Says it all, actually. Why. I have a deadline, Alex., Baby. Kara says again, and you turn to look at her this time. I cant give it a rest until Im done, ok? So, are we all ready? Alistair draws everyones attention and they stop their conversations. Yeah, um, I think the sushi didnt sit well. You finally detach yourself from her, smiling through the tears. Youre in our jurisdiction now. They played several rounds, each team winning a handful of times, but team Danvers ultimately came out on top. Besides, he knew Alex would come around eventually. No! Alex says sharply, causing Lena to flinch when she grabs her shoulders. Unsure where the line was and if they were taking sides but Robyn gives her a scathing look before she can explain that. When the faint hum of her powers wiggled into Y/Ns ear, who was standing next to Kara with Alex across the table of them, she peered over Karas pumpkin, shocked and betrayed to find it nearly squeaky clean. But then when she left you all rallied around Lena!. She doesnt need it there but still, its an awful feeling. There is a palpable tension in the air and she quickly tries to gather her thoughts. All of the Superfriends are there, and they all give speeches about Sheldon, but you can barely hear them. Eliza points at mostly all of them and tells Robyn the story that goes along with it. Okay everyone, please gather around. Alistair says, grabbing everyones attention. This will be ready in 30 minutes. Who knew a pair of glaces could do such miracles ! Lena was doing pretty good, but Jonn was also amazing. Its food. Yup. Robyn says, emphasising the end of the word and stands to go over to Lucy who is patting the cushion next to her for Robyn to sit on. But then her heart drops as she looks past Kara and sees Emma on the tv screen. You liked her skin against yours. #should i tag the people who were following this ficlet. "Look, all her things.. Get food into her. Alex is clearly talking to Kara, and she comes closer with pancakes for you. Give me a minute alright? Sheldon isnt coming back to you, at least, not alive. For all of us.". Lena seemed to have the same thought because you see her tap discreatly on her phone. And all of a sudden it went really quiet in the room. An uneasy feeling in her stomach area and the panic that rose in her, let her jacket and her purse, which hung over her arm, fall on the ground. ", "You know lying wont work in my presence, honey," the head of L-Corp stepped closer to you and sat down on the cold floor next to you. See a recent post on Tumblr from @redhoodssweetheart about baby danvers fanfiction. . She notices how troubled her sister looks. He managed to grab your arms and clasped your wrist tightly, so that you couldnt shake them off at first. Yep! She said with the largest smile. Lena lowers her hands. I havent even finished my coffee, she emphasized as she raised her near full mug to his face. You let her down! I'm cooking dinner. She said, leaving what she was doing to give you a hug. Its weird, but you always had a really strong connection with him so you know exactly whats happening. This Part: The Superfriends continue to try and help Emma and figure out the best steps forward. Supergirl | Adventure Short Stories Future. Click here , there were seven shards of bad luck, and they all looked like me, Pairing: No Romantic Pairings (Danvers Sisters & Baby Danvers!Fem!Reader), Requested: Yes Anon (Only the Requests in the pinned comment are open). Was I? Robyn continues to flick through and comes to the photo showing Emma and Lena beaming at the camera. Why is she crying?. They tightly hold onto each other and Emma places a kiss on their heads. Human Kara Danvers Alternate Universe - No Powers Fluff Domestic Fluff A plot occurred unexpected plot Assassination Attempt (s) not on Lena for once smut in later chapters When a pipe bursts in Kara's apartment she is forced to move into her girlfriend of only a month's apartment temporarily. . You smile through the tears, feeling both of your sisters' arms around you. The black-haired did not say anything and listened to you carefully. Y/N realized that the cold had become more bearable and she nodded. Before Jonn could respond, Alex interjected. Ive missed you too, Lee. You finally part the hug, looking at her with a wide smile. Thanks, hope your having a good day! Its your most stealthy and dark secret, something you wouldnt -couldnt- even tell your therapist, and yet, Lena knows. I dont want you to be hurt because of me, Oh baby, i promise it will be fine. But now, you recognized his selfishness and was convinced that if you would meet him again, you would let him feel my coldness. Lena doesnt look like shell believe whatever you have to say for yourself, but she still makes her way to where you are and holds your hair in a high ponytail. Did I mean them? Emma tilts her head, finishing Karas sentence for her. Not until youve calmed down. Kara says determinedly. He seemed to have the same though because he asked. Except there is one thing you learned with this particular group of people, the Superfriends, is that everything has to be done over food. Eliza, sensing her confusion, patiently explained the process of it, and Karas face lit up when she was presented with her very own pumpkin (Alex and Y/N still claim to this day that Karas pumpkin was bigger). What are you doing bitch ! Yelled the taller man. Alex turned to face her when Lucy winked back, causing a flush of heat to rise from Alex, and causing the DEO agent to speed up her stride. I know, I know, Alex murmured soothingly, while Kara rubbed Y/Ns arm, wanting to comfort her in any way she could. You heard screams and gunshots. You smelt her perfume and it calmed you. It was as if Alex heart was cut into a million pieces. When Alex Danvers adopts a 17 year old alien girl named Imilli, she is thrilled to finally have a kid. The tone she used nearly set Alex off. You tried to breathe regulary and bit your lip in the process; the pressure leaving a slight metallic taste in your mouth. Ill just say yes or no to this. Suddenly her eyes shoot open as she jerks awake. You know its a preposterous idea. Her voice is disdainful and her face expresses the same, however, there is a glint of something else shining on Lenas eyes. She breathes in, sounding extremely satisfied to have you in her arms. Kara reaches out and takes Lenas hand, giving it a gentle squeeze of support. Then Kara will obviously tell Alex. Look. She had already figured out the reason for your disappearance when she got Karas desperate call for help and now she had confirmation of her suspicion. baby danvers Caught having Sex Sex Swearing Baby Danvers (the third and younger Danvers sister) is having a very bad day and things get even worse when she walks into her sister in a very compromising situation. Nightmare. Robyn responds and Jonn nods. A car-. No shit Sherlock. Robyn sasses and Lenas shoulders deflate and turns back to the coffee machine. The room holds their breath, waiting for Emmas answer. Reluctantly, you sit next to her. He didnt even want to mind read what she was dealing with. When I finally got her up and out of the flat her clothes were loose on her. Robyn seethes, glaring at the group. Well, if one of your definitions ofbusy wassubtly-using-heat-vision-powers-to-destroy-the-guts, which was what Kara was doing. I can handle a few punch.. That she was okay if she didnt think about it. They only had that one conversation on the Fortress of Solitude, then everything went to shit in some many ways. Luckily, Alex was saved by the ring of Lucys phone. When the chorus begins, it breaks her heart in two. Miss Luthor i think you will be more cooperative now you saw what im capable of. Her chest stings with hurt at witnessing her things being rummaged through and her shame burns her cheeks. Its kind of obvious and you can piece it together. Wheres Emma? Kara asks with a frown as she notices her sisters absence. Explore Tumblr blogs with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience. Shivering from the cold and huddled up to escape the wind, you crouched down by the water near a tree, trying no to stand out or make a sound. So when Kara kisses the top of your head, and Alex sits on your coffee table with a worried face and a hand on your knee for encouragement, tears stream down your face uncontrollably. Jonn quirked a brow and crossed his arms, staring at Alex and her early morning tantrum. Supergirl lands in front of you, with a shoebox in hand. You promise? Lena asks before you slip out the door. When she returned, she wrapped her stomach in the bandage after cleaning the scrapes and cuts. Because lunch involves eating, and you, well, youre not particularly fond of eating. Well give you everything so you can overcome this, baby.. Easy Em. Robyn whispers and watches the blonde nod and sluggishly pick up her clothes from yesterday to change into. As soon as the bus crashed through the barriers we suited up. Nia explains and Emma nods. Permanent Taglist: @natasharomanoffismywife @, DCEU Taglist: @stephanieromanoff @basiclesbianbitch @hi-i-1 @mmmmokdok @snipyloulou @acertainredhead @thanossexual @avengersz-biotch @kozumeko @un-name-d @kuzomekou-blog. Youre like half of who you used to be.. ", "Calm down, Luthor. Youre under arrest Charles Hoopers. Movement outside the door catches everyones attention and a knock echoes around the room. Whos team would you want to be on if we did that?. The words and melody came quickly and before I knew it the song was there. Emma glances over at Robyn who nods, remembering how Emmas pencil flew across the paper while she wrote the lyrics. It cant be ! He was freaking out for the first time. The woman then gave Alex an uncaring smile and turned towards Jonn. But there was a part of me that felt disappointment. Lucy stepped back, crossed her arms again and kept her eyes locked on Alex. Im so sorry. She repeats on top of your head in a painful whisper. You were running ot ouf breath, but he didnt care. There was a grit to her tone and it was enough to send chills down her spine. How could one be so damn impudent and bold to enter the apartment with such a sentence. Lily nuzzles into her, keeping pressure on her side and keeping Emma grounded while she continues to listen. You dont need it. Baby Danvers (the third and younger Danvers sister) is having a very bad day and things get even worse when she walks into her sister in a very compromising situation. The living room she was looking at was swept empty; small personal things of you that always flew around here, pictures with you together that were on the dressers were gone. You immediatly felt Lenas hands on your face. The atmosphere is relaxed and the group joke and laugh as they eat. Her tone says too much. I can smell your baby gay panic. That's why Alex felt okay sending you on it without her or Kara their. Showing each member giving into their rage. And just by looking at you Im sure you are malnourished. Alex gives you her best mother voice, and you think of all the times shes done that before. I sent the picture! You dont make any move out of her embrace, but youre annoyed they are both here after you did exactly what they asked and sent proof youre still alive. Happy, no, but I understand.. Ill see you tonight.. I know. Lena sobs out and clutches something close to her chest. Lena smiles at you, before accompanying her assistant out of her office, leaving you alone. Kara: Picture now or Ill still send the cops. Until now, when your wound completely ripped open again. Theres something we want to talk to you about., Kara sets her food aside, looking way too serious. She swallows and feels her throat, wanting to voice her words rather than sign them. Supergirl, B!D, Kara Danvers x Sister!Reader, Alex Danvers x Sister!Reader, Lena Luthor x Reader, Reader insert. Her eyes immediately land on the suitcase of bottles and she swallows deeply. But it says here it hasnt been sighted in days. It would be breathteaking if you werent close to be killed by a psychopath. you skillfully walked past him. She flops back onto the sofa and downs her drink. But Emma wont like Alex going through her things. Lena says with wide eyes and quickly follows them. The most important things already packed in a suitcase, you stood at the door of the shared apartment of your eldest sister and you looked around one last time. Alex? Lena squeaks out, which Alex would have found funny if her emotions werent raging inside her. But, I also dont believe its as easy as that. We want to understand what is happening with you, so we can help.. Its fine, Director, the woman said raising her hand to him slightly, and turned back to look at Alex with a playful challenge, Alex, was it? she asked, arms re-crossed and hips cocked to the side with her eyes still fixated on the red haired woman, I want to know what your senior agent, Alex, has to say.. They finish and say their goodbyes to the couple, offering for Lily to stay with Emma to help her heal. Soon different camera angles flash up on the screen showing Emma stomping and kicking up the white sand around her as she continues to lip sync and perform. You abandon your phone on the dinner table, rubbing your eyes, trying to get rid of the sleep that is creeping in. Right now, you wish you had Karas powers so you can fake an emergency and just fly out the window. When they arrived home they had just enough time to get settled before the pizza was there Alex paid while Kara went to get the Uno cards and some of the board games they had stored away. You all experienced trauma that day, not just Emma. If I could go back and change it, I would. Some asshole decided it was a good fucking idea to arm one of our forces with heat radiating weapons while they investigated a possible lead on a yet another dangerous, unidentified alien at some abandoned nuclear power plant. I know I dont deserve the love and support they give me.. Content to sit in silence while laughter and jokes sound around them. "Please, take a deep breath. Probably wouldve thought I killed you first.. And you are?, Agent Alex Danvers. Text. He was. The agent heard the blonde shift in her chair, concerned about the choice of words, while she cleared her throat to give herself time for a moments thought. Robyn taps the surface of the island in time with a song on the radio while she sips her coffee. You hear a noise in the kitchen and realize your sisters are up until now in your apartment. I spent hours holding her as she cried over you guys, how you treated her and made her feel worthless. I believe doing group exercises, your film and game nights will help. Thank you, I guess. This is mainly because Kara is an alien and needs or likes food more than anything else in this world, but it became a habit to them. Youre on your way to the kitchen counter when you hear the doorbell. The second chorus hits and Emma is brokenly staring into the camera with tears streaming down her face. Supergirl patrols from the sky thoroughly. You- you didnt know? Lena hiccups as her bloodshot eyes study Alexs reaction. And God, this is the only thing I can control. Kara jumped forward and scurried over to the broken vase, using her invulnerability powers to collect all the shards in record time and dumping them in the trash can Alex held out. Warning : violence, gun, blood, sexuality. Everything is okay. Robyn says softly, trying to reassure a clearly frightened Emma who has tears streaming down her face. The bullet was on the floor. So, how was your day. She asked. But the raven haired woman doesnt answer, making Alex grumble and seethe as she can clearly see the glow of the lights coming from within the apartment. And if Lena knows, then shell tell Kara. What do you mean, where's Alex, she's in her home. One that makes you feel shameful and worse every time you do it, which only leads you to doing it more. Kara nodded and looped an arm around Y/Ns shoulders, despite the fact that she was capable to walk, and led her over to the couch, helping her lay down. What do you think? A/N: I was originally not going to make this a reader insert fic and just leave it totally ambiguous, but it felt awkward just calling the youngest sibling "Baby Danvers" the entire time. Because somewhere between Lena helping you up and your negative thoughts while your mind spirals out of control, Lena is cleaning your face so you cant throw up again. Maybe we can rebuild our friendship? Her eyes fall to Lena's chest, where the ring sits, hidden by the raven haired beauties clothes. Not your father, who just disappeared from one day to the next without telling anyone. Robyn frowns at this sign of weakness being shown by the CEO. It would be good PR, the excuse isnt lousy or ridiculous. Hi Honey! You look up, paying attention to the end of Karas speech. So why dont we just sit here for 30 minutes, eat, and catch up on each others lives? She asks, not breaking eye contact. Are you okay ? she asked you with concern. Why did he kidnap you ? you askedCant he find somone else to do this job ?, No. Baby. Kara says, arms open wide, pulling you inside her arms for a long hug. And yet he still had the nerve to look at her quite innocently and confidently. Emma nods and taps the glass while she continues to think. How she holds onto what he was like before he was captured and changed. You didnt have to- heavy footsteps, mixed with the crunching of the wooden floorboards, could be heard and he stood behind you. Thank you for everything.. You didnt respond, didnt want to bring him satisfaction. Alex eventually found herself thumbing through the docket. Or was it? Really, I love it. You said taking another bite. Your anger, Alex said with a cocky smile as she stepped forth. They grow up so fast, Alex said with a sigh. Normally Kara and the others had an all out war but with the youngest Danvers present they decided this year would be different. No one has been stupid enough to say it to my face until now, that is, she answered, daring to step into Alexs space again until Alex practically felt the womans body heat on her. PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. I just need the luthor here, but if i can keep you alive, youre my bonus if youre useful as youre seems. And guess what? Lena, look at me.. Hell, shes done similar to her agents. It was without introduction that Alex jumped to the conclusion that this woman was possibly an unwelcomed guest of honor whos come for the Dominator, though there was enough evidence to suggest it. Weve been noticing for a while that you havent been eating a lot., Then Lena told me about what happened the last time you saw each other., I felt sick with the sushi she bought. Of course, thats what Alex said, but, internally, she had to admit she was flustered. Frankie, youngest of the three Danvers sisters, had known that from her first day in the world. Shes supergirls sister ! You fall on the floor with a scream. She rushes up the stairs and hears Kara and Alex arguing. You tasted the blood on your tongue. It wasnt that she was attracted to her by any means she did have Lena but the close, physical presence of a woman like Lucy, in an extremely intimate proximity like that, did cause her nerves to shake. And right now, its recorded as a single fugitive. The Danvers crinkle making an appearance on her face. No, it hasnt. You look at yourself, on your much larger clothes, because yeah, you have been losing weight and havent been around in National City much and when you are, the last thing you want to do is go out to buy new ones. Work Search: In no time shes in front of Lenas apartment and she raises her fist to pound on the door. Luthor? If they sent the cops, you swear to God. Put your hands up and it will do you no harm.. He nods encouragingly at her and she takes a deep breath in to calm herself. Youre filled with shame, and your face burns red in embarrassment. From what Emma told me, you all like your drink.. Both of them had tears running down their cheeks and both could not believe that you just left like that. Please! There is a big search for her until Lena finds her and talks to her. Major, was it? Alex mimicked. You saw him grabe a gun in his suit and point it to you. Your heart squeezes on your chest because you kind of can guess what is the next sentence. I can enter the system without a problem, download the files though, its something else, but thats not my problem. That when she does she feels like she cant breathe and its just too painful.. Hey, hey, youre okay. Which Emma is allowed to feel. Alistair quickly interjects, feeling the build up of confusion and hurt in the room. A lot of leeway being given to you all and a lot of funds being burned. You change out of your school clothes. You swallow the lump on your throat and the tears that insist on coming when you realize that last night actually happened and you did just lose your cat. The Superfriends frown at the question, some even looking over at the blonde. Understood? Now it seems i can keep you alive then. Her face is pained as she voicelessly screams and sobs in the barren, white desert. You knew I ran away and made it impossible for them to find me. You struggled with your thoughts, trying to tell her everything. Emma shivers at the memory, her sisters covered in blood, eyes fully dilated, staring at nothing. Not now. i know i have prompts to write but i was in the mood to bring this back. Alex shook her head, picked up her coffee and brought it to her lips. He always believed in our girls. Eliza sips her coffee. And do you know what she communicated to me when I asked how she was? I agree its good. Lena takes a sip of her own before lowering her mug to her lap. Im with you. As a teenager Alex Danvers had a one-night stand, which ended in an unplanned pregnancy, the father wanted nothing to do with alex and the baby. Youre safe. Robyn repeats over and over as she tries to soothe the agitated blonde. Passed over by our own sister.. The woman was decently shorter compared to her. You okay? Kara asks in concern and Emma nods, running a hand through her hair. Just as Y/N was settled, Alex appeared and, without warning, plopped the ice pack directly on the burn, causing Y/N to let out a yelp and instinctively squirm at the sudden, freezing coldness. They mostly walked in silence, enjoying each others company but they had also discussed how yesterday had gone and how they were both feeling. A Sanvers Baby Chapter 1: Month 1 - The Announcement, a supergirl fanfic | FanFiction It's Alex and Maggie's first wedding anniversary and Kara joins them to celebrate. (Courtesy of a @promptdumpster prompt that I happened to run into.). She looks timedly over at Alex, who seems to be silently communicating with her. If she had found Sheldon safe and sound she would just be yelling and celebrating through the comms. Alex then crossed her arms in a similar fashion to match the woman, one-for-one. If you happen to take inspiration from anything Ive written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me first and b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Do you have those photos of Em as a baby?, Of course! Eliza chuckles and finds Emmas photo book. Or did she not want to be close because a beautiful woman was in her face. We are trying to help her, not shame her or cause more friction., Sam steps forward and tenderly moves Alexs hair out of her eyes. pumpkin carving where reader accidentally hurts herself! After 10 minutes you entered a large room with a giant glass window offering a great view of the city. Kara and Alex couldnt help but giggle at their sister as she tried to carry the thing back to the car. Kara ordered a pizza and promised it would be there shortly after they were set to arrive home. Thats why theyre physically mentioned, but do nothing active as talking. As Alex looked upon this woman, feet firmly planted this time, with a finger digging into her chest, somehow the tension forced a laugh out of the agent. Tall and broad-shouldered, her hands buried in the pockets of her black coat-full of strength yet graceful and charming. Im fine. They are not buying, and your heart is beating out of your chest, whilst your mind is being filled with blame and accusations. Lucy stood agape at Alexs smart ass remark, which quickly broke into a smile. Seeing the sadness with Elizas eyes, Robin decides to change the topic. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. She walked towards it, took the red envelope in her hands and moved towards the couch where she sat on the armrest. I know you guys are being sober but it was like an itch I needed to scratch. Kara zips over and opens it. Shit. Alex mutters. Progress, uh? She kisses the crown of your head. Kara, ignoring you completely, goes to your laptop, while Alex opens your fridge. I made you pancakes, please eat something ok?, She kisses your forehead, delicately. You dont tell me, too bad, ill kill you and we move on. The games came after and Kara managed to win her a giant stuffed bear that she refused to let go of despite it being almost as big as she was. Alex was having a particularly rough day. A velvet voice says next to her, causing Emma to blink and look up to see Lena standing there with two steaming mugs. However, she enjoys how passionate they are when trying to support their theory. We were monitoring every security camera by major attractions.. You would feel guilty if you didnt sit here and eat with Lena, but once you do, you also feel guilty as hell for putting so much food inside you. Gee, theres nothing here. Its all you can think about. Your sisters hug you tightly. Why am I letting her in my space? I'm telling the truth! She shook her head. No ! You wake up the next day, not knowing how you slept, but youre still clenching to Sheldons collar.