Pretty soon, I'll be in college. LENI: Hey Lana, Lola. As she reached the last four steps, some of the flour got under her shoe, causing her to slip again. Lincoln: (irritated) You know you guys would've got in trouble too, right? The two stay at the arcade for an hour. I'm starting to realize something. It was my fault! I mean, this one's kind cute. ", Lincoln: (nervously) "Because Because, uh", Lori: "Because this place reminds you of Ronnie Anne?". Title and idea suggested by Aartistboy714, so credits go to him. Bedtime is at 9:00 sharp. ", She lay a hand across Lincoln's shoulder, beaming down at him. Lori wakes up with an annoyed look on her face. There's literally nothing embarassing about this.". Understand?". Later, we see Lori heading to her room to charge her phone. And you and Ronnie Anne got to see each other one more time. ", Young Lincoln: "I'm sorry for waking you, but can Isleep with you? But, we was all wondering how you get your white hair. Lily: Som-times you fo'get yo' shoes, Wisa. Just an ordanary day for me. ", Lincoln: *sighs* "It's fine. We wish your ankle with all of the care it could ever have and we just want to end this off by saying, Lori is even more heartwarmed by the card. Also, Lucy was gonna be one of sisters who defended Lincoln, but I made her attack Lincoln instead. What is it? Lynn Sr: Uh.right. Lori: "Don't surround, Lincoln like that. Lincoln is baffled by what the other sisters did and give them all cold stares. I bet you really loved playing this with Ronnie Anne. Lincoln rushes over the game and Lori follows. If you don't mind, I think I'mgonna turn in. Only because I don't want my phone taken away! the younger siblings announced in unison (sans Lily, who just gave it her best shot). And you'll never be bad luck ever again. Lynn: I never leave home without my lucky horseshoe. Leni (angry): I hope you are happy now! Lori's home for the next few days since Fairway College is closed for President's Week, and she jumped at the chance to do another one of these with us! He did his best to act casual as he went about his usual evening activities - playing video games, helping the younger sisters with their homework, playing with Lily - while stifling the occasional excited giggle. LUNA: Dudes, what is with you guys?! Lori takes Lincoln to Vanzilla and drives home. Lori looks over at the clock and it shows 8:24 p.m. Lori: Eh..Alright fine, but I want you home by 9:30! She's doing fine. Eventually, though, he reached his limit. Okay then we'll watch that. A night of TV and junk food, free from the rigid confines of his bedtime, all courtesy of his big sister? Lori: "I'm just making sure you're having a good time. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. (Mom and Dad is in their room) RITA: I think it's time we tell him. I think he could really use some comfort from his big sister.". Lincoln: (angry) Heh, typical! Lori: Alright, you girls and guy can do some activities, but it's not gonna be the extreme way that you do it. Letting our older sister tumble down the stairs! I mean, yeah can be bossy sometimes, but your there for us when we need you. In just a second, they sorround him. Lincoln smells bad? "I will always remember and recover, but i'll never forgive and forget!" ", Lori: "We're not buying it. Lincoln loosened his hold a bit and looked up into her eyes. It's okay, Lincoln. Lincoln looks around. He won't even tell anyone. As he walked behind her, he tried to get a glimpse of her face, just to reassure himself that she wasn't mad at him. I love you.". (Lincoln is in the kitchen, getting a bag of chips from the cabinet and he walks to the fridge to get a can of soda, only to find Lana eating his chips). He has a bored look on his face and he's justeating his meatloaf while looking down. He squeezed her just as tightly before releasing her only to take her hand in his as they started for the house. What I did was an accident, so they attack me! Tomorrow, I'm gonna take Lincoln out to some fun places and have a good time with him. How was your- *gasp* Oh my gosh, Lincoln!". We should have known better than to call you bad luck. Lynn: (immitating Lincoln) Says the one who wanted to lead us! LINCOLN: Leni! With each repetition, the story felt less off-putting and more comforting. When that happened, Lincoln squeezed Lori tight and buried his face in her bosom, scarcely able to bring himself to look at the screen. Lincoln: "Yeah. Nothing reallyworth talking about. That, and a glimpse at the back of the case revealed that the film was rated PG, so he could at least be reassured that it wouldn't be as gruesome. She looks down and sees a button. The two splash each other and then begin to playfully wrestle. The sisters, out of curiosity, took a peek from upstairs to see what was going on.] (Leni and Luna take a ticket and the three share a group hug), (The three got out of the house and walk to the movies; It shows the others, sans Lucy, are in the living room). Lori, wearing her sleep wear, enters his room. Let it out.". ", Lori: "Yeah. ", Lynn Sr.: "Well, if he's really tired, maybe we shouldn'tbother him. After staying at the beach for almost an hour, the two got dressed in their normal clothes, packed everything up, got inside Vanzillaand head to their next stop; the arcade. Before the glass hit the floor, Lynn swooped in and caught it, The rest of the sisters come downstairs and surround the now sleeping Lori. I've been through middle school, and trust me when I say that it's nothing that you can't handle. Plan b is if you didn't cooperate with our task, we call Mom and Dad and we tell them that you broke the golf club! I haven't thought of that. On the other hand, he didn't want his sister to think he was too babyish to handle something a little spooky. Meanwhile, everyone else is in Lori's room, planning, Luna: Alright, we want her to feel the same way that we felt when she constantly bossed us around, 5 minutes later, Lori is downstairs, watching tv when she all of a sudden gets thirsty. By. We had a lot of fun. "All right Bun Bun, it looks like I'm ready." ", Her smile grew. Those selfish girls! Hopefully, it'll get him out of his funk. Lola: Then they'll take away your phone and take your driving privilages away, so you have no contact with your precious "Bobby Boo Boo Bear"! The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale. That's why I never tried to stop it when they went against you. "O-okay!" Simpsonsfanatic33. I was gonna ask you if you wanted to sleep with me in my bed.". I was told everything from Lori, and i'm really angry at you! ", Rita: "Did you find out what's troubling him? LORI: I need to watch Dream Boat. Lori: For all of the bullying you go through with us. You're lucky that we're fast cleaners! Mythird fanfiction. Well, I got an older sister to help now because she is completely immobile now because of you! Rita gasps just like Leni did. Lori let go of his wrist and started up the stairs, motioning for him to follow her. How's that sound?". *sigh* And I've been real harsh to you guys before. Lincoln begins tocry and Lori gives her brother a comforting hug. He won't even tell anyone. ", Lori giggled. (Luna and Leni heard the whole thing and look at each other, worried; Later, Lincoln thank of what they said to him, took a backpack and pack his things, he took a box under his bed and open it to reveal lots of money and stuff it in his pockets, he then wrote a letter and place on his bed. Seriously, what is wrong with us?! I DON'T NEED A SCIENTIFIC REASON! (Hops on the bed) I can stay here. Can I please go to Clyde's house? THE POINT IS THAT I'M IN PAIN BECAUSE OF YOU IDIOTS! "I-I'm gonna miss having you around," he said. The girls are at the bottom of the staircase, looking at each other in shame. That's when the episode ends. We're here for you no matter what. (A knock on the door and it's a motel owner). Luna: Oh, you didn't know? Lincoln drew back a little and locked eyes with Lori once again, his curiosity piqued. ", Lori: "Just some places where we'll have fun together. Lori: "Leni went over to a friend's house for a sleepover. He misses Ronnie Anne. Lori pulls a bottle of sunscreen out of her purse. Lola: (sarcastic) Wow, Lori being nice, it must be a blue moon tonight! Just us, at the beach, with the nice sunlight, the nice breeze, and a nice view of the ocean? ", Lincoln: "Why are you surprised? Lori gets in her bed with Lincoln following along. I CAN'T EVEN MOVE! Duncan and Drake lets Lincoln go runs towards her in an attempt to attack her, but Lori quickly grabs the two and makes them headbutt each other, hurting them a lot. Lincoln Loud just had a nightmare about a scary monster chasing him and he tells Lori and Leni about it and then Lori and Leni comfort him and tell him the nightmare is over. I'm putting sunscreen on you.". AS the film's suspense ramped up, he started gritting his teeth and grabbing fistfuls of the couch cushions. 4 Comments. ", Lori: "Wow. ", Rita: "Alright Lincoln, let'streatyour bruises. They notice their mother sitting at the dining room table reading a book. They inspect her ankle, and to their horror sees a giant swell on it. ", Rita: "Oh, a little sibling bonding time? Maybe when we go out to eat, I can get him to open up." I was trying to teach you how to play tic-tac-toe - without much success, as I recall." Just you and me. Lincoln: Now, i'm just gonna tell you now, i'm not gonna take any more bets. The three guys turn there heads and see Lori, who looks extremely ticked off. Lola hands Lori the glass of milk and she drinks half of it. "No, it's okay, it's okay!" LINCOLN: (laughs) That was the best episode ever! After they finished eating the two get inside Vanzillaand head to the cinema to watch a movie. Lincoln walks his way there. And you tend to hang out with Clyde and your other friends. Why you couldn't you four be nice to him for once?! Let's put some sunscreen on. ", Lincoln: (thinking in his head.) Lincoln: Please don't tell me that I'm bad luck. Nowadays, however, this routine was mostly just a way to remind her siblings not to take her orders lightly. NOW I KNOW HOW LINCOLN FEELS WHEN HE GETS BULLIED BY US AND GETS INTO PAIN! She manages to open her eyes again as she tries to save herself. ", Lori: Well, can you at least put some on my back? Lori: (angry) Are you serious?! ", Lori: "So, have you talked to her, lately? And it's Friday. Curiously, he didn't hear a single objection from his big sister, who continued to hold him close with a dreamy smile on her face. "You you mean it?" They look up the staircase, to find Lincoln staring down at them with his cold stare. ", Leni: "So, are you over your 'Ronnie Anne' problem? LENI: No, I really miss him, Luna. It was awesome. Mike walks over toward Lori. Sorry, Lincoln. ", Lincoln ends his call. ", Lucy: "If I had to guess, he probably doesn't want us to worry. She lands on her ankle sideways, severely spraining it. LORI: It's good to have Lincoln back home with us. From 9 to 9:30, Lincoln paced around his tiny bedroom, wishing that he could make the hands of the clock move faster. Lincoln: "I'm fine, mom. I'm here. The staff members look atthe teensand they grab them. LUNA: Hey, sis. She squeezed one of the guys' wrist and when the other two went at her, she grabbed them and made them headbutt each other. What do you want from me? (She cries and run to her room in sorrow). You and Ronnie Anne won't be apart forever, just like me and Bobby won't. I mean, Mom and Dad hasn't gone out yet since, but i'm hoping that Lori sticks to her promise and doesn't always say no to us. Lincoln holds on to the side of the doorway. Lincoln: (angry) Here, just rest right now and i'll get you some ice. I won't! (Luna and Leni leaves in disgust; In his room, Lincoln is crying on his bed). Log In Sep 16, 2021 They've been hugging each other for the past five minutes, tears coming out of their eyes (and ruining Lori's mascara). Lincoln: "Hey Lori. Just after the call ended, his smile fades away and he begins to look sad. nice.". He understood that Lori wanted to make sure that the others were fast asleep before taking him downstairs, but that didn't make the wait any less agonizing. Like I said, you girls know how to make things up! During their hug, they hear something slide on the floor and they see a card. LORI: (in tears) I heard what you said and you was right! Luan, you can do puns, but no pranking. You of all people should know how bad that costume is. Is that clear?". I guess what I'm saying is, I'm starting to think that maybe I'm not a good big sister after all.". "And I-I want you to know, while we still have this time together, that", Suddenly, she grabbed him and squeezed him as hard as she possibly could. She is talking to Bobby through her laptop. Lynn: You should've stuck with your job in the first place, you made us do all of that work! Everything's good.". The two head inside the restaurant. Lori starts the van and drives off. LET GO!! Please?". He garnered a few peculiar looks from his other sisters, but nothing beyond that. Lori: I just can't believe that they would do that to me! LINCOLN: I can't believe them! ", Lincoln: "Well, you're just- Ugh, forget it!". I, um. IT REALLY SUCKS, AND I FEEL BAD FOR HIM! whispered Lincoln, inching across the couch towards her. Even though he was still rather apprehensive, he figured he could handle some PG-rated ghost story - certainly better than he handledThe Harvester. He runs upstairs, leaving the sisters by themselves, disappointed and sad. Lori ends the call. lori comforts lincoln fanfiction. ", Lincoln: "Come on, Lori. Specifically the scene where Lori puts lotion on Lincoln without his consent and then asks him to put lotion on her. It's not your fault. Watching them suffer?! LYNN: Me?! Hermione felt better. In an alternate version of Brawl in the Family, Lincoln chooses Leni's side which shocks the entire family especially Lori who in a fit of rage does something that severes the bonds that she had with her family. Lori then remembers the golf club and gets angrier. ", Lori: "Don't worry, mom. (In Luna and Luan's room, Luna is sadly strumming her guitar and Leni comes in). 10 minutes later, Lori wakes up in a daze, As her vision fades in, she finds herself tied up in a chair, She looks up, to see none other than her sisters, giving her cold stares. Right now, Lynn is talking about soccer pactice. Lynn: There there little bro. LINCOLN: I won't! --- "Shirt, check! Right as she was exiting the room, she heard Lincoln whisper back a response - one that would stay etched into her mind for years to come. ", "You did! Moments later, Lori emerged from the kitchen with a steaming plate of hot pockets balanced on her hands. Lincoln whispered, scarcely able to contain his excitement. Lincoln: Aren't you supposed to have at least one good luck charm. "Was I really that clingy, though?" She applies some to her right hand, then, without warning, she grabs Lincoln's left arm and put some on it. Mike: "I'm Mike. Lori and Leni comfort Lincoln Published: Jun 2, 2019. Lori: "So, uh. Lisa: Thank you, it should keep her passed out for 10 minutes! Lola, you can play princess, but don't go too into character. And that's a good thing. Alright! I mean-" (sigh) "Never mind.". I was here first! It was alright. From that moment on, he had no reservations about clinging to Lori whenever the movie got too scary, which was pretty often. ", Her smile widened as she gazed down at her little brother, and she began to run her fingers through his hair again. It cuts to Lori in her room. "I guess you were too young to remember it," she said. Already a deviant? I wasn't trying to baby you. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. LINCOLN: (he escapes the carnage) What wrong with you guys?! LUAN: And you attacked him because he'd step on your tiara! Even from all of that though, we still think you're the best older sister we could've ever have. Lincoln Loud Needs a Hug Lincoln, after being left out tries to see who is ansestors are to see who he's supposed to be. (She hugs and kisses Lincoln) Please, don't run away ever again! How are you holding up since she and Bobby moved away? ", Lori: "Well, we can still visit them once in a while. After rubbing her back for a few seconds, Lori sits up. Moments later, flour pours onto her, getting into her eyes. He tries to throw a punch at her, but Lori garbs his wrist and squeezes it. I remembered I make his first rock concert a great success. ", Bobby: "It always works for Ronnie Anne. The two arrive and the house and walk inside. She later regret this. The three nod in fear. I have been rather harsh, and bossy in the past. '", Lincoln flinched, blinking in disbelief. You should never be afraid to tell me, our sisters, or mom and dad. Lori's expression changed when she heard that. I still remember when I was hostile towards you for no reason, and when I made you guys do chores and other favors so I could give you rides. Lincoln falls asleep, but Lori is still awake and looks at him. It's okay. Lincoln: (furious) SAYS THE ONE WHO MADE LORI FLY DOWN THE STAIRS!!! You're so much more capable than you think you are.". That's why I took you out for today. "What do you say? She shreaks in pain, as the other sisters rush over to see her on the ground, in pain. We don't want to get sunburned, do we?". Lincoln shouted loud enough for the people in the cinema to hear, including Lori. Tell, Lincoln I said 'hi'.". This backfired when Lori greeted him with a rather annoyed glare, as Lincoln chuckled nervously. Ronnie Anne and I haveseven years. Now she's away, and I won't see her for a long time. Lori hasn't been very strict recently and the parents still doesn't know about the incident. Lincoln: (sadly) "Oh, Ronnie Anne. I'm just looking out for my little brother.". Give him some room.". I've been keepingitfrom you guys for a while. She manages to open her eyes again as she tries to save herself. The two set up a spot on the beach and sit under the umbrella. strict. I don't usually comment on fanfics but this one while not being as bad as some has some unnecessary moments in it that push it from 'strange but harmless' to 'kind of creepy ngl' territory. As he walked behind her, he tried to get a glimpse of her face, just to reassure himself that she wasn't mad at him. Lori let out an annoyed groan as Lincoln took notice of this and tried to look on the brighter side of it. (Lincoln walks to Lori and his her) Lori: Listen, I literally owe you an apology for kicking you out of mine and Leni's room, and bossing you when I'm in charge. Rita rushes to Lincoln an kneels down to him. Lori: (irritated) What about the others?! Luna, you can play some music, but you can turn it up to 11. ", Lori began to rub her hand in a circular motion across Lincoln's back. Lincoln: Heh, you know what they say! The two make it to the beachwhere there isa lot of people. Lincoln wraps his arms around Lori. Lori: It's alright Lincoln. Lincoln: Yes, Lori? ", Lori: "It's okay. Lynn Sr.: "Lori, your mother and I are very proud of you. Mom and Dad put me in charge while they on vacation. You have nothing to worry about. Lori give Lincoln a cute smile. You're coming with me.". Working together, the siblings score a few times, but are still having fun. I mean, Mom and Dad hasn't gone out yet since, but i'm hoping that Lori sticks to her promise and doesn't always say no to us. And never come back! have been thinking about it and we decided that we need some time to ourselves, so we're gonna be going to a hotel for the weekend. "If the others hear about this, they'll all want to get in on it. Lori: Why not? When he bent down to pick you up, you grabbed onto my shirt and cried, 'Mama! He then drops his stuff and helps Lori up and help her get upstairs. Lori had moved back in after her fiancee cheated on her, Leni had gotten roped into a cult then a pyramid scheme then did some shady politics in Brazil and was now legally barred from leaving the house without .