicians. On the day each contest begins, we will add a link here, on this page, to the contest announcement so students and teachers can submit entries. I Am [REDACTED]By Fayte Le, age 16, Vista Ridge High School, Cedar Park, Texas. Keating, Dave. Take Takoma Park, for example. As one student from Central Washington University pointed out in an article for their schools newspaper, The Observer, the language of dress codes is directed toward females. Madagascar is dying and experiencing the first climate-induced famine, but where are the moviemakers now? Making someone aware that an issue exists, however, does not convince them to care about it. Vyawahare, Malavika Madagascars Vanishing Trees Mongabay. This one is by Evelyn Wang, age 17. School or Services? These people often dismiss teenagers as immature. But we have the maturity to drive and work without a limit on our hours? File Photo by Tony Caldwell / Postmedia. By The Learning Network. The editorial, titled "America's Lethal Politics," suggested a map distributed by Palin's PAC that featured stylized crosshairs over congressional districts, including Gifford's, contributed to. People, regardless of gender, will not be free until we interrogate all the biases embedded in our language and culture. Update, June 16, 2022: Winners have been announced! As we have since 2019, were inviting students to write a short, powerful story about a meaningful experience from their lives, but this year theres a twist: they must do it in 100 words or fewer. A habit to further the social activism that teenagers have shown in issues ranging from climate change to equitable education to school shootings. Have You Considered the Benefits of Crying? New York Times, New York Times, 28 July 2020. It sends a powerful message to our countrys minority communities: You are respected. Animals Used in Education. PETA, 9 Sept. 2021. Career exploration matters. Probably. City Pulse, City Pulse, 15 Sept. 2021. However, emotions are neither a hindrance nor a sign of weakness; they are a biological necessity that regulates our mental and physical health. Younger generations are increasingly rejecting the misogyny of dress codes, which they view as being rooted in outdated ideas of womens bodies and their roles in society. Can I submit it to this contest? Hendel, Hilary Jacobs. Our lesson plan: 10 Ways to Teach Argument-Writing With The New York Times which links to many more resources relevant to this contest, including ideas from educators who teach with it annually. Its Time to Lose the Obsolete Tradition of Classroom Animal Dissectionsby Sunghyun Park, age 16, Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, N.H. . Mayer, David M. How Men Get Penalized for Straying from Masculine Norms. Harvard Business Review, 8 October 2018. Instagram Users Flood the App with Millions of Blackout Tuesday Posts. CNBC. Students are asked to submit 500 word opinion editorial about an issue that matters to them. The New York Times Summer Reading Contest invites students to choose something in The Times that has sparked their interest. Yet for me, crying is an art. In hopes of capturing a spot at one of the nations top schools, middle and high school students in China feverishly prepare for the gaokao, or a series of college entrance exams. The inaugural girls state wrestling tournament last weekend in Casper turned out OK, but the road to the Wyoming Center was far from smooth. When we are numb, we lose our capacity for reflectiveness and self-awareness, ultimately challenging our ability to empathize with crisis stories and those who are suffering. Fifty Years Ago, so Did 18-Year-Olds, The Evolution of Voting Rights in America, Lowering the Voting Age for Local Elections, Poll: Americans Overwhelmingly Reject Lowering Voting Age to 16, Cultural factors influencing the mental health of Asian Americans. For inspiration, take a look at the work of past winners, and visit the related writing unit. We need health care workers with the ability to communicate well and engineers who understand the influence of their work. Winners. Cramer, Maria, and Michael Levenson. Surprisingly, the vociferous keyboard critics didnt mind the use of cartoons to promote national security. Runners-Up From Our 9th Annual Student Editorial Contest, https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/22/learning/runners-up-from-our-9th-annual-student-editorial-contest.html, 40% Dont Access Education in a Language They Understand, The Returns to English-Language Skills in India, Children Learn Better in Their Mother Tongue. Neither is Austen, Dickens, or even Kafka. It stands at about 4.5% now, following seven rate hikes in 2022. Why Is India Obsessed With English-Medium Education When It Goes Against Scientific Consensus? Can you tell me why? China Targets Costly Tutoring Classes. How Riding a Bike Benefits the Environment, If You Build It, They Will Bike: Pop-Up Lanes Increased Cycling During Pandemic, Seattle Department of Transportation Safe Routes to School, The Army disabled comments on new recruiting commercials amid criticism its too woke. Too much bad news can make you sick. CNN. This greatly disrupts the health and viability of local populations and impacts biodiversity negatively. Muri Assuno / New York Daily News: 2022 Nobel Peace Prize winner sentenced to 10 years in Belarus prison. While the movies actors make millions of dollars, the Malagasy gross domestic product per capita is 596.35 USD. The 55-year-old billionaire industrialist has close ties to Russian leader Vladimir Putin, who ordered troops into Ukraine in 2022 for a war that's become unexpectedly complex. Chinas After-School Tutoring Ban Offers No Reprieve From School Stress. Chinas College Entry Test Is an Obsession. The New York Times, 12 June 2009. Just make sure those sources are reliable ones. We usually celebrate dozens of students for each contest. We advocate change, but change must start with educating the community about the true epidemic several Asian American teens face today. Suicide Statistics.. Hundreds of thousands of students from around the world have participated in our contests over the 13 years weve been running them, creating podcasts, writing editorials, making videos, reviewing arts and culture, composing narratives, investigating scientific phenomena, and more. Zalis, Shelley. Astor, Maggie. How It Works. Carman, Tim. Instead, they objected to who was being featured: an Afro-Latino recruit from Haiti, a female soldier raised on ballet and violin, another who is proud of her two moms.. The New York Times Learning Network has an article with ten reasons to send student work out into the world. Under Trump, E.P.A. I too have entertained the idea of succumbing to the stability of an unfulfilling career because the pay alone is enticing and the job outlook is good. Boy Talk: Breaking Masculine Stereotypes. The New York Times. New York City Adds 2 Muslim Holy Days to Public School Calendar, Its Back to School. Thanks to the many teachers who have adopted this challenge, every year we receive thousands of essays. Unfortunately, this sort of activism did not end with the protests; as the child of Soviet immigrants with relatives in both Russia and Ukraine, I am dismayed at the amount of performative social media activism generated in response to the ongoing war. Lipton, Eric, and Danielle Ivory. Indeed, this is the root of the environmental justice dilemma in America. Do School Dress Codes Discriminate against Girls? Education Week, Education Week, 15 Oct. 2021. Who is eligible to participate in this contest? There are two different ways to access archived articles: The New York Times Article Archive provides partial and full-text digital versions of articles from 1851 to Today. "I have never had an e-bike," said the grand prize winner of City Vanture. Enhance your coding abilities and get valuable real-world feedback by participating in contests on LeetCode. Our safety in school is put at risk by politicians who have not been in schools for forty years. New York Magazine: 2022 Issues 2022 Issue Archive To view an issue published from 1998 to present, select the cover in this archive. Mar 2, 2023. Students need the opportunity to take action toward improving their health and helping the environment. Only those who understand the situation will be motivated to take action, and it is this concrete action that will pressure politicians to act. Pagan, Paige, and Marilisa Jimnez Garca. The Crime Report, citing records from the Environmental Protection Agency, finds that just 0.5 percent of environmental law violations prompt criminal investigations. Im tired of a childrens cartoon dictating what Americans know of Malagasy culture. Email your teachers and principals about possible alternatives. If you are not sure if you are eligible for this contest (for example, if youre taking a gap year), please see our more detailed eligibility rules. By Jason Spingarn-Koff on February 5, 2014. How do my students prove to me that they entered this contest? Check it out now! A one-fifth page ad in the Book Review will cost a whopping $8,830 for small presses. Fortin, Jacey. Forcing non-Christians to choose between their studies and their religion encourages uniformity, where students have little exposure to other cultures. None of the boys had their yearbook photos altered not even the swim team, who posed in their Speedos with no shirts. Headlines regarding the book bans, too, focus almost entirely on every perspective but the one that matters most: students. The American shopper has been ignorant for far too long. T el l u s w h y y ou c h ose. Crying: Its a Human ThingBy Owen Yu, age 17, The Haverford School, Haverford, Pa. Several weeks ago, in a sudden, long overdue release of pent-up emotions and teenage angst, I cried. Make an argument in 450 words or fewer about something that matters to you, and persuade us that we should care, too. The winning student entries from 2017-2021. The New York Times annual spring Editorial Contest is an initiative of the "The New York Times" to encourage budding writers. With increased accessibility, we partake in valuable news content that keeps us constantly informed of new developments around the world. 16-Year-Olds Want a Vote. Environmental Crime: The Prosecution Gap. The Crime Report, 14 July 2014. New York Times Co. Reports Loss as Digital Subscriptions Grow. New York Times, May 3, 2016. Students are the most qualified to speak to our experiences, so student exclusion has created an inaccurate highly biased conversation that harms who its meant to protect. Madagascar is a Western narrative that pushes the Malagasy jungle against the Wests cultural hub, New York City, emphasizing the idea that African countries lack civilization and modernity. At the end of the week, judges from the Times newsroom will pick and publish their favorite responses.. . And while it may be hard for our parents, the integration of mental health education will play a vital role in truly creating generational change. (Note to students: We have published the names, ages and schools of students from whom we have received permission to do so.
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