Everything is about what I FEEL LIKE or I want.. Why has the Asian community done so well in America and the blacks have not? Its just where we are. Id love to hear an actual black persons take on the representation of black people in TV commercials. You are so right! Could it be the NHL is overwhelmingly white because of demographics, history, and lifestyle choices in large part? And getting worse by the day. that detergent is not that good, but that is besides the point. Thanks for taking the time to say it! Notice even the stereotyping of a certain physical build and slightly unhealthy/unfit body type of said bumbling white males? And not created and shown exponentially more than they are present in the real world in order to enforce an agenda and brainwash the populace. If they can disenfranchise white people and make us feel demoralized and that America isnt our country any more, then it strengthens their hand. As one of my readers likes to say, The End is surely near., Sure could use a vacation from this bullshit three ring circus sideshow of freaks. I realize there is a lot of hate in this world and people in high places are trying to fix that, however, is it fair to the white actors, models and any other white males for that matter to be ostracized? Interestingly, although Im often accused of being privileged, I actually have had to work harder to get opportunities due to my demographics. If youre catering ads towards the people that are actually buying the product it would make sense to include those people when considering creating the ads and especially casting. But the problem is, ALL the ad agencies are also doing this.. in concert with ALL the corporate brand executives. I also notice that when there are white people in commercials with blacks very often the black people look good, trim, sharp, intelligent and the whites look scraggly, dorky, fat, dumpy. Thus, transforming it into whatever ad execs need to do the tick the box for corporate. When an ad appears to be pushing an agenda harder than it works to sell a product or service, then its no longer advertising its propaganda. Its like the response to Covid was, totally overdone, a total overcompensation to George Floyd and BLM. The culture is rife with this stuff now . When will America get the spine back and start saying no to these people????? And third, inner city public school systems are often limited by teachers unions. I am glad I am not the only one who has noticed this trend lately. I started to wonder why the vast majority of mixed relationships in ads were black male-white female and not the other way around. I dont need to tell you that we live in a hyper-politically-correct society. I watched a fascinating interview on the Ruben report about an investor who talks about how, after the 2008 crash, Black Rock and other houses started actually pushing the fake green and inclusion narratives, posing as the investors voice, saying the general public wants this social awareness in companies. I think the problem for most people comes when they perceive that brands and advertisers are purposefully using their commercials to push social and political agendas. This is planned cultural change to foment divisionand it seems to be working well for them. Yes, all races should be in commercials, (I never thought I was prejudiced Im beginning to wonder) but I look up at the TV during the commercials and I think Im living in Kenya! I could not agree more with what you have written. News outlets? For now, the only thing equitable about all this is how equally insulting it is to everyone. These companies didnt get the message, so now boycotts and canceled subscriptions are hurting their bottom lines. Thats the crux of it, isnt it, Vi? Thats a pretty good take, Anonymous. Lately even the truck commercials feature females with men nowhere to be seen. You certainly can include other customer demographics in your ads to grow marketshare in those groups, but again that is with a solid marketing purpose. In 2021, we will see marketing and advertising campaigns reflect a range of consumer diversity especially among apparel and consumer packaged goods. It's never a mixture of an Asian, Indian, Hispanic, Middle eastern men or women in any of these interracial relationships. See all Cranky ad reviews | Go back to blog home page | Subscribe for free. While interracial marriages are certainly more common now than they were in the past, I see very few black-white couples in the real world. Too bad theres no cancellation button for commercials! Diversity Is the Future Black/white interracial marriages are 1%!!!!! lol. Pew Research indicates that roughly 40% of the U.S. population is a racial or ethnic minority. Its really something how Google tries to hide discussions like this, isnt it? Send him your thoughts. First African Americans suffer from a 74% illegitimacy rate where about three out of every four children grow up without the love, discipline, and example of a father. Advertisers are trying to focus more on diversity DEI roles increased 113% across industries from 2015 to 2020, but many DEI roles in advertising are functions of human resources. Im tired of woke, condescending BS. Isnt it just a little bit racist of advertisers to tell us that blacks and other people of color must walk, talk, dress and behave like white people, and partake in activities favored by whites, in order to be successful? I have to agree with you on your second point as well. Thank you for calling BS on the misrepresentation and unbalanced perspective in advertising. Build and employ diverse teams who think, create and attack problems from diverse perspectives. I note in your article statistics on the percentage of each race in the population (citizens or non-citizens?) I feel that pushing this agenda has given the blacks an over inflated sense of self worthin that instead of taking a productive place in American society it has just emboldened them (blacks) to riot, burn, smash and grab, accost, push people into train tracks, attack people on the street, carjack, murder, and a myriad of other crimes and not be punished for it. In reality, however, Muslims account for 14.3 percent of Londons population, and black Africans 7.9 percent. Thank you! Different strokes for different folks, Bob, but you have to admit, the man knows the Constitution. When I approved advertising campaigns for my product lines, it needed to have actors and scripts representative of the target market we were trying to reach. This is classic social engineering via Madison Ave. The problem as I see it is that black people are the most racist people there is. this is NOT saying people of color are not smart, nor is it saying they are not nice people, intelligent, funny, and personable! Yes, just like race, the mouth-breathers behind all of these so-called equity movements have gone way overboard with regard to the representation of womens bodies. Certainly the George Floyd killing was a catalyst. As a matter of fact, what that is is actually racist. I resisted Facebook for years and opened up an account only when I had a small business and wanted to advertise to my community. I never use this word about Disney that Im about to because my mother taught me that it was a disgusting sexually connotated word that a lady would never say but you know, Disney SUCKS!!!! More than ever, be lions, not sheep!! So in short, replace the current population and weaken the next generation with confusion so there is nobody to fight back. Opinion: Forced diversity is ruining your favorite forms of entertainment We need media companies to focus more on inclusion, less on checking boxes The changing face of TV. If so, then by golly, you should care. I totally agree and you would think that white people are completely ignorant of what is going on. Yes, the lgbtq is a cult. Levin is probably the smartest, most observant, most literate social/political commentator out there. Most if not all of the developments in dramatic theater and film tech came from Europe and European artists are discouraged from representation now. Thank you for my new mantra in this next season: Art to be good, has to reflect truth in nature and if doesnt, then it is propaganda. Brilliant and true. but lets remember its not all of they. Its absurd especially given the lack of Asian American representation. That seems to be the only recourse we have left. Companies will be forced to address their . Opinions expressed are those of the author. Zach Van Arsdale By Fernanda Galan | November 8, 2021 | 9:30pm MST Even against Mr. Fuckerberg, who, at the very least, deserves an Atomic Wedgie the likes of which he hasnt seen since high school. If I lived in Pakistan, I wouldnt expect Christmas decorations to have equal weight with Ramadan. Whay ever happened to hiring someone because they are the best person for the job? If I were to judge America from its advertising I would believe 90% of its population was black, and that white females could only be in relationships with black males and white males dont exist. Not about racism at all. Again, its fine if they dont match pure census demos as long as it is for a marketing purpose, not social engineering goal. I change the tv when a commercial comes on. some stick and become part of the public consciousness. Wrong. And when it really comes down to brass tacks, the end of our currency lies at the heart of much of this as well. This has gotten way worse in 2022! Their leagues are 75% black wheres the diversity on their sports.Really now. Thats perfectly normal! Havent you heard, Anonymous? This was a sheep in lions clothing for the blacks, the greatest giveaway and dumbing down in history. They are also becoming the professionals on sitcoms, fire chief, head surgeon, police chief etc with whites reporting to them. I like you already, Cathi! I dont post racist or incentive posts or replies, dont promote violent or Illegal activity, no abusive language or hate speech. It had a list of things an ANTI-RACIST can do to make amends to blacks. If you truly want to be disgusted read about them a bit. Hi, Dave. Whatever the reason for it, white males are the bungling idiots of the ad world, just as theyve been for years and will continue to be for as long as the culture deems them toxic. I live in Canada and its the exact same thing here as well, 73% of the population is white yet nearly all our advertising features mixed-race couples predominantly with a white female and black or now sometimes Indian spouse, and mixed children, but it gets worse. I plan on leaving the USA, if my husband and I have kids I dont see a promising future here for White children. . After all white men have been portrayed as stupid do nothing without the help of the wife in Sitcoms for years, to the point I stopped watching such nonsense. Im willing to do my part. I dont blame you a bit for turning off the tube in favor of books and movies, Madge, but I would encourage you to hit back with a parting shot before you go. Might you be the same Anonymous that authored American Divorce? I laughed at the commercial showing a black upper middle class family cooking Smores in their backyard. The focus is all about diversity and political correctness instead of just making a great product. In reality the actual investors have no clue how their portfolios are being used. option. Yes, sir. See: Blackrock, Vanguard, ESG scores; and globalist agendas (including social engineering) originating with Klaus Schwab and his cronies at the World Economic Forum (WEF). In some cities, the best and newest YMCAs are in mostly black neighborhoods. We wire-hanger-bodied, pasty, straight-haired girls need to get dressed, too. So this makes for a huge boulder rolling down the hill with great momentum. Totally agree. Remember the Starbucks red cup debacle from a few years back? . . For most of us, the reality we see in our daily lives looks nothing like the contrived bullshit we see on our TV screens, and while the endless assault has gotten very tiring, very fast, Im not sure that any amount of protest, boycotting, or letter-writing is going to change a thing. Of course, portraying people properly would require advertisers to have real respect for different races and cultures, and a genuine desire to give more than lip service to the prime directives of diversity and inclusivity. Ultimately the enemy is Satan. . They want us at each others throatsas they work towards their planned paradise on earthwith most of us cattle (their word, not mine) eliminated. I am sad that white people are not represented in TV commercials. So while these Ad people pat their own backs about breaking racial boundaries.. they are not being as innovative as they think because they are ALL doing it. And based on the overwhelmingly positive response to this blog post, I would say that there are (thank goodness) many more objective and fair-minded people out there than small, bitter, and confused people like you. Over the past few months, its been out of control. . . And when Serena lost her her third round match to an oppononet who played spectacularly, to see the tournament director rush out to cater to Serena immediately after match point; to see the camera cut to and stay on Serena for minutes after the match instead of showing the winner; to hear the commentators gush over Serena before saying anything about who just won; to see the media throw a microphone at Serena right away this is all going a WAY too far. While I can certainly appreciate the occasional clever attempt to subvert traditional gender roles in TV commercials, it becomes a problem when the majority of ads go out of their way to push agendas focused on race and gender. Again I say, read American Marxism for an explanation of EVERYTHING that is going on. For example, how often do you see a father and son interacting in a commercial. All they are doing is checking a box on the inclusivity inventory checklist. ). An example. Seeing the new Top Gun was so sad. Dont worry about being politically correct. I guess if you can have fake news why not fake commercials. He seemed like a great person, but his take on women in business wasnt resounding, to say the least! Why are there commercials that mention the term baby daddy? Do the stories you read there measure up to the advertising portrayal? When they come on, I mute them and wait until they are over. Its not about having the income to buy these nice things, but are these actually reflecting the priorities and choices of black Americans? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aunt And he is presented as stupid, while the shorter dark-haired skinny nerd is the good guy. These trends in media and advertising grieve me deeply for 2 reasons. Forbes Communications Council members share strategies for including authentic diversity in marketing. Always try to be sensitive and try to feel how others may feel. . Theyre the ones producing the work. Im sure people watching us from other countries have to be like wtf??. Just dont use the dreaded C (Christmas) word though. I hope you dont mind (especially as you remain anonymous), but I shared your comment on both LinkedIn and Twitter and posed the question, At what point does the push for diversity and inclusion become *exclusionary* and itself as pernicious as the problem it was meant to solve?. But again like me, their assets were all in their land. Because, in sharp contradiction to what so many whackos in this country would have you believe most white Americans are not racist. It is both telling and comical that they claim that those people avoiding the dangers of low Motivational Values are endemically racist even if they are African Americans with higher Motivational Values. The greatest losses in life occur because we do not know what we do not know. They call out white privilege for those who have higher Motivational Values. I am completely disappointed over everything happening. Thanks for letting me know its not just me thinking it anymore. Because it's the new hotness, advertising firms are gonna go hard on it for a while. I pulled him aside and told him to wait his turn and not go down until theres no kids on it. I think youre right, Kris. It should be pretty easy to find bad reviews for companies whove broken their promises. Black people are generally not known to be into camping in freezing weather, or things such as bungee jumping & cliff climbing. Ive noticed this for a long time now. I see about 3% of Asians and less than 1% of Hispanics in commercials these days. He names names, gives dates, gives quotes, and gives events, laying out an ironclad argument on why we are going through what were going through. I never believed one could make chicken salad out of chicken poop, but obviously those individuals making TV commercials believe it can be done. Click the DOWNLOAD NOW button for the full report. It's time for action. Walt is rolling in his grave.. Change is needed, but where should it begin? This is hard to explain as the Asian population is larger in UK. I have no problem with people from different cultures, perspectives, etc. Actually, I was being a bit sarcastic. You could also throw in guilt and reparations as other potential motives. Slavery is the original sin of Americans founding, and we are paying for it over and over again, from the Civil War to affirmative action and now to the over-representation of blacks in TV and print ads. No way is a white woman and a black male is going to have a blond headed daughter and a really dark son. This is not about money, or placating the woke mania. Every night when I reached my hotel, I would turn on the boob tube as background noise while I unpacked. are being promoted by females. I closed it down soon after I closed down my business. I totally agree with you. Multiracial images have long been used by advertisers, but the current version exploded onto billboards and magazine ads in the late 1980s, when United Colors of Bennetton ads . These include cookies that allow you to be remembered as you explore the site within a single session or, if you request, from session to session. While 10% of all new marriages are interracial, only 1% are black/white marriages. Trying to be politically correct. And who are they? I usually watch Restaurant Impossible on Thursdays, but now after seeing coming attractions from the last two weeks, and coming attractions of him helping only all black restaurant owners, I will stop watching until he puts white people back on his show. Explore ANA products, services, and unique marketing insights by your area of interest. The first step in correcting Fake Ads is to boycott the products with letters to the companies. Its so degrading and embarrassing. Youre right, Joey TV *is* unwatchable. Do you feel as though youve allowed yourself to be reprogrammed or conditioned to feel like youre going down the race rabbit hole? Lets make it so. The problem of over-, under-, and misrepresentation in television commercials is part of a larger culture war thats being fought on many fronts, and as with so many issues, it seems the corporations are on a different side than the people. Youre right, Zan. You can search our website for events, press releases, blog posts, and more. I fear there will be a big blowback, not just because of this change in advertising, but because of all the current racial strife in this country. Individuals with negative motivational values are in fact dangerous regardless of their skin color! Black female doctors, dentists, insurance agents. Read Fahrenheit 454 and get a prophetic view of this, complete with prophesies of cancel culture and disinformation control, as well as the complete dumbing down of the population the parlor room entertainment wall i.e., TV shows of complete idiocy. Good lord its so offensive. As a Communications major in college in the early 70s, Public Relations courses I took stressed the importance of quickly putting a lid on any negative news on your client company, being transparent in what happened, getting it quickly under control, and telling the public how you were correcting the situation. CBS has publicly stated that its reality shows will feature 50% non-white participants. Recently there has been a lot of manufactured racist guilt implied by unethical politicians and their media towards any individuals avoiding the dangers associated with people who have low Motivational Values. The problem is look at the actual news. You arent good enough to even get a black man? If 60% of their sales go out the window theyll care, because we all know the only thing corporations care about is money (assuming all 60% of white Americans feel that way). They have the executives believing unless you show 70%+ minorities you are racist. Eventually this transformed into the black sidekick or partnerand then eventually the white male lead was replacedand Will Smith and Denzel Washingtons son became the lead. Imagine the reaction if a white actor portrayed MLK or Nelson Mandela in a film or play, or had the lead in The Lion King? (Hello, New Jake from State Farm.). White and not-skinny. The women in commercials, no matter what race, are a size 0 model and theyre never shown eating. We are headed in the same direction. They have since spread their bullshit theories throughout the higher echelons of education. They say there is no war on Christmas. It is refreshing to see an advertisement showing an all white traditional family. Make sure your voice is heard. It is amazing to me in this day & age, public high-tech companies such as Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat etc. I do not think we will see another Anglo-Saxon actor as James Bondif we do, he will be feminized like the guy playing Spider-man (compare Holland to Nicholas Hammond and you see what we meanHammond was a boy-next-door kind of actorhe wasnt a tough guybut he was more masculine than Holland-who seems like a child or midget). Very clear & accurate message!! Theyre made to look stupid, or just plain made fun of! This is not realistic or representative. Ironically I feel a little safer knowing hes a little less tolerant of bull crap than he probably should be. Its been part of this country for 200 years even Lincoln first proposed sending blacks back across the water but decided not to because it was going to be too expensive. Fortunately, the topic had been on my list for a while and I swear it was you (or perhaps another Cranky reader) who was brave enough to broach the subject in one of the comments sections. And Asian-White couples should be far less numerous than black-white couples given that blacks outnumber Asians 3 to 1.