They can or can communicate or channel or are aware of or or feel or sense or intuit or perceive or spiritually connect to their twin flame or twin soul through the heart center and emotional body. My sisters and I (there are 3 of us) all have the same birth mark mole in the same spot on our left leg. What is your mission as a Starseed? Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn signs usually fall into the Orion Starseed category. Memories that young children and toddlers would not typically experience. But, unfortunately, an Orion Starseed cant understand why some people lag while others do so well. To confirm a strong intuition, theres a line of intuition thats a curved vertical line on the outside of the palm under the pinky. I also have a strawberry birthmark since birth on my crown of my head right where my soft spot was. There is grouping according to star origin, soul age (old and new), aura, etc. Im a level 2 reiki practioner, a medium, channel and read tarot and angel cards. This is not the case with Orion Starseeds. Instead, these individuals are logical thinkers; they rely on the power of their minds more than anything else. If you connect the dots they form a perfectly correct pentagram. There are also claims that witches marks are found all over the body on various parts of the skin. They can do very well in a competitive business environment. Orion starseeds use their mind to create things and manifest. Starseeds are often a challenge for medical doctors. Their body systems dont work the same way as others would. Source. This can come about largely through scientific knowledge. I believe this is just a trend and the modern witchs mark can be one of many things. The Orion Starseed likes being in charge; they want to call all the shots. Additionally, the Orion Starseed is tasked with guiding humanity to light. Everyone is unique and different from others in some way or another, but for a starseed, this feeling begins at a very early age and stays with them well into adulthood. These birthmarks may be dark spots, star-like beauty spots, or moles placed like individual stars or together like a constellation. Some of the brightest stars in the Milky Way are in this belt such as Rigel, Saiph, Bellatrix, and Betelgeuse. My entire life I felt like I was outside looking in, even in my family. These birthmarks may be dark spots, star-like beauty spots, or moles placed like individual stars or together like a constellation. I dont have it one my palm, but I do have Orions belt on my right upper arm. Interestingly enough, people who channel Orion energy generally can draw and paint. The fact that too many people react emotionally tends to drive these natives crazy. All of the women on my mothers side, including myself, have a rectangular dark patch on our pelvis, just at the level of our public bone on the right hand side and a mole on our left ribcage that is just inside the bottom edge of our bra line under our arm. Rarely do they make decisions that do not agree with the information they already have. It all starts with your thoughts..stay positive..everything is energy and vibrations..we all have capabilities..some are stsrseefs, witches, lightworkers to be a few..i had a heart shape freckle appear a couple years ago next to my left into witchcraft n metaphysics..sum say witch mark, some say soulmate mark or twinflame..idk blessed be, What does the number four on index above the cross mean? Lu have all the palm sogns listed and Orions Belt on my index finger. Strange Birthmarks: Starseeds are usually born with strange birthmarks. They have a mission and purpose to accomplish in this realm. Their bodies often feel like an entrapment so they long to be free. This makes it one of the closest star systems to our solar system. A Mintaka Starseed story. So do I! (They have very interesting personalities)I have a huge crystal connection and love to learn about anything that has to do with spirituality. My potions are the foods I make as well as the poultices, elixirs and other herbal remedies which I give freely to those around me who are in need. I actually have the psychic cross under all fingers and the psychic triangle on the pinky. Happy to hear the article resonated. Orion starseeds also respect an individuals freedom to choose on their journey, which helps create strong bonds with those who are not so like-minded. Using Lavendars work as a foundation, I was able to identify starseed markings in the birth chart for additional star systems! Being an Orion means that you are a seeker of truth and knowledge. Chriron in 1st House. ALSO READ: What is the spiritual meaning of tortoiseshell cats? Each individual has a unique Starseed marking based on their birth chart. I have onions belt on my arm and rhe big dipper on my chest Im am Aquarius every thing in my life points to orion but I cant help think pleiadian ??? Starseeds carry reminders of their otherworldly origins in shape or pattern of their other constellations. This was honestly one of the most interesting articles I have ever read. They used a laser thermometer during the height of covid at work, to make sure we didnt have a fever. The Earth + Sun directly aligned with Pleiades = Pleiadian line up. This means they lived past lives in other star systems or constellations. I want to go home this is not home and till this day I have the same feeling, I have no birthmarks at all but over the past years there have been moles forming on my arm, with every ew one it gets closer to the starsign draco. Then this guide is for you! They have the discipline and mental acumen to follow one course until they succeed. lol my last name, translated, means Sirious document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); To learn more about the Otherworldly Oracles website Privacy Policy, visit our Privacy Policy page here. Indigo seeds are known as warriors and are guided and protected by Archangel Michael. Ive also found what are definitely stars in other areas. ALSO READ: Orions Belt spiritual meaning. Im a big advocate for the planet and what is being done to her and what we need to do to stop it! Heres a look at some common lunar, Are you interested in what is a Hedge Witch Is? Planets movement trigger life-changing transformations so, its significant to know your birth chart. Starseeds feel at home when theyre around nature. Experiencing feelings of not belonging here on Earth is a strong indicator of Starseed markings. Orion Starseeds, like all other Starseeds, generally come to Earth for a reason. I can make them all pop up because they are veins .also looks like a runic symbols or big or little dipper too, I have a vivid blue 2 inch elongated oval like shape on my left wrist top side, doctors have been mesmerized by it my whole life and everyone that sees it asks if its a bruise and if Im being hurt and I always say itll be there every time you see me.I have all the other marks n palms listed as well Ive been awakened and nothing all ever be the same in this life again. Personally, Orions dont understand emotions very well and can feel cut off from them. Orion Starseeds can be creative, insightful or intuitive thinkers due to the positive traits that cause challenges for them. In their bid to excel in their endeavors, Orion Starseeds expend a lot of energy. All three sides of the triangle are exactly the same size. If you identify as an Orion Starseed, know you are on a special mission to help humanity achieve greater awareness. The Witches mark in modern times is viewed in a different light. This guide is for you! Hu Julia. Like with other Starseeds, Orians can have unique birthmarks or markings on their skin. Modern paganism comprises many belief systems borrowed from our ancestors. What, Read More Pleiadian Starseeds: Traits, Markings, and MissionContinue, Are you interested in Facts About Paganism and Wicca? These natives do very well in bringing their visions to life. 2 birds on left hand and a butterfly on back of left hand and on back of right an angel holding a spear thats cresent shaped. The arrow of Orion points up towards the sky, reminding us all to reach up to unlock our personal power and enlightenment. Exploring relationships as an Orion starseed can be enlightening and a journey of self-discovery. On my left hand theres 4 xs under my index finger healers marks both hands letter m in both palms the intuition line on left hand is severed from a sliver that required stitches at age 5 that my aunt kept.. she has teeth from my dad and sister. When I was a little girl I used to tell my mommy R.I.P . Maybe i can embrace it and put it to good use. Um I litters I have a light blue mark and inside the blue has another deep blue mark in my left leg since I was born. Start projects ideas but move in to next easily distracted Lavendars research indicates that people incarnate from the Pleiades during the Pleiadian Line Up but also when thePleiades line up with other celestial bodies as well. Read more about, Starseeds are advanced spiritual beings and. Ive been saying that Im a Barometer of Humanity since my health has been declining in direct correlation with the terrible around me. Not all Starseeds become fully developed in their time on Earth. Starseed markings (or Starseed alignments) are celestial body characteristics in birth charts, ie the position of astronomical bodies the sun, moon, stars, & visible planets. The Orion system is an important part of stellar evolution studies as it contains many young stars that are still in the process of forming. All my daughters Share the same shaped birthmark on their torso as their dad too . White crosses on my back that burn and Red Cross on back of my neck. They are, of course, able to sympathize with others but dont understand the necessity or reasoning behind it. And when it comes to choosing a career, you're likely to pick one that interests you deeply. However, they may have a difficult time in school since most of the material is not relevant to them. Theyre always coming up with something to do, even if they dont know what it is yet! Additionally, due to their empathetic nature, Orion starseeds excel in customer-facing roles, helping clients feel heard and respected while ensuring quality service. If you would like to interpret your own chart receive a copy of my new eBook The Starseeds Compass: A Guide to Identifying Your Souls Origin here, Connect with the Pleiades During the Pleiadian Alignment, How To Connect With Your ET Spirit Guides, Connect with the Pleiades During the Pleiadian Alignment - The Starseeds Compass. The brightest star in the system is Rigel, which is also the sixth brightest star in the night sky. These individuals are rich in unique talents and skills in great demand in our world. We have a few things in common~ However, these spots are not mandatory to qualify you as an Orion Starseed. Uncanny. They tend to see the world logically and find it difficult to feel or express emotions very well. Darran, Hi Darran! Please I would love hear more. Once they settle down, they forget their origins. Orions often have an interest in exploring the unknown, even if it means going into space to find out more about our universe. Any alignments with them will indicate a recent incarnation. If I dont find a platform/soap box to scream from with an audience of like minded or just find my own people I fear I will whither. I love it. I have 2 Reiki master friends who have been calling me their powerful friend for years despite my not knowing what the heck they were meaning. I recommend Josephine Laing. Or maybe youre at a loss on how to move forward with your career or life. You can find it here: I also have a wine or raspberry birth mark in the back of my neck that goes all the way into my hairline. I know for a fact, Im changing. Orions are master manifestors. For this reason, we starseeds often confuse our origins with our most recent incarnations. Love and Light. These birthmarks are not a requirement to be an Orian but do offer some insight into the particular consciousness evolution journey. It can be especially challenging for Orion starseeds to find grounding and a sense of purpose since they tend to experience strong existential angst. Orion Starseed. The auras are named according to their colors . Here is a summery of the traits of an Orion Starseed. Much love, Julia, Julian I was born in February 19th 1964 in Elizabeth City North Carolina at 11:30 at night and I would like you to tell me which star am I from, and I know I am a star seed because I felt this way all of my life Im 58 years old now and I still feel the way to start seeds feel but I need to know what house I come from can you help me out. Mike, Stories aside, Starseeds from this constellation have been responsible for most of the ancient developments weve seen on the face of the Earth. I have the exact things word for word that u have experience even the moles that line up on arms whaaaa, I have a red heart shaped birthmark on my right forearm. No one can determine what your birthmarks and moles mean or if they are the witches mark or not. Its not by accident that the Orion Starseeds find themselves on Earth. Youre welcome! Are you interested in learning how to connect with your ET spirit. The Witches mark dates back centuries, possibly thousands of years, and is often carried by witches in each of their lives. I dont mean for it to happen but it just does Any suggestions for me? Julia is the founder of The Spirit Nomad and helps lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. Would you like to know if you have starseed markings in your birth chart from the Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, Draco, Orion, Andromeda etc.? Through decades of work, Lavendar has identified celestial body aspects in birth charts that indicate a Pleiadian lineage. While some seek out this symbol just for its aesthetic appeal, the real power lies in understanding its meaning and purpose. All Starseeds are identifiable by their notable birthmarks. You need to understand that theres more to life than acquiring tons of knowledge. What does that mean? Orion Starseeds are individuals who have incarnated from the star system Orion. Orions are some of the most highly evolved beings in the universe, and they are known for their strength and courage. I do too, but just recently noticed on my heart line 3 dots in the middle that resemble orions belt. I have beauty marks dark dots on both side of my arms 5 on my right arm and 10 on my left arm, one for on my right under eye, 3 on my chest, idk if i have any on my back. They can also see the world in a different way than most people Orions often have flashes of insight about what is going on around them or why things happen. The psychic triangle is also seen in the middle of the palm. After I had gotten out of a very hot shower, there was a white circle with a red triangle, with an upside down triangle inside of it. There are traits (physical and personality) that reveals if youre a starseed or not, and you can also see signs in your birth chart. Me too! Or if you have a mole or birthmark that looks like a past life wound or country, this might link you to a past witch life. The fact that you ask yourself this question strongly suggests you are a Starseed. So help me Im confused I feel protected by archangel Michael and need to meditate to find inner peace often alone as a child and fascinated by stars moon skye so very unsure what I am plesee advise have a unusual birth mark in fore head third eye Finally, Orion starseeds often find great joy in going on soul journeys through travel as part of their jobs; this appeals to them particularly if it benefits others as well as themselves. Everyone has a mission and its tied into an individuals passion and when we tap that. Spiritual Meaning of Ladybug Landing on You, The Spiritual Meaning of Your Right Eyebrow That Keeps Twitching. There are some misconceptions about starseeds when it comes to markings and birthmarks. To find out your specific starseed alignments, you can check out this free birth chart reading here. Click here for my eBook that describes starseed markings for 12 stars and star systems! And empathy curved lines just under the index finger indicate empathic abilities. You are here for humanity as a whole, and you are also here for yourself. As a Starseed we all got talents that we all worked on in our past lives and know we all have to combine our strengt and use it! The term starseed can also describe someone who has evolved and come to Earths surface in order for them to fulfill their mission of experiencing life on earth with all its joys, sorrows, lessons and growth opportunities.Starseeds may have memories of what it was like being up there, says Dr. Eric Pearl I call these people Sky Adults. The healers mark is a series of three or more vertical lines directly under the pinky finger on the palm. They need space and time for themselves as they can have a tendency to get lost in the moment and forget about other things that are going on. I have all the things, every single one. Therefore, they need time alone to evaluate their performance and plan their next move as they recharge. You could see it when I was in suit. We will dive into the history and lore here and find out if YOU have any of these witchs marks on your skin or palms! Hi, sounds like you could use a good guide. Starseed markings can also be alternatively sub-grouped into two main groups; The personality traits of each Starseed type differ. My thumb is also almost completely covered, Ive always found it very beautiful, peculiar and strange. The positions of the celestial bodies with each other at the point of your birth make up the star systems. They dont need an approval from others. Identification ofPleiadian influences at the time of our birth can doneby analysing birth charts and looking for specific starseed markings. You are probably a seed for many systems or a mix. Orion starseeds tend to be quite perseverant and self-disciplined. 0 or 1 could be Polarian or Procyon origin. Almost everything I pray for I receive. Your assignment may be global, or you may have been tasked with guiding and supporting just a few individuals. Am I a starseed? Would you like to know starseed markings for other star systems? In doing so, they are able to help create a bridge between Heaven and Earth that facilitates greater insights for all. While birthmarks and moles may indicate a witches mark, not every mole or mark on the skin has a meaning. I did that with an obituary pic one time and it was probably the worse things I ever felt in my life. The Orion Group. People are often drawn to their birthmarks and wonder what are the meaning behind them. They can also see the world in a different way than most people Orion Starseed often have flashes of insight about what is going on around them or why things happen. Starseeds Compass Guide to Identifying Your Souls Origins. Im struggling filtering out the negative and it seems to weigh me down heavily. You find that you are a good judge of character, and often at first sight. Orion people are not afraid to take risks and face their fears. I have a red wine port birthmark on my left palm. Love A Challenge. Another cross to indicate psychic ability is seen on the middle pad of the index finger. There are photos circulating online that show the witches mark as a very specific mole on the right lower arm. Whats wrong ? I have a mark on my neck I just noticed, it looks like Im wearing a chocker, there are these lines and a little circle in the middle If I could leave a pic I would, idk if it means something. Starseeds can also be grouped based on auras, and each one carries a different set of personality traits. from those respective star constellations and/or planets. ALSO READ: What is the spiritual meaning of cats in dreams? Ultimately, they seldom get bored due to their strong interest in exploration and adventure. I have always been intuned with God every since I was really young even though we never went to church much. These individuals were deeply involved in the architecture and design of these and other wonders of the ancient world. (15 Ways to Know for Sure)Continue, Are you interested in Signs the Universe Wants You to Be with Someone? Black eyes and red hair are common traits amongst Orion Decoders, for example.. Orion starseeds have had a lifetime of contact with aliens and alien abduction experiences. I have recorded a detailed video on the exact steps I took to find out my starseed origins here: You'll find obstacles to be thrilling, and you'll be bored when there isn't a difficult task at hand. The other major stars in the Orion system are Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, and Saiph. Physical markings can be identified based on body parts like the eyes, face, build, etc., and abstract markings are present in character traits. They are keen not to mix work issues with family matters. Best to you! When I was little I used to imagine my hand was a map people always ask if I burned my hand. Some people feel that Orion Starseeds are too cold and heartless because they dont engage their emotions in every issue. Orion Starseeds Souls are truly unique and special in many ways. They are well organized at work and home because their minds are well-ordered. Orion starseed energy is an ancient and powerful cosmic force that comes from the constellation of Orion in the night sky. You are a fellow Starseed from the 7 Sisters clusters greetings and well wishes to you brother seed, Andromedean as well, I found out in a reading.. Do you know anymore info plz & ty. Orion Starseeds often have an innate understanding of celestial energies and patterns, as well as a heightened intuition. I am a very sensitive empath and have been drawn to the witchy side of life and nature my entire life to the point that I have now become an herbal/water/kitchen witch. How do I find out exactly? They are named for the Seven Sisters of Greek mythology: Electra, Maia, Taygeta, Sterope, Merope, Alcyone, and Celaeno. They often exhibit signs of great psychic power and the highest levels intuition making them masters at manifesting whatever they desire. 25, 26, 27, 28and 29 degrees in Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo, Cancer and Capricorn. The formula is Birthdate (Day/Month/Year) + Birthplace (city) + Birth time (exact time) = Your birth chart. Lavendar of the Starseed Hotline has done some AMAZING work identifying the starseed marking for Pleiades. I also have veins that draw out the eye of anubis on the backs of my hands and my wrists. Where they can connect with the source and listen + hear and watch or feel or intuit or perceive or know or sense or experience or observe or notice or watch the ethereal energies and beings and other entities which exist on another dimension or frequency.. Orion starseeds are highly empathic, spiritual, psychic, intuitive + creative. While other starseeds come from many different planets throughout the universe, Orion starseeds specifically come from the Orion constellation. Luckily it just means I can travel through portals and the very rare chosen one. I think Im a Orion or pleidian maybe atlantien 25,26, 27, 28and29 degrees in Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius and Leo, Cancer and Capricorn. Rarely do they refer to their emotions when handling a challenge. guides? How do I find out what type I am? You take an unconventional approach to your tasks. You were brought into this world to help humanity accomplish specific goals. Hello Marie, I just wanted to tell you that you and I are a whole lot alike, in many many ways. Ive done stuff, seen even stranger ones, and Im really lost. Some sages and seers claim these markings are placed there as a reminder to the incarnated being. I had a small nipple under my breast that disappeared, The reappeared on My butt on bikini line that was a full size nipple, had it sliced off. Mahalo, All for Covid though. Im also an 11~ Master Number. Knowledge makes them feel comfortable. Ive had my visions/messages/voices/energy push/scents/astral projection since I was 8. Although Orion is not the closest constellation of stars to us, we can easily recognize it because of the brilliance of its belt, the Orions Belt. Have a beautiful day! Their curiosity drives them into areas of expertise that most people tend to shun. Lastly, the Procyon starseeds are the rarest type of starseeds present on Earth, whereas the Pleiades are the most . And heres the thing technically everyone has some kind of mole, freckle, or skin tag.
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