You always seem to find the most romantic spots, after all! In this scenario, if he says hes just thinking about you, then hell probably want to keep it there. To them, yes means yes, and sure means sure. Hell tell you that he likes the way you eat, dress, laugh, and so on, just to ensure you get the point hes trying to make. Think about what would happen if he just wanted to get back with you because he missed hanging out with you or how much of a mistake it would be if you were wrong about him being in love with you. A . - Sounds good! Welcome to Ask April! Similar to #2, this usually implies hes not willing to put himself out there. If the person remembers things you've said earlier on and is able to reference them as the conversation progresses, Coree Schmitz, professional matchmaker at Tawkify, tells Bustle it's another huge indicator of interest. If he says this on a regular basis, then it means hes really into you and doesnt see himself with any other person except you. 2. I knew I could count on you to find out the best solution. What he means: Im assessing whether you are the one for me. If hes actually thinking about you in a romantic way and wants to be exclusive, then hes likely asking you about your feelings on the matter. "Before the date (or random social encounter) is over, they're already testing the waters by making future plans," Singer tells Bustle. How do you tell if a man is falling for you? When someone is completely focused on you, they'll stay engaged in the conversation. For instance, if you're sharing a story about your cousin who's about to have a baby, they might share how they just went to their first ever baby shower. Sure thing is a way to agree with someones plans or ideas. "@MattWalshBlog I don't agree with what most of this guy says, but this sounds more like if a kid has narcissistic, controlling parents who make it all about them when you try to set your boundaries it's a red flag. Again, sometimes, guys just think about you without a special reason, but that doesnt mean they dont like you! Most women assume this, but what he really means is that he is ready to be in a relationship and hes dating you to see if you are the right woman for him. Guys bomb while flirting with girls for the same reason comedians sometimes bomb on stage; there are stakes involved, and youre required to perform at a certain level in order to gain approval. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. So, if youre a reserved person, a phrase like this one might be a really good way to show excitement without using too much enthusiasm. Thank you for coming to tell me more about it! What isn't so fun,. What he says: Im not ready for a relationship. Frustrated that he doesn't pay you as much attention as he used to? Then he starts dating another woman and before you know it they are engaged. He wants to take you on a date. Check out my blog to find out more! If hes making an effort to impress you, gives you all his attention, and compliments even your imperfections, then its certain that hes falling. If you're closed off, negative, or not fully present, you may squash the romantic spark before it even has a chance to emerge.". Having an app? When a guy says hes thinking about you, you should know that it can be a great sign. If he says something like What you said yesterday really struck a chord with me and Ive been thinking about you ever since, its a little less creepy and actually pretty sweet. It sounds a bit forward, but this is especially common when a guy is shy or doesn't know how else to start a conversation. It means, that he likes the sound of it. Police say it happened at approximately 11:57 a.m. on Friday, March 3, at the 17.4 mile marker on . I need this deciphered. Honestly, when you dont know a guy very well yet and he says hes thinking about you, be wary. They know women read easily into what they say, so theyd rather use simpler terms. "If someone thinks you're special, they'll want to showcase how similar they are to you or how they can empathize with you," Samantha Campbell, professional matchmaker at Tawkify, tells Bustle. While some people are open and direct, most people share their feelings a little more indirectly in the beginning in case the feeling isnt mutual.. But it doesnt mean that I want to get back together with them or even talk to them again. Im glad you found a good solution for us to work with.Best wishes,Harrietta. I probably would have explained it to you, but it would be hard for you to understand it as plainly as I would say it.. However, relationships like this take time to build, making it tough for ladies that are still getting to know someone. I got a new job at the bank. A guy reaching out to you and telling you hes thinking about you could mean exactly that he was reminded of you and felt nostalgic. If a guy tells you this, it means, Im trying my best to understand my problems too. What he means: Its really you. 2. What does it mean. Luckily, were here to help you with that!if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'grammarhow_com-box-3','ezslot_3',105,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-grammarhow_com-box-3-0'); Here are the best synonyms for sounds good: In the rest of the article, well show you how to use these other ways to say sounds good in your emails and messages. I knew I could count on you. Furthermore, fantastic isnt the only adjective we can use for this case either. If youve been arguing about something and your man says hes sorry, hes probably just sick of arguing and would much rather fast forward to the part where you have hot make-up sex. What he means when he say we can be a power pack? And its quirks like these that show that you are, however idiotic, an individual. If you are on a date and his comment is that he thinks about you, then he likely wants to see more of you again soon. Since he's not sure about you either. This is an idiom or a phrase. Plainly speaking, men and women think, reason, and interpret situations quite differently. Fantastic works well when were looking for another word for sounds good. This single-word alternative is a great response to someones suggestion or plan. That sounds really good. But I have no clue how to bring it up without offending you. Thanks for keeping me in the loop with all of this. Think about it like this: when you are in a car full of people and you have to pee really badly, you sometimes hold it until you really cant anymore before asking the driver to pull over to a gas station when you dont want to be an inconvenience. Partly because I feel the punctuation is way overused, but partly because I dont think frequent use coincides with my voice i.e., if I decided to use an exclamation point at the end of this sentence, it would be so weird! "You'll best spot it when you're knee-deep in a story about anything that lights you up," Churma says. One that sounds a lot like English but has subtle nuances that leave you scratching your head. Great! When a guy prioritizes his work-life over his love life, it really means, "I don't have time to invest into anything serious or I'm not willing to make you a part of my life." He only sees you as a friend or friend with benefits and will meet-up only when it's convenient for him. Perfect! If your man says he wants to talk about something later, he definitely does not want to talk about it at that moment. Sounds like youve got it sorted works when someone else has done all the planning for us. . "They'll want to know more about you." If hes not infatuated with you at a time when hes able to release his true inhibitions whilst wistfully chomping down on ranch-soaked pizza, when else would he be? "In today's society where being present in a conversation is one of the hardest things to do, giving a new person full attention during [a conversation] is one of the highest compliments," Schmitz says. One thing it could mean when a guy says you are amazing is that he is trying to make a good impression on you, and likely for platonic reasons. I'm a huge nerd when it comes to understanding how relationships between men and women work, and what drives a certain behavior. A. When a guy says hes thinking about you and it sounds more like a complaint than a compliment, then he is probably talking about his current surroundings. "I don't know." 1.5 5. You see when you break up or simply part ways with someone, and they tell you they are thinking about you, then they most likely miss you a lot. When a guy says hes not interested in anything serious, hes really just looking to have fun and hook up. It makes you wonder whether he actually likes you or not. Texting chemistry is huge. You see, while we often like to read a lot into simple conversations or things, in the end, it is sometimes just as simple as it can get. See his comment as a sign that this has been going on for a lot longer than he cares to admit. This can be confusing, what does it mean when a guy says he thinks about you? Now: does that mean he wants to get back together with you? It's actually pretty important that he does; it's usually a good idea to be as general as possible at first, because the other party needs to know that you are in fact normal before they allow you to be weird. If any of this happens, theres a good chance they might not be into you. Not always. Im happy with that! Sure thing! Do they have a smile on? Moreover, its a good way to show that we are interested in the idea. Inspirational girl wants to say. Thank you for doing all the tricky work so that I didnt have to! When he says hes thinking about you in this context, what he really means is that he is thinking of you right now. While Singer says they might not ask you right then and there, they will make a mention of something fun that the two of you might enjoy together in the future. Though I didnt need much convincing knowing that you would be there! No doubt, dating would be much easier if everyone were more open and honest with their feelings from the very beginning. Maybe he is in need of support and you were the first person he thought of, because you really bring comfort to him. Sometimes, this phrase doesnt sound as enthusiastic as other options, but we can use it to agree with someones plans, nevertheless. What he says: Ive been busy. Required fields are marked *. I knew I could rely on you to find the best price for the trip. I want a break so that you can have the opportunity to call it off. This is one of the things men say, but they really mean they want everything to be over. He may have been seeing this person for a while, but he hasnt had any luck because he wasnt sure how she felt about him. Now, these examples will help you to learn more about it: Im happy with that! For example, if I hear a song that reminds me of someone, Ill often think about that person again and feel nostalgic. Men are quite straightforward, but sometimes, the true meaning of their statements is deeply hidden. However, some people think of it as more of a negative phrase as if you cant think of anything better to do. When a guy says something like that, chances are he wants to talk to you more than anything else. If you want to be exclusive, then you should tell him that you want the same thing. Passive aggressiveness can be in all of us.. but sometimes it is very frustrating when used with a simple arrogant saying. If you are just starting to date, then a guy saying hes thinking about you probably wants to get to know you a lot better. (9 Possible Reasons), Is It Ok To Vent To Your Best Friend About Your Relationship? Whatever the exact reason, its pretty sweet to find out that a guy would rather be with you than do what he is doing, right? Works for me is a confident way to reassure someone that their plans work according to your schedule. This, I believe, is a quirk. If hes thinking about you when hes at work, then he might be wishing he could escape the monotony of his daily routine. What he means: Im not interested. Have you had sex with him? That Looks Good on You Men are notorious for not paying attention to the finer details. Therefore, if youre looking for how to say sounds good professionally, sounds like youve got it sorted should be your go-to synonym. (2017). Im sure you know what youre doing! One of the most common ways a guy will go about this is saying something like Oh I had a really random dream about you last night. If someone thinks why not is a rude phrase that implies you would rather do something else but have nothing better to do, you may end up offending them! For men and women in communication, there are a lot of things guys would say, which women can easily misconstrue. Did you like our article? Advertisement. Sometimes People, men and women do not know how to talk honestly to one another.. And that can surely send such mixed signals to us all.. This will give him the green light to start being more direct about his feelings for you. Login . I would seriously like to show you off to everyone., This simply means, There are other people that I dont want to find out about our relationship. And trust me its true. So Im telling you Im not angry so we can move past things.. This post is meant to be funny, not taken so seriously . Jokes arent always gonna land. My life feels so strange without you, I hope you can come soon. You may also like: Sounds Good, Thanks or Sounds Good Thanks (Comma Rules). [youtube "I'll call you." 1.9 9. You may have heard before that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Sure thing! "I don't care!" 1.2 2. Usually, this one will be pretty clear as this guy will say something like Howve you been? So, go ahead ask him out! After all, sharing your excitement is one of the best ways to help the other person understand youre interested. Whats your relationship with him now?, When guys tell women theyre okay, it means, Im really not okay, but its more honorable to me if I can figure out my problem, rather than allowing you to fix it for me. This phrase may also suggest that a topic is open for more friendly . Works perfectly shows that youve already taken the time to review your own schedule. It actually sounds like a lot of fun! (11 Dos and Dont For The Situation), Why Do Men Use Women? In fact, if you follow James advice, hell only have eyes for you. When a man tells a woman hes begun dating that hes ready for a relationship, he doesnt necessarily mean with her. You wont find them checking their phone or responding to their friend's text while theyre with you. In general, this is useful for people to know because it shows that you shouldnt have a reason to cancel on them when you get closer to the time. Hello there, Think about it: what other reason would he have to suddenly think about you? Im not indirectly talking about your weight. Sorry, I didnt realize you were struggling, but Im more than happy to help! For now, Id rather not talk, so lets talk later., If a guy says this, it means, Im actually concerned about your well-being, and I want to know whats wrong in the most logical way, without you passing off blame to me, or making me feel bad for asking.. What does it mean when a man says he loves you but hes involved and has a live in, I think now that I am older .. that some men will say something that sounds off the subject to just get off the subject. If you dont wear makeup, it means, I think youre really attractive, and the fact that you dont wear makeup only reveals your natural beauty more. If you wear makeup, it means, You actually look good without makeup, and I hope youll wear makeup less., He means, Im very attracted to you at the moment. Do they seem excited or happy? "When a guy says this, it's his way of letting you down gently." He might just be looking at you as a one-night stand type of girl. Holy shit you are dumb. If a guy is truly interested in you, nothing will stop him. Information and translations of sounds good in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. What he is really saying is that he misses your friendship or partnership and the good times you two used to have together. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Make like JoJo and Get Out (Leave). "If your date is interested, you'll get the energy you're giving off. You always seem to find the best places to go to! As it was found, people who shared more laughs together were more likely to say they were romantically interested in each other. But make no mistakes, he doesnt want to talk about it later either. Hes always wanted to be in a position where he could weigh his options. He never gets to weigh his options. Good luck! Apart from that, I dont think there can be anything serious., If a guy says this, it means, Im actually angry but Im doing my best to let it go. Men can say stuff they dont mean at times because they are too logical and sometimes cunning. It is not rude, so you wont offend anyone by using it. But the one who sees you as something special will watch and listen intently "with actual awestruck.". Carole Unter Author has 20.1K answers and 35.1M answer views 3 y How should I respond to "sounds good" after asking her out? In this case, he's trying to be honest and say what he means. Also, I don't know what age he's speaking to. You see, if a guy is thinking about someone, hes generally hoping to get in touch with them in hopes of starting a relationship. The ocean is very deep and youd need an awful lot of lights on it, Is there another wish you could choose? He wants to see if youre willing to go out on a date with him and see where things go. When a guy says this, it means, Im actually done with this relationship, but I dont want to be the one who says it. Its a conversational term that shows you agree with something. If someone's laughing at your jokes when you first meet, it's a good sign. Interact with native speakers around the world. If a guy says hes thinking about you, then hes giving you a heads-up that hes interested in more than friendship. They say they are thinking about you and they mean. 21 Likes, TikTok video from warp103 og (@warp103_og): "Appreciate a good man. He means: I'm about this close to dumping you but I haven't worked . So dont read too much into it. How many lights do you want on this bridge?, If youre a woman reading this, you can simply reverse the gender! 11 "Tony, I am really flattered, but all I truly want is a simple friendship with you. He Wants to Get to Know You Better. As a result, women find men with lower-pitched voices . WOW what a cynical article. What do I do? "They'll look directly into your eyes with a level of intensity that makes your heart aware," relationship expert and author, Cindee Bartholomew, tells Bustle. Just make sure that whatever decision you end up making is something you actually want to do, and not something you just think you want to do. Thanks for calling the office about it. It is used as a reply after someone makes a statement. I actually meant what I said, I just didnt expect you to take it so seriously. Thanks for getting it all sorted. Since my last breakup, I don't really have the energy or interest that is required for a relationship. How Using a Recording Device/App Can Help You Speak Like a Native English Speaker, Learning Slang and Phrasal Verbs to Communicate With Native English Speakers. It could be that he is just lonely, or it could be that he misses your company. Go on with your life and life it the best you can without that person. Do they become flustered? "To me that says, of all the 1,000 things I could be thinking about right now, I prefer to genuinely hear and think about what you have to say.". "I was kidding!" 1.7 7. The best way to take this comment is as a sign that he wants more with you, but hes not ready for a serious commitment. 'Sounds good' may not be the gushy response you were looking for, but it sure as hell beats a no. Moreover, it works well to use great (or other adjectives) to show that we are happy with their decision-making and that their plans work for our schedules. 2 xs the guy Ive been seeing has told his older male friend that he really wishes he could make it work with Y****E (which is me). Maybe he was looking at an old photograph of the two of you together or found an old article you two had written together. I dont realy believe what u said about,when a guy says he wouldnt wanna talk now bt later,I askd my bf a question and he said he ddnt wanna talk then,later in d morning the next day,he brought up that same topic and was ready to answer my what do we have to say about that? If he says this during sex, it means hes probably having the time of his life at that moment. So, if he says something along the lines of Ive been thinking about you then it is a pretty safe bet that this guy wants to see you again soon. Hes probably also texting Ashley. Men sometimes wear their emotions on their sleeves, so itll show when hes actually falling for you. Im looking forward to taking part in the event with you! Okay, sounds good, Tommy! Youre a good friend for doing all of that, Sarah. Thats great! I have this crush and when he said that he would never go out with me I dont know if that is what he really meant it not? The Talladega County Coroner confirmed 70-year-old Allen Cooley was killed when a tree fell on his truck Friday. With up to 41 different phrases men say, with a descriptive explanation of what they mean, youll better understand that guy in your life. Im simply tired and I want to call everything off. This means, Im not even in this relationship anymore, and Im giving you the opportunity to see it. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); my fiance said shut up, stop it, your doing my head in, if i dont answer your always like this. He might be saying hes thinking about you because he wants to be the only person in your life, or because he wants to know that there are no other guys who can take his place in your life. He could fear heartbreak unless you're the first person he's been involved with. Instead of being direct, he would want to know how you feel first, before proceeding to something more serious. Hellboy: The Crooked Man already sounds better than 2019's Hellboy, thanks to its folk-horror vibes and Crank director Brian Taylor's take on Mike Mignola's supernatural hero. "They will often continue to stare at you even after you look away and when you look again at them they will smile again.". Susan. If the guy tells you hes been thinking about you, then he may be remembering the times when you two first met or the moments when you two were really close. Fortunately, dating and relationship experts say there are certain signs you can look out for, from their body language to their reactions to your bucket list items. Whatever it is, they'll try to make connections between what you say and their own experience. Like Example #1: You asked a girl to have some coffee. If someone thinks you're someone special, they'll be curious about you. This phrase is a good way to share our emotions and feelings about someone elses decisions or plans. 27 I'm So Swamped with Work Right Now Pinterest I knew I could count on you to find the right place to go. So by lowering their pitch, males can show their physical dominance in front of their competitors and appear more sexually fit to females. It provides a wide range of handy tools that enables users to improve sound quality and add a precise and simple color grading. Maybe his girlfriend just broke up with him or maybe his mother has just passed away or maybe he just lost his job. This is why there are bound to be misunderstandings in relationships. But if you are careful, then you know that he is feeling down and needs a shoulder to lean on. As Sophy Singer, professional matchmaker at Tawkify, tells Bustle, when someone thinks youre amazing they wont waste time trying to see you again. "Looking forward to it" works both formally and informally as another way to say "sounds good." We can use it to show our enthusiasm for an upcoming event or trip, that someone else might have booked. However, if he notices what you're wearing, it means that he's consciously thinking about how to impress you and make you feel good. He is definitely a heartbreaker. Particularly if that 5% occurs at around 11:30 on a Sunday morning. Freelance writer specializing in holistic health, wellness, and psychology. Approve 7. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. If someone's interested in you, it doesn't matter how long you've already been talking they'll still want more. Many women would ask, what does I want you mean? so i think i'll join you.). He could be at work, at home, or literally anywhere. They were then given a survey to fill out after. If he misses you, he may miss the way your relationship used to be, he may miss your old connection, or he may just miss your company. What he means: Ill call when I have time or when I remember. I cant put them into mere words to explain to you, so its best for me to tell you that nothings wrong, even if it is., If hes asking to go to a party with his friends, it means, Im actually proud to have you, and Id love you to meet with my friends. According to Alyssa Bunn, professional matchmaker at Tawkify, that rings true for first dates. However, it is correct, and you can use it in an informal email. - Do you want to attend to our party this Friday? When a guy is being nice to you, hes generally trying to get closer to you by giving you compliments and making sure youre happy. spark is usually lit when making eye contact. He may not be ready to make a full commitment, but he still wants to see if hes got a shot with you. Im also just hoping that youre pretty normal and youre willing to build something profitable., When a guy says this, it means, I actually cherish what we have together, but I dont picture the two of us being in any romantic situation. It also means, Im not that attracted to you, and I dont want a relationship, but that doesnt mean I dont value our friendship., When he says this, it means, I just want to have fun at the moment, without anything too serious like a relationship. We hear this all the time from women that contact us asking for help with their relationship. I dont know about you, but it happens fairly often to me. I feel a great need to see you but I don't know if the time is right. Laughter has been known to improve relationships. Then him saying he thought of you could mean that he wants to see you again soon! According to couples therapist Ana De La Cruz, LMFT, tells Bustle, We communicate that feeling through different venues, through our eyes, our smiles, our way of walking, our way of moving our hands and of course, our choice of words.. When a guy says he's thinking about you and it sounds more like a complaint than a compliment, then he is probably talking about his current surroundings. The thing is, if you want it to happen sooner, you can encourage him by flirting back and saying things like Im thinking about you, too. Or, sometimes, we find out that the relationship wasnt as good as we thought it was and so we decide that it is for the best to move on. Im simply admiring how you eat.. You want to come across as enthusiastic and excited; otherwise, you might upset the person who organized it. OR "Sure, that sounds great.". This one goes left then right then left again, salting the wound. But if that weirdness threshold is never crossed? Im excited about it! Compliments are known to do that, after all. Respect, Honor and cherish him. When a guy says youre a great person, it means he actually cherishes the type of person you are. What he means: Im not interested in dating you. I may not be able to tell you in plain words, but I hope you get the message from my little statement. or I would really love to have sex with you., When a guy says this, it means, Im sorry.