This is an increase of 61 million in 2019 compared to 2018. Asia remains the second largest recipient of UK bilateral ODA in 2019 with 41.8% (2,470m), followed by the Americas with 4.1% (244m), Europe with 3.2% (189m) and the Pacific with 0.3% (16m). Figure 16 legend: Comparing the UK ODA (billion ) spend with other DAC donor countries in 2019. DFIDs results estimates show what DFID has achieved in international development between 2015 and 2020. It supports them to deal with the impacts of climate change by building their capacity to act themselves and by catalysing large scale public and private finance investments. It comes after Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab set out the allocations for UK ODA spending for 2021-22 to MPs, with the government acting on its decision to cut the UK's annual foreign aid . The size of the circles indicates the amount of ODA spent on that sector in that country relative to the other sectors and other countries. Despite the slight downward trend since 2015, spend is still higher than in 2012, spend to Afghanistan has fluctuated over the last 10 years. Charts and tables (data up to 2019) from the Report: Development Aid at a Glance 2021. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab unveiled his department's Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) allocations for 2021-22 in a written parliamentary statement Wednesday. The note sets out plans to discontinue the publication of the GPEX suite of tables due to (i) low public usage and (ii) being able to meet the main known needs by adding 3 pilot summary tables to Statistics on International Development (SID). This decrease was partly due to smaller spend in the Caribbean. See our note on Multiple Sector Codes for Project Activity Analysis 2017 which looks at the impact of this methodology change, Economic Services & Infrastructure include programmes that focus on Transport, Energy Generation, Banking & Financial Services and Business. Major sectors are ordered from top to bottom by largest 2019 0DA spend. , The Global Partnership for Education is an example of a sectoral-specific fund where amounts allocated to countries is not known in advance. A new report from the cross-party Commons international development committee of MPs hits out at the use of the Foreign . Note that provisional 2019 spend from other DAC donors is used in this chart. This was a 11.0% increase (1,019m) compared to 2018. A small proportion of UK bilateral ODA goes to the Pacific (Figure 4). DEFRAs ODA spend delivers against international climate, biodiversity and development objectives. First, total Russian net ODA disbursements nearly quadrupled from US$231 million in 2010 to US$902 million in 2015 (in constant 2015 dollars). 2019: Europe received 189 million of UK bilateral ODA in 2019, a decrease of 6 million compared to the previous year (Figure 4). The tracker uses open data on development projects, compliant with the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) standard, to show where funding by the UK Government and its partners is going and trace it through the delivery chain. 2019 spend coloured in dark blue, 2018 spend in light blue. 2. Note that provisional 2019 spend from other DAC donors is used in this chart. Dark blue = Africa, light blue = Asia, grey = Americas, pink = Europe, teal = Pacific. Publication of the FCDO's monthly programme data will resume as soon as the system changes have completed. In 2021, about 743 million pounds was spent on humanitarian assistance such as disaster relief, a . Calendar year financial transaction data are used to compile UK ODA spend statistics. Through its donor contributions, IDA aims to reduce poverty by providing concessional loans and grants for programs that boost economic growth, reduce inequalities, and improve peoples living condition. Health - 1,431 million (14.0%). Figure 6 legend: Top 5 Recipients of 2019 UK Bilateral ODA ( millions), 2009 to 2019. by bilateral through multilateral ODA (earmarked funding) and core contributions to multilateral organisations (un-earmarked funding). In 2018, there was 4 million of Debt Relief. The majority of which went to the health sector, primarily for basic and reproductive healthcare, in 2019, Bangladesh was the sixth largest recipient of UK bilateral country-specific ODA, up from eighth in 2018. 3 minutes read. Multilateral funding, by Government Departments and other contributors[footnote 20]. See the case study in SID 2018 (p. 34) for more information on Developing country, unspecified ODA. Figures released by the Foreign Office yesterday revealed that China . [2] China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)announced in 2013is the flagship under which China has made hundreds of pledges to support different countries and . To illustrate the impact of using provisional figures, DAC members provisional ODA for 2018 was 114.7 billion. II. According to the OECD analysis of donors provisional 2019 ODA spend, the increase is attributable to bilateral aid to low income countries rising[footnote 23]. Since 1970, the UN has set a target for donor countries to contribute 0.7% of their GNI to foreign aid. Where a multilateral organisation does not report to the DAC but the multilateral is only mandated to work in a particular country, region or sector, we allocate all of its core contributions to the relevant country, region or sector. The saving . Private spending or donations made to support developing countries, for example by the public, the voluntary sector or through remittances, are not part of the ODA definition and not covered in this publication. Bilateral ODA is earmarked spend either through multilateral organisations or other delivery partners, compared with multilateral ODA which is un-earmarked funding to multilateral organisations[footnote 9]. , Statistics on International Development, Final UK Aid Spend, 2019, p. 18, Figure 5, Figure 18 is based on the provisional 2019 ODA data from all 29 DAC member countries, except the UK for which final 2019 ODA data is used. Bilateral Aid: Direct government-to-government assistance. Because the UK economy is set to get bigger over the next few years the real value of development aid spending is expected to increase. Africa has consistently been the largest recipient of DFID region-specific ODA since 2010, with a share of 56.4% in 2019 (see Figure 10A), By contrast, the largest recipient of non-DFID region-specific ODA tends to be Asia (Figure 10B). This share was still below the 2017 level of 28.1%, of the non-DFID contributors, Other Government Departments (OGDs) ODA accounted for 22.4% of total UK ODA, their largest share over the last 10 years. The most significant reduction was seen in Turkey (16.3m decrease since 2018) reversing previous increases in funding (2016 and 2017) to support displaced refugees during the Syria Crisis. The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Global Health Research (GHR) portfolio was established to support high-quality applied health research for the direct and primary benefit of people in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). Figure 5: Map of UK Bilateral ODA Spend by Recipient Country: 2019. A project title and description are also provided. Foreign aid may be given as a signal of diplomatic approval, or to strengthen a military ally. For media enquiries please contact the FCDO Press Office on +44 (0)20 7008 3100. This report contains the release of finalised UK ODA spend figures for the calendar year 2019, including: Comparisons between 2018 and 2019 ODA figures are made, as well as trends over the last 5 years (2015 to 2019 inclusive as shown in most tables). The FY 2021 Congressional Budget Justification describes the funding required for State and USAID to carry out our missions worldwide. Ethiopia was the largest among the African countries and second overall with around US$417 million. Other = Other government departments: Department of Health and Social, Prosperity Cross-Government Fund, HM Treasury, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Department for Work and Pensions, Department for Education, HM Revenue and Customs, Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sports, Ministry of Defence, and Office for National Statistics, Department for International Trade. Over 5 years: Like the Americas, ODA spend in Europe[footnote 12] is small compared to Asia and Africa. DFID spend in dark blue and non-DFID spend in grey. On the 2 September 2020 the Department for International Development (DFID) and Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) merged to form a new department - the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO). Dark blue = Pakistan, light blue = Ethiopia, grey = Afghanistan, pink = Yemen, teal = Nigeria. In 2019, frontline diplomatic activity (the FCOs administrative costs not included elsewhere, which are reported under FCO spend as Aid-related frontline diplomacy in support of aid flows to ) were reported at the country level compared to recent years when they were reported at the regional level. The Telegraph. , z is not applicable, 0 is null and ~ is less than half the smallest unit displayed. This was partly driven by frontline diplomacy, Yemen (fourth largest recipient of UK ODA in 2019) saw the largest increase in bilateral ODA spend, increasing by 56.5% from 166 million in 2018 to 260 million in 2019, surpassing the spend in 2017 (205m) (Figure 6). The risk of input error is relatively low for estimates of total spend, and by country/region, and relatively higher for spending by sector (where there is sometimes ambiguity, especially for projects or programmes that cut across sectors) and by funding channel. This source is useful when carrying out international comparisons. Economic Infrastructure and Services - 1,195 million (11.7%). 3-min read. This means that in 2016, for example, 7.85% of the UK's total foreign aid budget (ODA), which totalled 13,348m (pdf) that year, was spent on climate-related projects. Other reasons for fluctuations between years include the change in UKs share of the EU budget in comparison to other member states and exchange rate variations, in 2019, the UKs core contribution to IDA was 891 million, a decrease of 1,040 million from 2018. Multilateral organisations offer economies of scale in their operations and expertise, and often have the mandate and legitimacy to work in politically sensitive situations. The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office said in a statement that Britain spent more than 11 billion in aid in 2021 and to date has invested 4.4 billion to fight H.I.V., tuberculosis . Information on this spend can be found in the Office for National Statistics Living costs and Food Survey or the Charities Aid Foundations UK giving report. Multilateral organisations[footnote 18] are an essential part of the international system for humanitarian and development ODA. These shares should be taken as indicative estimates rather than exact amounts of funding, and they are dependent upon multilateral organisations returning disbursement data to the DAC. Figure 9: Breakdown of DFID (A) and non-DFID (B), Country/region Specific proportion of Bilateral ODA by Region, 2015 & 2019. The Joint Funds are covered separately as a whole, regardless of which Government Department spends the money. Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia,[c] officially the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA),[d] is a country on the Arabian Peninsula in Western Asia. It highlights that although the United States spent the greatest volume of ODA of any DAC donor (27.1bn), this represented a smaller share of its national income when compared with most other donors (0.16% of its GNI). However, the nation has hit the 0.7 percent target each year since 2013. The size of the circles corresponds to the total amount of ODA spent in each country sector. According to Full Fact, the UK spent $12.1bn on overseas aid in 2015 after the target was introduced. Information on this spend can be found in the Office for National Statistics, Living costs and Food Survey or the Charities Aid Foundations UK giving report. Oct 28 (Reuters) - New British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is considering freezing the country's foreign aid budget for an additional two years, the Telegraph reported on . This primarily is linked to food and shelter for up to 12 months. The data shows that the UK met its spending target of allocating 0.7% of Gross National Income (GNI) towards aid in 2019, a commitment that is enshrined in UK law. Additional Tables and Annexes are available. 2019: Bilateral ODA to Africa increased by 125 million from 2,863 million in 2018 to 2,989 million in 2019, increasing by 4.4% (Figure 4). Aid is financed from US taxpayers and other revenue sources that Congress appropriates . To view this licence, visit or write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU, or email: An area of bilateral spend which increased in 2019 was DFIDs capital injection to CDC, the UKs Development Finance Institution, which increased by 266 million. the donor has specified where and/or what the ODA is spent on this is usually ODA going to specific countries, regions or programmes. During a consultation conducted in 2014, users told us that they use the statistics for a variety of purposes: preparing material for briefs; PQs and public correspondence; inclusion in reports and reviews and providing data for research and monitoring. The 2021 federal budget announced an additional $1.4 billion for international assistance over five years. The UK pledged to spend at least 0.7 per cent of GNI on foreign aid in 1970. Figure 13: Bilateral ODA by Government Department and Major Sector, 2019. Individual departments that bid for funding are accountable for their own spending and delivery under the given fund. Charities accuse chancellor of stealth raid on aid. The largest OGD shares of ODA were: the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) (6.3% of ODA); the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (4.5%), the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (4.3%); and the Home Office (3.0%), the largest non-departmental sources (referred to as Other UK Contributors of ODA in Figure 3) were non-DFID EU attribution (3.2% of UK ODA) and Gift Aid claimed by charities working on ODA eligible activities (1.0% of UK ODA). The lighter blue represents the same measure but for ODA delivered through the Bilateral through Multilateral channel. Figure 17 legend: ODA spend in terms of GNI comparing 2018 and 2019 spend for each DAC donor country (ODA:GNI ratio). The introduction of the grant-equivalent[footnote 24] measure in 2018 primarily affects countries with a high proportion of loans in their 2019 ODA portfolio. Figure 15: Bilateral ODA by Income Group for the Major Sectors, 2019. It is therefore not possible to directly track the use of UK core multilateral funding. Section 1 - overview. Spend in 2019 increased from 2018, with total bilateral ODA received by Asia being 126 million higher than the previous peak in 2016. Britain still gives mega-rich China 51.7million in foreign aid despite promises to end the handouts. 4 minutes read. Figure 3 legend: A) Percentage of UK ODA spend by DFID, Other Government Departments (OGDs) and Other UK Contributors (Other Contributors) in 2015 (dark blue), 2018 (light blue) and 2019 (grey). Figure 1 shows the total amount of UK ODA spending each year since 1970. Figure 14: Bilateral ODA by largest Major Sector for the top 10 country-specific ODA recipients, 2019. Dark blue = LDCs/Other LICs (Least Developed Countries/Other Low Income Countries), light blue = LMICs (Lower Middle Income Countries), grey = UMICs (Upper Middle Income Countries). See our technical note for more information. The UK provided the largest share of total DAC donor ODA to Pakistan (34%), three of the top 15 DAC ODA recipients received 5 per cent or less of their total ODA from the UK. A full micro-dataset is also available in Open Data Standard format on the Statistics on International Development webpage. Over 5 years: ODA to the Americas is on a smaller scale than spend to Africa and Asia, however despite the drop this year, it had been increasing steadily year-on-year from 159 million in 2015 to 355 million in 2018. It also includes information on the dates of transactions, where the transactions took place and in which sector. Accordingly, they enable individual donor governments, such as the UK, to support development and humanitarian work in a wider range of countries. This is an in-depth investigation of the UKs development systems and policies. Within this major sector the top three spending areas were Research/Scientific institutions (358m), Multisector Aid (307m) and Environmental Policy and Administrative Management (208m). Information on the main definitions and sources used in this publication can be found in Annexes 2 and 3 respectively of the Statistics on International Development publication. By Jennifer Scott, political reporter. B. The UK government has been signed up to the target since 1974, but reached it for the first . The Government slashed the foreign aid budget from 0.7% to 0.5% of UK national income in 2021. . Figure 13 legend: DFIDs and Other Government Departments and Other Contributors of ODA (non-DFID) spend by sector, 2019 ( million). Chart by Carbon Brief using Highcharts. For more information please see the explanatory note that was published in September 2019. This was partly due to an increase in Developing Country Unspecified spending in 2019. Multisector/Cross-Cutting - 1,325 million (12.9%). The Statistics on International Development: Provisional Aid Spend 2019 publication outlines provisional ODA spend information and an estimate of GNI for 2019 published by ONS in March to calculate a provisional estimate of the ODA:GNI ratio. HMT ODA relates to a core contribution to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and development-related administrative costs. Select country to view. The percentage share of total bilateral ODA of the five largest sectors in 2019 was 66.3%, a slight increase from 2018 (67.8%). This spending is helping developing countries reduce their emissions in line with the ambition set out in the Paris Agreement. Figure 3 (and Table 2) shows 2019 ODA spend by government department and other contributors of UK ODA, as well as changes in ODA spend from 2018. 24/11/22 04:38. The majority of non-DFID country-specific ODA was channelled to Middle Income Countries 71.5% (440m to LMICs and 412m to UMICs), LDCs and Other LICs received 339 million of non-DFID bilateral ODA in 2019, this was an increase of 112 million compared to 2018. Designation means the statistics carry the National Statistics label and conform to the standards summarised below. Seven of the top ten country-specific ODA increases from 2018 were seen in LDC/Other LICs (Yemen, Bangladesh, South Sudan, Uganda, Afghanistan, Mozambique and Zambia), LDCs and Other LICs continue to account for the largest proportion of bilateral country-specific ODA spend in 2019 at 56.4%, UK ODA to LMICs represented 29.7 per cent (1,488m) of UK country specific bilateral ODA in 2019, compared to 32.3% (1,458m) in 2018, total UK bilateral ODA received by UMICs increased by 136 million to 694 million in 2019. This drop in ODA, moved Nigeria from being the third largest recipient of UK country-specific bilateral ODA in 2018 to fifth in 2019 (Figure 7), Nigerias lowest position in 5 years. This was mostly due to an increase in humanitarian aid spend, with the largest country specific increase to Yemen (see Case Study 1, p. 32, for a more detailed look at the story in Yemen). EU attribution fluctuates from year to year in part because the EU works on a 7 year programming cycle and so EU disbursements in a given year can vary. This followed a peak in 2017 as a result of high levels of humanitarian aid. The UK was the only G7 member to cut foreign aid last year BEIS=Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy; FCO=Foreign & Commonwealth Office. This is unchanged from 2018. In the Blue Book 2019, the ONS implemented a major new methodology framework for GDP, which in turn had a sizable impact on GNI. Africa continues to be the region receiving the largest proportion of UK bilateral ODA allocated to a specific country or region (50.6%). You have rejected additional cookies. The latest edition of this publication can be found on GOV.UK, final UK Aid spend is usually published in the autumn. Canada - Unlike other countries, Canada has taken a unique feminist approach. Its activities include, among others, primary education, basic health services, clean water and sanitation, agriculture, business climate improvements, infrastructure, and institutional reforms. Figure 15 legend: Comparison of sector spend for 2019 UK bilateral ODA between countries of different income groups ( million). This administrative source comprises 73.1% of total UK ODA in 2019, non-DFID sources, who also assess whether the spend is in line with the OECD definitions of ODA. Where we do have to revise information included in this publication, we will follow the procedures set out in our revisions policy. In 2019, 176 million was delivered through the Cross-Government Prosperity Fund. In 2019, UK bilateral ODA to the region was 16 million, 0.3% of total UK bilateral ODA spend allocated to a region or country. in 2020, UK Official Development Assistance (ODA) spend was 14,479 million, a decrease of 698 million (4.6 % decrease) on 2019. LONDON The U.K.'s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office will cut its aid budget for programs in China by 95 percent. Further information on the technical terms, data sources, quality and processing of the statistics in this publication are found in Annexes 1-3 on the Statistics on International Development webpage.
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