Living at had me allowed me to enjoy my bed and room, sit on the back porch, visit favorite malls, watch television, play with the catDownsides included getting on the bus and waiting downtown if cold for the transfer. Despite all this, there are some truly great features to living at home. The iconic Chanel logo however would not be possible without its even more iconic founder Coco Chanel. You'd think that this summer would've been filled with me spending missed time with my family and friends, soaking up the last few weeks of home life before I go off to college. happy1 July 21, 2017, 7:40pm #12. 1. Because I was always working 2 or 3 part-time jobs, I didnt have time for school extracurriculars. Join a club, go to all the various events that are held and just talk to people. I literally spent all day on campus when I was commuting for the most part. You get the wondrous pleasure of seeing mom and dad every god forsaken day, much like you did in high school and all years prior. And their personalities are completely different. Yes. Usually commuters live with parents or other relatives and travel to school, but you also may find an affordable place to live that is farther away and need to commute to class. I liked the fact that I was still at home. If you can live at home, without any costs, I recommend that. Id love to say that I want to go and live in a dorm or apartment but Id prefer to stay with my family. Commuting sucks. Theyll be plenty of groups to join. And the amenities that you are paying for with your tuition, you wont get to use those as often because of the distance. According to NCES, the National Center for Education Statistics, it is expected that on-campus students paying in-state tuition spend $11,000 per semester on room and board. For instance, she did not begin speaking until she was three and a half years old. I hate going to a commuter school. Yes, college is the place to learn and prepare for your future-- which I can easily do as a commuter-- but it's also about meeting people who share the same interests and learning to live independently. If you choose to work on campus, youll easily be more involved in the ongoings of your school. I made some new friends and I usually stayed on campus at least 4-6 hours after my classes. I didnt feel bad about commuting as I could be where I wanted to be and acted as a host and local person to other commuter (skiing, eating, site seeing, and having avoid time. They happily oblige when we pick up their front paws and force them to dance with us around the house. Even when the days I wasn't commuting, I wasn't spending time at home and studying at Starbucks. The negative aspects are that you will still be in your comfort zone. While some on-campus housing wont allow for sleepovers, some do, and all students living in their own apartments near campus can have guests over. 13. To use your commute to your advantage, you can use library rentals (or library apps) to listen to audiobooks and review course materials. Youll be saving money as a commuter student, if you are able to live for free at home. I walk into my room, and find my room lightswitch broken, a bunch of random chairs all over . This can definitely be tiring if you prefer to be alone more often, and consider yourself an introvert. By the time I was done, I was sick of my family and couldnt wait to leave. While it might not be possible your first year, you could eventually be a resident assistant and get some perks. 9. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". The hardest thing about commuting was driving to and from campus since my college is a 30 minute drive from my house. The College Board reported that living on campus at a public four-year university can increase your costs by $11,510 per year. Although only 18, Malala has made tremendous waves not only in Pakistan, but the world at large. I did not make ONE friend in all of my college years. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. For example, did you know that you will likely receive less financial aid if you are living with family members? A study done in 2012 by the University of Connecticut found that 51% of students reported that they commute to school. I envied your blas attitude and I feared that my over-excitable nature would ruin a friendship before it began. I was able to pay for most of my first year without anyones help. It's like those people want me to feel bad about how I commuted for one semester when I was happy. She also pioneered her famous Chanel suit thus empowering working women. I missed the convenience of going downtown, to the natural history museum, my parish, the mall within walking distance .However, I had opportunities to participate IH dorm and cafeteria events. Meitner was an absolutely brilliant scientist, and collaborated on research at the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institute with Hahn. Truthfully, it does have its positive aspects, but being a commuter (specifically living with mom and dad) is a recipe for insanity. It was simply a place to get a job done. I've commuted the entire four years now, and I've made tons of friends and met amazing people. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Make a fool-proof plan for every emergency you can think of so you are never stuck in a bad situation. I listened to KROQ and did my makeup in the car. A lot of the social events that are held at my college are usually done some time in the evening, and my train does not run that late, preventing me from attending most of the events. I wish we had dorms. Why did I decide it would be a good idea to go to school here? For instance, I tend to schedule all of my classes early in the morning in a back-to-back sequence; I hate having huge gaps in my schedule, so I cant take a class thats at 4PM if the class before it ends at 10AM. She suffered from malnutrition and other hardships as a result. You can decide that when you return to your home, you are off school, the same way that people are off work when they get home. Though we technically met in Kindergarten, we officially met at freshman orientation in high school. Whether you're more of a Miley or a Hannah, you hit the jackpot in the celebrity-zodiac-sign-twin lottery. But when it does start to snow, here is what many of you might be thinking. Commuting to college may not be the stereotypical college experience, but the benefits are definitely there. Commuting just drains my energy in the morning and in the evening when I go home. 24. That's what I'm going to do, but mainly because I fucking hate the dorm. Take my quiz to help you decide if you should live on campus or commute to college. Your dorm roommate might have friends over often, and this could be overwhelming if you dont want to socialize all the time. I've gotten to see you at your highest and lowest and I love you so much at times I wonder how I could have gotten so lucky to call you my friend. It is a great option for people with very tight-knit families. College is expensive. Maybe you already have an amazing living situation and just need a degree. When I was moving in to a dorm second semester, a lot of people asked me if I was a transfer student and when I told one of them that I'm not and I just commuted, she responded jokingly, "I hate commuting!" Whatever you decide, make sure you think of every angle before you make any decisions because you dont want to look back and regret it. You can walk to most campus events, and you will be more likely to go because of the ease of attending. I remember in one of my classes, I told a guy that I commuted and his response was, "Do you ever feel like you're missing out?" Sat Mar 4 2023 - 05:00. How is traffic? Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Please just let it melt. There was a table in the Student Union at both schools where we all knew we could always find someone, so breaks between classes were fine. The majority of college students are commuters. We're practically family at this point. Selena Gomez! 11. To be able to wake early enough to allow yourself extra time, you need to get to bed at a reasonable hour. I never felt at all immersed in college life. You're in the class, but the school doesn't really notice you & you don't really notice it. In case you're considering commuting to college, here are some reasons NOT to. However if you go to a CSU most students will be in the same situation as you are. I hate college. I know I shouldn't care about what others think but these type of comments make me feel like they think less of me for commuting. East coast finally gets a snow storm it deserves. She turned the fashion world on its head by liberating women from the hated corset in favor of a more comfortable yet still elegant style. Financial aid goes down, transportation costs go up. Its an important decision so make sure you think hard about it before deciding and really consider the pros and cons. Another thing I liked about it was that I was saving money. When youre living on a school campus theres no need to check in with parents or get permission. I made sure to maximize my time on campus with that longer commute. My first year away at college was an experience that Ill cherish forever. Josephine Baker shattered the glass ceiling and continues to be an inspiration for women of every color. While Pepper, on the other hand, is occasionally a little mean and aggressive. Commuting to college can be a great option for some, or not ideal for others. I travelled to Europe, Canada, Mexico and Australia. 12. How does living at home affect your daily life? Other fun reasons to be a commuter student are: You dont live on campus which means no one can suddenly interrupt your study time, nap schedule, or other aspect of your day. I tried looking at on-campus events or activities to go to after my classes or I had lunch with friends from my classes a few times. If you are driving, you can use that time to listen to audio textbooks or recorded lectures. Some people think of college as the best phase of their life, but that's not true for everyone. When you are commuting to college, you wont be bound by the area around your college. Do a few trial runs leading up to your classes at each hour they will be at. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Im aiming to stay at home while going to college. . If I could roll back the past few years, getting on campus would be one of my highest priorities. Sorry, cat people, but I just dont get you. Whether you're looking for a cheaper alternative, or a strong start of your career, community colleges are a great way to begin! My class schedule is always back-to-back and early in the morning. For instance, my commute is an hour, but its by public transit so I dont mind since I can be productive, watch a video, or just rest my eyes. If instead I had to drive an hour, Id probably enjoy commuting a hell of a lot less. A snowflake just hit me in the eye. Ive even had around 5 drivers flat out kick me out of their car because they didnt want to drive. It might not sound hard, but making yourself a priority is a challenge. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Starting with money, you should calculate the costs of both commuting to college and your alternative, whether it is living in an apartment or staying with family. A Florida cougar is on the prowl for her next boy toy even if it means stepping foot on a college campus . You can also enhance your leadership skills. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. Beyonce! The positives are: I save a lot of money. Negative aspect: It may seem like grades 13, 14,15 and 16. And if you absolutely hate living on or off campus, you can make that change the next semester. I commuted to college in my first semester 3-4 times a week and I honestly felt really happy while I was commuting. Most issues that make students miserable can be resolved with a little time and . Health 03 February 2023. Im going to have student-loan debt, but not as bad as her. I would say no thank you, however, I have been surviving life as a commuter for two years strong. If you dont have pets, you should get some pets, man. They are always there for us, they love us unconditionally, and they treat us a whole lot better than most humans do. Marilyn Monroe! I was starting to feel helpless and was not enjoying my commute to college at all. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Unless you feel like you will really enjoy the college life, try and save some cash by staying at home instead. But your schedule may also revolve around traffic times youll be less free to create your own schedule if you are trying to avoid the roads for up to 4 hours a day. There was a good group is students from Catholic high schools that commuted. I got my degree, which I credit with enabling me to have my current job. As a mother, celebrity, philanthropist, survivor and a lady, she teaches us women can in fact have it all. You may miss out on the campus lifestyle, but you might prefer your suburban or city lifestyle much more. While you can totally make friends through commuter organizations and class, it won't be the same as making friends via dorm life. I remember when we both received acceptance letters to Notre Dame of Maryland University and swore we'd stay best friends through college. This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. Try to plan sleepovers for Friday or Sunday nights to get in one less commute. I began to crave that fun that they were having. Jennifer Kustanovich, SUNY Stony Brook5. Clare Regelbrugge, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Sign in to comment to your favorite stories, participate in your community and interact with your friends. It takes up too much of your day. School Life Balance, Tips for Online Students.