Teresa is now making her mark as a mentor and full-time public speaker, continuing to focus on the two areas of pageantry that she initially fell in love with: continued personal growth and development and being able to reach and impact other people. Photo: White Collar Glam. Photo: CNN. In the end, it could save their life.. We are here to walk you through the process, and when were done you should be feeling a lot clearer about the direction that you want to go in. Whether its collecting books or decorating craft butterflies for patients, Kendra insists that Healing Hearts has a place for everyone. There is nothing wrong with getting help. Mrs. International 2013 Amy Gregorio found her passion and platform as a CASA, or Court Appointed Special Advocate. No, it is just one of those mornings where I am just in awe with life and miracles. Once she arrives at the location, she then organizes all of the different service stations that people use once they show up. Your love of animals is also highly marketable, whether you realize it or not. It's no secret that pageant girls love to give back. Part of your job if you win the pageant, is being responsible for attracting new contestants, potential sponsors and business partners. In this paragraph, you should talk about how you have pursued your platform and how you have begun to tackle the issue your championing. In addition to being an active Dress for Success volunteer, Cheslie authors a fascinating blog, White Collar Glam, that provides modern corporate fashion inspiration and work related resources for women. Pageant Planet - that's right. Then, she arranged for all of the proceeds to go directly to benefit The Childrens Miracle Network. Cheslies pageant platform had its early beginnings when she was still in college. And, many of those titleholders decided to combine their love of the arts with education. Competing in pageants is more than just being a beautiful face, its about being a representative for your community and having a platform can help you achieve just that. Having a pageant platform is also the perfect way to increase your marketability to the judges to ensure that you stand out amongst the dozens of contestants. When pageant girls hear that they should be promoting their platform in some way, often times they get very anxious about the idea because they think that it means that they have to do something that is uncomfortable for them, or out of their area of experience or expertise. Back Chat: Miss Utah USA, Rachel Slawson, on Mental Wellness. And, if your platform is not the kind of cause that they can get involved with and expand on at a national or international level, then they likely will not choose you as their queen. Currently, Rachel is the international spokesperson for the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD) at the University of South Florida and was recently elected to their executive board of directors. When you take these ways of thinking into consideration, it becomes easier to create a platform that speaks to you! Creating a platform with an emotional tie to you. Kaylee Carlberg has three pageant crowns, a job helping people, a deep love of animals and bipolar disorder. Kendras main focus with Healing Hearts is to use literacy as one of the mechanisms to achieve her goal of touching others. Just get yourself out there! Boosted confidence. Everyone either has a cause or has heard a story that pulls on your heartstrings and makes you want to help as much as humanly possible. And at first glance, this year's winner - Sophia Ng - has all the hallmarks of a typical pageant queen. Photo: Pinterest. Kryst's tragic death reminded me of my pageant experience and conversations with my . With the recent deaths of beloved pageant competitors, many within the community are reeling and wanting to shed light on the larger, global mental health crisis.. Jennifer Lloyd, who is well . The reason that you think this is because you had dyslexia when you were a child, and you could not read well until your problem was diagnosed. I was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease at the age of 56,in Jan of this year. Her Platform: Mental health awareness Crystal is passionate . Why not create your own brand of healthy dog or cat treats in your kitchen? However, it needs to be customized so that it looks like it was made for you as well. What specific ideas do you have for how people can combat the problem of bullying and become a kinder, more accepting society? Arika Burton states, "Becoming Mrs. DC America is an honor, and I am appreciative of the opportunity to reach a wider audience with my platform of raising awareness for financial literacy. But, if you have been competing for a bit, youve got a solid platform that youre committed to, and you now have the desire to win at a higher level, then you need to pay attention. The business world is ripe with platform ideas, especially if your career goals or line of work coincide in some way with your cause. And, they have increased the percentage of the talent score, so talent has become an even more prominent feature to that competition. 5. Your platform is your cause or mission, not the name of the charity affiliated with your cause or mission. Writing a pageant platform may seem like a tremendous amount of work, but the next section covers exactly how you want to write your platform essay and what you can include to differentiate your essay from the next! They provide professional clothing, mentoring and life-skills to help low-income men get the clothing and toiletries they need for job interviews. There is nothing wrong with having an anti-bullying platform, if that is what you feel drawn to. Your focus should be learning the ropes of pageantry, finding a platform that you can really get excited about and finding a way to volunteer in your community or express that platform in some way. Life Clarity; Camera Confidence; Awards & Media; Blog . Therefore, you are more likely to work hard in your cause, not only because you do not want to let your family member down, but also because you have seen them struggle throughout their life. Are you educating people about the history of the Red Cross? As her story was covered by the local news, Nel-Peters received requests from other women to share the experience. This is your time to speak about all of the fundraisers, events, and charity work you have done to further your platform. She answered: "I think a pageant like Miss Universe gives us young women a platform to foray in the fields that we want, be it entrepreneurship, be it the armed forces, be it politics. Published Mon, April 25, 2022. ", Lauren says that her main objective is to remind all that have struggled and that are currently struggling with eating disorders that, "There is a beautiful life after recovery," and that individuals of any size can feel confident enough in their own skin to pursue any dream imaginable. Shree has held many titles in the years that she has been involved in pageantry. All of these aspects of your platform should mesh well together, and make it easier for the pageant judges to understand what youre all about. Other child-related topics include fighting . Now, that weve got that cleared up. . Drawing on our experience and that of others, we offer five considerations that mental-health-care providers, insurers, or employers should bear in mind as they embark on developing pay-for . One point that we must clear up before we go any further is something that so many people get confused about, and if you dont get this part right, you will end up looking like an amateur. Life Clarity; Camera Confidence; Awards & Media; Blog; Contact; pageant platform mental health. Pageant systems and their connection to medical charities. According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, A total of 552,830 people were experiencing homelessness on a single night in 2018. Their singular mission is saving lives so we dont lose our future generation. Kendra Hale has been involved in pageants for many years and most recently held the title of 2018-2019 National American Miss. Nia spoke throughout her reign about the positive impact that the sport has had on her life and she credits taekwondo with much of her success, gifting her with discipline and self-control. Like I said in point 1 pageants really do boost your confidence it might be scary before you go out on stage but knowing you walked in 5-inch heels in an evening dress without falling off stage is truly empowering. The problems and disorders under the umbrella of mental health are varied and include everything from suicide awareness to eating disorders. Although the pageant essay is not imperative for some systems, like Miss Earth USA or Miss USA, it is imperative for systems such as Miss America and Miss Teen, creating an essay is a great exercise for all contestants to ensure that they know the direction that they want to go in for their platform. Do you find yourself helping them on a day to day, hour to hour basis in fighting their situation? The way pageant platforms are implemented can take on many shapes and forms, but its all up to you on how you want your year as a contestant or a titleholder to be. Photo:Associated Press. Public and private events and ideas that can help you raise money for your platform. (7) Certain personality traits are more closely associated with mental pathology and eating disorders. If you have a unique platformnot included here, please email us at [emailprotected] so we can include it here! This charity does for men what Dress for Success does for women. But, the great news is that there are thousands of organizations and foundations around the world that exist to educate, support and lift up those who are affected by them. The Miss America organization is no longer considered a pageant, but they still offer contestants the opportunity to earn scholarship awards to fund their education. Pageant Planet, Inc Becoming a contestant or a titleholder for a pageant gives you a stage to stand on to bring a certain cause or issue to light. Those kinds of activities are definitely a type of promotion, but they are not all that effective and they can be downright annoying or perhaps illegal if youre disturbing the peace or breaking a law. GMHC is a not-for-profit, volunteer-supported and community-based organization committed to leading the fight against AIDS on a national platform. The theme sets a number of goals towards achieving this: * Connect: Develop your relationships with friends, family, colleagues, and neighbours as these connections support you and enrich your life. What an incredible way to think outside the box and use your platform to benefit the pageant that you are representing! Candy Lightner learned from a policeman that drunk driving was rarely prosecuted harshly, and that the driver who hit Cari, (who had a record of arrests for intoxication, and had in fact been arrested on another hit-and-run drunk-driving charge less than a week earlier) was unlikely to spend significant time behind bars. You must be absolutely excited, passionate and sold out regarding your platform and your purpose as you understand it, otherwise raising money will feel like a grind. Youre going to be spending a lot of time with your platform, years perhaps. A new international beauty pageant called Miss Gem Africa has emerged to create a platform that raises awareness about mental health and entrepreneurship issues. You could even make money reading to sick or elderly people who only understand Spanish. Then, in 2016, Cheslie won the Rock the Runway design competition, a fundraiser sponsored by Goodwill. There is also a charity called, Career Gear. A good platform is something that comes out from you, so to speak, naturally and easily. I feel a very strong connection and desire to serve these counties. In fact, she wants to make it even bigger and turn Unbreakable into a foundation where she could work with safe havens to bring the empowerment workshops to the women they serve. Who do they know? But taekwondo is not simply a mental and physical exercise regimen for Nia. How many people out there would love to hire you to help them clean and organize their home or office? Her personal experience and the deep pain that it caused, became the inspiration behind choosing her platform. In our modern society, these issues are so prevalent that most everyone can say that they know someone who has struggled with one of these issues at one time or another. It makes me miss my dear aunt, Charlotte Sheffield, former Miss USA, Miss Utah USA and Days of '47 Queen. Choosing the right pageant platform is integral to how you can market yourself and begin to make a true difference in your community throughout your time as a contender for the title that you are pursuing. Advocating for mental health. This is especially effective if you have just won a new title. How do I choose the right pageant platform for me? Kira worked alongside the organization, Safe Horizon and started her own movement, Put the Nail In It utilizing the hash tag, #putthenailinit. by . (Recognize, Engage, Accept, Lead, Inspire, and Teach Youth), to bring awareness to service . Cheslies obviously enamored the judges at Miss USA, and she consistently demonstrates that todays pageant queen can be a titleholder who is relevant and relatable, while still being a whole bunch of fun! Is your thing finding families for the homeless cuties in animal shelters? Your platform could be centered around how a family members condition has forced you to become a stronger person for them. It really should not be something that you put on at all! Lily started a non-profit called, The Smize Foundation, which is a nonprofit corporation that connects high school students with local food banks to provide donations, volunteer opportunities and awareness of community outreach. In general, when you are trying to think of what you can do to make money for your platform, try to stay as true to yourself as possible. Creating the perfect pageant platform consists of three different types of thinking: how strongly do you feel about your cause, what actions can you take to make your community aware of this cause, and what about it makes you a memorable contestant. Unfortunately, this problem does not appear to be going away any time soon, and more and more contestants are choosing to address the issue of homelessness as their pageant platform. The pageant platform essay should encase topics like, how you created your platform, what caused you to choose this specific platform, how you have advocated for it, and how you will continue to advocate for it. Its always a good idea to find a specific niche with regard to a popular platform subject like bullying. The good news is that there are also tons of organizations around the world that are centered on helping, caring for and saving our animal friends, so its very easy to locate other people who have the same priorities that you do. We want to nail down the things where you excel, that you also happen to like doing. In the sections below, we will take the time to illustrate these sections of your essay as well as what tone your writing should take on when you talk about your platform. So, in this case, there are a couple of ways that you could drill this platform down to a more personal level. As long as you stay true to who you are as a person and have your platform take center stage, you will write an amazing essay! You want to be able to set yourself apart, and show that you are an individual.That way you can really personalize it in a way that makes it unique and attention getting. Home; My Story; Courses. If during the competition you never have a chance to speak about your platform, the essay needs to cover every single thing about your platform so that the judges have a semblance of what you have stood for thus far in your pageant journey. Young women are often comparing themselves against the accomplishments or achievements of others, she explains. Solve a Rubik's Cube or a jigsaw puzzle, read challenging books, or even learn a new language. Photo Miss Global. The best way to think about and brand your platform, by the way, is to identify your platform by a sentence or statement. They often do this to because the charity and the pageant have a business partnership, and the charity promotes and supports the pageant, among other things in exchange for donations and advertising. For example, you may want to help children who are growing up in poverty, like our current Miss Universe 2018, Catriona Gray does. My role models are my Mom, my aunts and other family members. I feel like I have a voice, I have a platform. Are you kidding! A platform does not have to be widely known or super popular to have that kind of presence; it just has to have enough people involved and have a global network in place. In contrast, pageants seem to instill messages like "I should be flawless," "I have to be thin . The answer to each question becomes a paragraph in your essay. After winning Miss Universe, Nel-Peters used her title to expand the Unbreakable platform internationally. The main part of the pageant for her was to use the experience as a platform to promote her mental health-based project. Just ask them what they think that you are really gifted at. Have you had a traumatic experience as a result of someone treating you badly? In fact, there are entire pageant systems established around the idea of ending the war on violence, such as, Miss Grand International. Healthy self-esteem includes the internalized messages "I am good" and "I am enough.". An example might be that you know that you want your platform to be centered on literacy. Your platform does not have to be limited to one organization or one area of concern. Miss Universe 2017 Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters. Nia is quite a remarkable woman in many ways; she is incredibly stunning, intelligent and an eloquent speaker. No, it's not because I couldn't sleep, or even the reverse, that I was just so anxious to start the day. folder_open . . It is also a martial art that teaches self-defense techniques, and that point was a major one for Nia, as she believes that women should have the skills to defend themselves. But, she is most impressive when she is breaking boards and doing her thing, notably being a fifth degree black belt in taekwondo, which she began practicing when she was just 8 years old. That support system kept her from falling victim to some of the issues young women succumb to who dont have such a strong family unit. Miss Dominican Republic 2015, Clarissa Molina. 2005 May-Jun;13(3):291-301. doi: 10.1080/10640260590932896. Miss Utah's Outstanding Teen 2020 and 2021, Charlee Sorensen, introduces the Miss Utah's Outstanding Teen 2022 competition at the Covey Center for the Arts in Provo. If youre interested in finding out more about the cause of Autism, there are organizations like Autism Speaks, the Autism Society of America and Autism Outreach Inc. that would love to get you involved. If your platform is affiliated with a nationwide organization or has an international presence, then it is one that you can grow with and market easily. Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray in the slums of Tondo. Sarah Schulz. But, please dont stress out over it. Even if your platform is about another cause that another contestant champions as well, it is all about how you speak about your platform and work towards ensuring that the issue that you want to be solved will one day be solved that can differentiate you from others. Photo: Creative Sparks Imagery. She literally works every single day from 9:00 in the morning until 1:00 in the afternoon packing up donations, sorting food and supplies, then delivering all of it to the park where she serves the homeless and other people who come to get fed. Exercise your mental fitness! She shows up. Although she passed on the crown to a new Miss Universe, Demi-Leigh has no plans on giving up on her Unbreakable initiative. Together we raised over 1700 last year. We cover other topics such as interview techniques, fashion, beauty and modeling. Depending on what your platform is and what your goals are with regard to it, you can communicate about it in other ways too. She is a member of the International Thespian Honor Society and is an honor student and vocalist who loves to sing opera. Some of the platform topics related to business, just to name a few, are women mentoring women, entrepreneurship and philanthropy. Choosing to look for issues in your community and talking to those affected by the issue you choose (homelessness, poverty, gun violence, or any other major issue) can help you to figure out ways to best serve those in your community. Created by the Office of Crisis Services & Suicide Prevention, this training equips staff members with tools and resources to ultimately save lives within the workplace and beyond. Some people have the gift of gab, naturally, and those folks make it look easy. Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray visiting a child with a cleft lip. pageant platform mental health. Generally speaking, there are as many potential pageant platform ideas as there are people on the planet, as well as human experiences and experiences that motivate us. Platforms are a particular cause or program you choose to promote as part of your volunteer work through the pageant. And, while it is extremely sad to think of all these poor souls who are suffering, the plus side is that all of this media coverage is bringing attention to an area that has been severely stigmatized in the past. We believe that it is never too early to educate yourself on the true facts, risks, and diagnostic techniques of breast cancer. Bonnie Lundberg. Prior to these movements, most women were too uncomfortable or ashamed to discuss the topic of sexual abuse so openly, and many certainly felt that it was a risky idea for a pageant platform. Sandy Pentland, If you are competing in a pageant system that has a progressive competition structure where the winner goes on to compete at a state competition, then the national pageant and finally at the international level, then you want to keep in mind that your platform has to be something that can be leveled up.This also applies if you are in a position where you are going to be competing as an at large contestant representing your state, and you will be going directly to a national pageant competition. How have you been able to overcome and get through the difficult aspects of being bullied? Photo: Lily Lloyd Instagram. This number represents 17 out of every 10,000 people in the United States. Another great idea would be to offer to take videos of pageant girls doing mock interviews, especially since you are so comfortable talking to people and you have a natural affinity for journalism.