Now this is how these two look in the portal: Lets navigate to the sys_choice table. + emptyVars[i] + "\", false);"; The topic is Introduction to Record Producer in ServiceNow. Ill see if I can recreate the second problem Im having and submit one for that too. if (v == && v.getGlideObject().getQuestion().type != 11 && v.getGlideObject().getQuestion().type != 19 && v.getGlideObject().getQuestion().type != 20 || (v.getGlideObject().getQuestion().type == 7 && v.getGlideObject().getValue() == false)) { Why are Suriname, Belize, and Guinea-Bissau classified as "Small Island Developing States"? The only issue I have is that it only seems to be working for admin users. Sign-up to get the latest news and update information from ServiceNow Guru! Thanks for the feedback. g_scratchpad.emptyVars = emptyVars.join(,); Alright now this should be functioning. This tool allows you to populate variables on a catalog item or record producer automatically, by simply using a custom URL. That is bizarre i set it up on demo site 15 with the same results on what our code is. My only remaining issue is hiding the variable set title if all variables are hidden. I collapsed your scripts into a single one (since onLoad and onChange are very similar) and modified it a bit for consistency with the ones above. This is just for standard forms. = color; I am trying to push some of the field labels into another field, field name(column name) is working fine but unable to print field label. Seems to be something with the setDisplay function. In that case, you cant simply modify the label record because youve got a narrower scope within that table that you need to work with. Variables belong to global application so script is accessing on global then it worked. I've updated the article. We will look into the following topics in this tutorial 1. I get the value with g_form.getValue(variables.city2) and setVisible is working for the variables. Im wondering how I would make the required asterisk show on the field? producer.redirect =; The CMS is different because of the way it handles frames. Youll need to contact SN support for a solution on that. I think the best you could do would be to wrap your UI macro code in a specific div with a specific ID each time. Ive done some testing with it to see if I could fix it, but it looks like its not a simple workaround. Is a collection of years plural or singular? In second way I am getting undefined and in the first way script is not getting processed further without giving an error. Preview. From the ServiceNow Wiki, here is some documentation to read before you start . is just going to return the string value of whatever field you're asking for. This functionality should be a user configurable property setting in Service Now. How would you go about changing a catalog variable label on a catalog task? We had to take Calgary Patch 3 to resolve this issue. However, it doesnt seem to work with containers that are set to be two columns wide. Love this functionality. Copying variables into the Description field provides a way to search on and parse through information from catalog item or record producer variables. Client-side gets them via g_form.getValue ("field_name"); Server-side gets them via ritmGlideRecord.variables.field_name (or for dynamic field name, ritmGlideRecord.variables [fieldName]). More customization options are available. servicenow catalog variable types. } It depends completely on how you use it to solve the problem at hand. I sourced my Business Rule from a different blog but took some inspiration from your idea to hide false checkboxes (type = 7) Here is the script of my BR: hideEmptyFields(); Awesome! I have a record producer where I modified the labels with a catalog client script as you explained above. id); We are using the Summary of Requested Items mail script from the wiki. I have tried the setDisplay option as well as getControl(element name).hide() (in firefox) or getControl(element name).style.display = hidden in IE. .. your suggestion worked perfectly! The difference between the phonemes /p/ and /b/ in Japanese. With a client script you can target any field on the form and modify its label. Is there a way to achieve the same inspection results of the variables without the use of the eval() function? Check out Vividcharts:\u0026utm_medium=sntoolbox\u0026utm_campaign=allaboutvars Power your ServiceNow work with Groundshark Coffee. Record producers in Service-nowallow users to create records on any table directly from the Service catalog interface. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. That might just do the job.. It looks like the macro has a name and id something like #container_1c5e30ba2b3bc980b379a59419da15eb, but setting that via setdisplay also doesnt work. current.u_record_producer = cat_item.sys_id; Thanks James! // Only run eval() function once to avoid recursive loop Fortunately, I previously had a solution that worked just as well, and is compatible with service portal. Non-admins can still see all the empty variables. Ive modified this a bit to hide variables, labels, containers and UI pages that are not set to Global. After we made some base categories lets make some matching subcategories. Thats handled in the else statement in the business rule script above. Is it possible to change the table label using something similar? Disregard my inquiry I was able to fix the issue by shifting my title from the Variable Set to a Container Start, and then marking the container start as not global. What [] SetDisplay should work on forms for variables. Sorted by: 1. This has been really helpful. Is it possible to rotate a window 90 degrees if it has the same length and width? You did such an amazing job. Is it possible to relabel the first annotation/separator that typically would share the same name as the tab caption? Thanks Harry. Getting the following error: ERROR: CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW WITH DATA cannot be executed from a function. ServiceNow: Using Variable Condition field on custom tables. That should be just what you need. I got your initial script to work changing a variable label on a catalog item. You can try out this report, however you will quickly see that sys_ids are used in the table and the report isn't overly that valuable. I would like to be able to still use the variable set but change the label. I checked all other client scripts running on incident and task and nothing looks like it would cause a conflict. The service creator-created record producer puts it at the beginning of the short description, but this solution gives us an actual field, very nice! g_form.setDisplay(variables., false); doesnt work anymore as referenced on this wiki article: Ex: *2 .getDisplayValue()DOCSMRVS.getCellDisplayValue()DOCSVariable.getDisplayValue()DOCS.getDisplayValue()GlideRecord, Variable(Label)(DisplayValue), Variable(Label)(DisplayValue)Variable(Name)(Value)API, GlideRecord.getLabel().getName().getDisplayValue().getValue()MRVS.getName()undefined, MRVSDOCS, ReferenceList collectorAttachmentChoice, ITSaaS.IT.. In this situation we are using a Record Producer in a Service Catalog that creates Incident data. . You can also view the icons within. I need to underline my text as well. We applied the Hotfixes on QA to 04_25_2012_1204 last week and ever since we applied the patch I can no longer run the BR It hangs all browsers and says due to long running script that the page wont load. Worked like a charm! Then you can invoke the function from any form with a single line. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This was super helpful for a form Im building. ERROR at line 3: Expected ) to match ( from line 3 and instead saw ;. You would need to add variables to your record producer and populate your new record with these. The nature of simulating nature: A Q&A with IBM Quantum researcher Dr. Jamie We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. We are using Istanbul Patch 3 . Modifying the Label of Form Fields With Client Scripts, //Change the description label to 'My New Label' with bold red text, // gaining control of the variable in question with calling the getControl function and selecting the label, // In this area you can adjust all of the css related styles, //left element id = validate_select_0_title_row, //right element id = validate_select_1_title_row, Bringing the Update Set Picker back from the UI14 Gear Menu, Send a Knowledge Link when Attaching Knowledge, Collapse Navigation and Header Frames via Script, Application Portfolio Management (APM) assessment challenges, Knowledge Translation using Localization Framework and Azure, Localization framework fulfillment (LP, LRITM, LFTASK), Thanks! Ive just figured it out with some hints from your other post. I tried just using the variable set field name and no joy. Using Static Choice Input Variables. producerVars.addQuery(table_sys_id, current.sys_id); Since 2009, ServiceNow Guru has been THE go-to source of ServiceNow technical content and knowledge for all ServiceNow professionals. Hi All, Welcome back. As explained above, the key to making this work is a display business rule. We want to test that our qualifier works. Unchecked check box variables actually have a value of false. Specifically approval requests. scriptCode += "g_form.setDisplay(\"variables." How do I align things in the following tabular environment? Thanks for your post on this!! //If a variable pool exists then collect empty variable names, //Query for the empty variables for this record, //Catalog item and task variables pull from 'sc_item_option_mtom' table, //Add variable names to the emptyVars array, //All other variables pulled from 'question_answer' table, //Hide all empty variables using the scratchpad object passed from 'Hide Empty Variables' business rule, //Exclude any variables whose value matches their default value, //Include variables not defined as global, //This is for labels, containers and UI pages, Adding Icons to UI Action Buttons in ServiceNow, Granular Control of Form Tab Toggle Behavior via Client Scripts, Prevent Redundant Approval Requests in ServiceNow,,, Application Portfolio Management (APM) assessment challenges, Knowledge Translation using Localization Framework and Azure, Localization framework fulfillment (LP, LRITM, LFTASK), Thanks! . Form is normal . Check out the prototype API for more details. If youre going to K12 I could take a look at it in person. It would be nice to not include those that are empty. When trying to apply it to the task generated by this particular item in an onLoad CS, i can not get it to work. Heres a script that allows you to do that. Variables have come a long way since the early days of ServiceNow. Technically talking, both have different setup and architecture. How do I find what Element I need to change when it is part of a variable container? I know you can set a label by configuring the list control, BUT is it possible to have the same related list (relationship) on 2 different views (of the same table) and have them labelled differently? Whether you're a new admin or a seasoned consultant, you're guaranteed to find quality solutions that will aid you in your ServiceNow journey! Ive seen this done before. Just curious, where did you find gs.action.getGlideURI().getMap() this method documented on Wiki. You have to address it for each item or variable set and continue to update and modify for each variable you add. The issue was a dom reference in the make variables read only client script. You can also view the icons within. Record producers provide an alternative way to create records through the service catalogue. Over the years Ive worked with ServiceNow, Ive seen several requests to be able to report on or identify the record producer used to create a particular record. If you put this as a business rule, itll pick up what you submit using the sysparm_action parameter in the glideuri map. /* Join the variable values together into a string */ So you can get the sys_id of the record producer very easily using cat_item.sys_id / servicenow catalog variable types. One thing to watch out for are any fields that are still marked as mandatory, if the fields get hidden by the client script, the record may not be able to be modified. = color; Because it wouldnt work in the popup anyway, we might as well cut down on the processing in that scenario. An IFrame with buster set to true will continue to expand the Firefox scroll bar (FF v49.01). Build like you mean it!! Keep it up. You can store the reference field value in any field type, but I think a reference field is best. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, How to get Form's field values in ServiceNow Workflow Run Script, How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability. Check out my updated script above. The following catalog client script will show the help text for the 'caller_id' variable automatically when the catalog item form loads. Is it a known issue or I have to do something else. Thanks in advance. As soon as you mention SNGuru theyll try to tell you its unsupportedeven though the issue has nothing to do with SNGuru :). Our Recruiting team is 100% certified by the AIRS Certified Diversity and Inclusion Recruiter course. New post: Application Portfolio Management (APM) assessment challenges, New post: Knowledge Translation using Localization Framework and Azure, New post: Localization framework fulfillment (LP, LRITM, LFTASK) Heres the modified version of the script, if anyone is interested: Thanks so much, this saved me so much time!
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